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Good and Evil?


Freak of Nature
To look at a rose, is good. To pick a rose could be 'evil'. By picking the rose, will course death to the rose. Yet if i give the rose to a friend. Isn't this good?
HAHA great example. Weve allready been picked and no amount of feeding and watering is going to stop its result. Its our time to flower and make the best of it. :) BTW watch out for those thorns HAHA :p


Good and evil is nothing more than the yin and yan of push and pull in the universe.

The difference between acceleration and velocity or cos 60=sine60?
There has to be flow....otherwise we stagnate.

Biblical prophesis talk about the difference of good and evil.

It appears that the more primative that we are, the more evil we generate?
If the process of spirit is develop itself, then we need to purify the good.

We develop and remove the evil to get to spiritual happiness.

In the spirit realm...there is no such thing as real evil. Failure just means that a soul is not ready. There is no failure because you cannot achieve what is not gained.

Nor can you whiten all water with the same amount of bleach.

Good is godliness and ahesion to spiritual strength. The ultimate in knowing that there is no other path but the correct one.


What is good and what is evil? Do these two 'forces' exist at all, or are they simply concepts dependent upon the subjective experiences of man? What is good for one may not be good for another, and the opposite is true for evil. How then do we identify and express the specific and distinguishing qualities between the two?

I agree that "good and evil" are subjective moral judgements we make referring to what other people do or not do.


The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
IMHO, Good is the lack of evil.

Think about it. It is better to have a lack of evil than some evil. Better= Good by definition.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
To me good and evil do not actually exist, or at least, evil does not. What we call evil is often not evil, but from our limited perspective it seems so. We view destruction as evil, but destruction usually has a good outcome in the end.

We affix good and evil to things so that we can show people the things they shouldn't do like hurt one another. If they understood the truth they would not want to hurt each other. Good and evil become necessary terms because of their ignorance.
The darkness is not separate from God, but rather separated itself from God's light.
Nothing can exist without God's knowledge, and allowance. However, He gave us all free will. We have the will to be in the light, or stay in the dark.
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New Member
I suppose it is common to see good and evil as opposites. However, (from a theistic perspective) if God created the universe good, then there is no evil. There are only consequences, cause and effect, events which we label good or evil depending on our perspective. I don't want to oversimplify this, but its all good from a universal perspective.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Yes nathandave, I consider 'good from a universal perspective' as a transcendent unconditional good, rather than just one or other perceived relative aspect of the dualistic complementary opposite 'good/evil' pair. In the same way in Taoism, the Tao transcends the apparent complementary opposite ying/yang pair.


Well-Known Member
Man, all you happy hippies; need some Dark Lord of the Sith, put yer planets back into alignment, get yer feet back on the ground...

The universe began with a bang, clock's been ticking; so there's your fundamental reality. Positive, forward direction - good. Then there's negative, backward direction - evil. But more like matter and antimatter. There is no balance of opposites; there is more like an imbalance of effect, leading forward. Good is like a large white ball, evil is like a small dark marble... there is more good, but evil is more effective...

And these things are scalable, differing contexts at different degrees; it is not a simple matter of morality as of, spin...

If you go easy and take it slow, you can expect a good result; but if you rush it with a shove, the whole thing may fall on your head. But you may get done quicker, or not at all.

In this manner; use of the light produces right, use of dark, discord.

What is not good about giving alms? Creation of a financial underclass. Appeasing the guilt of the donors as thoughtless rote rather than meaningful redemption.

What is not good about life? Cancer. Marburg.

What is good about killing? Protection of family. Self-defense.

What is good about pain? Growth. experience.

There is no certainty, there is probability. As in reality. There is no isolation of opposites to produce a sure thing. There is no catastrophic collapse that can be total. And you are never going to shake all of the bad apples from the family tree.
What is good and what is evil? Do these two 'forces' exist at all, or are they simply concepts dependent upon the subjective experiences of man? What is good for one may not be good for another, and the opposite is true for evil. How then do we identify and express the specific and distinguishing qualities between the two?

