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Well-Known Member
GOODNEWS, the established heavenly kingdom goverment ...Daniel 2;44...was set up in line with bible prophecy and chronology in 1914 and that was the year that Jesus was given the kingship of this heavenly kingdom Daniel 7;13-14 its all happening in this time of the end .the end of man ruling himself independent of God ,soon this heavenly kingdom will take over manmade rulerships. but those who are in opposition to Jesus and his kingship, will not like to give up their rulerships. but guess who will win the battle ........JESUS... i am making known about this established heavenly kingdom so that it can be heralded throughout the earth ......And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14 not the end of the planet, but the end of manmade goverments and rulerships.people have to know about this goodnews , so that they can put themselves on the side of Jesus and the heavenly kingdom of God.................it is for a witness.................
(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.
(Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people,....................i have put my vote in for the heavenly kingdom goverment with Jesus as the king . because it leads to everlasting life . have you put your vote in?


Well-Known Member
Kcnorwood said:
Do I need resverations? :D
After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: “Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.” revelation 7; 9-10 putting your vote in NOW is the thing to do ....................................... :) i am waving my symbolic palm branch to welcome the heavenly king Jesus christ , he was given great aurthority and rulership and his father Jehovah gave it to him Daniel 7;13-14 this happened in 1914 and since that time the established kingdom is gathering a great crowd to get through the GREAT tribulation .................... so it is up to us if we respond to the GOODNEWS of the kingdom . matthew 24;14 we have to conceal ourselves .


Well, I didnt understand the thread to some levels...
A simple question, what century are you talking about?, cuz we are in the 21th, and i didnt hear about this kingdom!!


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
may said:
GOODNEWS, the established heavenly kingdom goverment ...Daniel 2;44...was set up in line with bible prophecy and chronology in 1914 and that was the year that Jesus was given the kingship of this heavenly kingdom Daniel 7;13-14 its all happening in this time of the end .the end of man ruling himself independent of God ,soon this heavenly kingdom will take over manmade rulerships. but those who are in opposition to Jesus and his kingship, will not like to give up their rulerships. but guess who will win the battle ........JESUS... i am making known about this established heavenly kingdom so