Many people today suggest that good and evil are mutually interdependent -- that you can't have one without the other, that you can't know what one is without the other. This is essentially the position that there is no such thing as good or evil, that it's all a matter of perspective.

This position is fatuous in the extreme. Try making this case to mothers who give birth in North Korean concentration camps whose newborn infants are used, while still alive, as soccer balls by the camp guards, or to the relatives of the six million Jews killed by Hitler in WW2. Try making it to the millions slaughtered by Stalin and Mao.

Most people who live in the real world, rather than in the ivory towers of cyberspace, know that good and evil exist and are different from one another. This fact is so obvious to most of us that when people pretend it isn't so one has to wonder how much effort it took for them to embrace such denial and, even more important, what their motivation could possibly have been. As to this latter question, I have some idea.

If there is such a thing as good that exists independently from evil, then that becomes an absolute, a standard; and the existence of a standard necessarily implies personal responsibility -- and that is the last thing that our culture of perpetual adolescence wants to acknowledge. Furthermore, it is but a short distance to the idea of divinity, not measuring up, guilt, shame and consequences, none of which are any more attractive to free-wheeling self-gratification than is the notion of personal responsibility. Why not avoid it all by denying the existence of absolutes from the get-go? Then everyone can do whatever they want and no one can legitimately criticize.

Except the real world doesn't work that way, and sooner or later the people who embrace this silliness are going to find it out. You can't deny reality forever; eventually, it comes crashing down on you whether you "believe" in it or not.

It should be obvious from my self-description that I am not a member of an Abrahamic religion. I don't believe in hell or eternal damnation. I do, however, believe in good and evil, which are as obviously real and distinct to me as these facts are to most of the rest of humanity. What are they? The answer is surprisingly simple.

If you start with the assumption that life has meaning, then that means your life has a purpose. "Good" can be thought of as describing actions that further that purpose, while "evil" can be thought of as describing actions that frustrate that purpose. Note that this is based, not upon what you want your purpose to be, but what it actually is -- your "true" purpose, if you will. Most of us have only a dim idea of that, if we have one at all. Many of the world's religions are based on notions of that purpose, and how to fulfill it, as they have come to various prophets, seers and wise men throughout history. More than one has characterized that purpose broadly as "Love," which is the one I also subscribe to.

But, however you characterize it, good and evil can be understood in terms of their furtherance and frustration, respectively, of your purpose in life. Or, as the previous poster said:

The universe began with a bang, clock's been ticking; so there's your fundamental reality. Positive, forward direction - good. Then there's negative, backward direction - evil. ... There is no balance of opposites...
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Outstanding Member
Tom Terrific said:
Most people who live in the real world, rather than in the ivory towers of cyberspace, know that good and evil exist and are different from one another. This fact is so obvious to most of us that when people pretend it isn't so one has to wonder how much effort it took for them to embrace such denial and, even more important, what their motivation could possibly have been.

Epic epicness. :)


Left Hand Path
What is good and what is evil?

I'd say it's a label used to define something that someone likes or dislikes. Mainly for people to accept and conform to, perhaps more easily for scapegoating.

Do these two 'forces' exist at all, or are they simply concepts dependent upon the subjective experiences of man?

I'd say your right on, life is subjective, though solipsism is something that should rarely be used for a practical debate. It's one of those things that should be kept yourself, less you want to attract that sort of attention.

Realistically they are just fabricated human concepts, like everything else. Though people that commit misanthropic acts, or acts that go against the "common" good, would most likely be considered "evil", so in a metaphysical reality it exists and it doesn't. It all depends on what is "common" and "accepted".

What is good for one may not be good for another, and the opposite is true for evil. How then do we identify and express the specific and distinguishing qualities between the two?

Well most people would agree that there is certain common grounds on what is "good" and what is "evil", but like you said, one man's trash is another man's garbage and is solely dependent upon one's views.
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Free does exist not perhaps on the basis of bringing space and time to a totality. However when you consider your will to either go to sleep, or stay up a little and exercise, it is very real indeed.


Active Member
Good and evil is a consciousness that is expressed in an experiential way.
People say that without evil good would not be known. And this is the experience of individuals and collective groups.

What this means is that every thing needs to experienced either purposely or inadvertently and this includes playing with each others minds or even lives.

Everyone plays with each others feelings or emotions and look what happens. Lets try an experiment. Whoops too much pressure the guys gone mad we have a fight on our hands or will he kill himself taking others with him?

Understanding good and evil is as simple as observing how humans behave now in this modern age. Where will it lead?


Good and evil is a consciousness that is expressed in an experiential way.
People say that without evil good would not be known. And this is the experience of individuals and collective groups.

What this means is that every thing needs to experienced either purposely or inadvertently and this includes playing with each others minds or even lives.

Everyone plays with each others feelings or emotions and look what happens. Lets try an experiment. Whoops too much pressure the guys gone mad we have a fight on our hands or will he kill himself taking others with him?

Understanding good and evil is as simple as observing how humans behave now in this modern age. Where will it lead?

Ok, that was a bit vague. Please clarify


Active Member
Ok, that was a bit vague. Please clarify

Man's consciousness is the driver and reaches into everything that is done. The mind is used to micro organize everything that is done including personality. It is difficult to know how others see us. And we get mixed messages from the variety of people that are interacted with. The way to react is learned and everyone is more or less the same within certain parameters. There may be different cultures but people have to be social at some stage.

If a person is learning there is a certain amount of experimenting to see what sort of a reaction is going to occur. Bit by bit unfortunately most are damaged somewhat in all the exchanges. Everyone realizes their limit and age reduces the ability to hold up against some mentally strong youngster. There are all types as is known but what in their background shaped the person to be say a dictator or a passive downtrodden idividual.
Everyone reacts in different ways.

Man is deeply ingrained to experiment with good and evil. But then it is a question of whose standard is the measure. What is good and what is evil?

Someone may do something perceived as good but that is in their own eyes. It may be self indulgent and have some pay back. Most people like instant gratification so it may just be in an exchange of words between two people.
Evil could be perceived by people not realizing a goal in long term gain. Lack of true justice, schemes to manipulate economies, all manner of situations occur. Even inventions create hardship. Some are acceptable but overall they use up resources and have placed mankind in a precarious situation.

Man seems to make the same mistakes all through history. Wars are started and the masses become the cannon fodder. Economies are made and the poor are the reaping ground.

The older generation begin to learn by mistakes and this is how most things are learned. But a new generation comes through and it is their turn to experiment and learn by making the same mistakes.

All of life is an experiential situation coming out of the deeper consciousness.
The Bible states that when this knowledge of good and evil was set in man's consciousness they were denied access to immortality. God was also hidden from man's sight even though God is close at hand and not far off. God can see man by how we miss the mark and are unable to measure up but we are unable to know Him. But this is God's request to know Him.

Instead of the knowledge of good and evil the request is to have the Knowledge of God. A rebellious nature is as witchcraft, therefore it is man's self empowerment and personal power in projecting a personality into the subconscious of another that hides God. The personality that is seen in someone is being placed in the subconscious of another as they relate with body language, facial expression and voice. There are other clues that come through the senses as well. But there is a familiar mind connection that creates feelings about someone and a response in the emotions. It is all barrier creating for own protection. But the memory holds onto connections and bonding. Every person is bonded in the mind because it is all familiar and similarly placed by life experience.

The standard is set by the ability or lack of it to know God and God is an energizing Spirit. Therefore man is de-energized and is mortal and this also allows the earth forces to oxidizes and degenerate the cells in the body.

Every one is held captive to play out what is seen. Jesus lead captivity captive and there is now a way to get beyond the human consciousness, the Knowledge of good and evil, the kingdom of Satan and enter the kingdom of God. Satan could be an adjective or verb describing the interaction between peoples personalities. It is escaping this and having an open gentle heart with out all the encumbrances. God is an energizing Spirit and he will energize the heart and fully protect from emotional attack.
There will be a nation, a people who will be God connected and empowered who will invent things and set everything up differently. They will be an example. This will not happen easily. This could rise out of the ashes of our present world or as the scriptures say there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Even the animals will not be predatory.
All that has to happen is for man to establish a new consciousness using the nature of Jesus as an example.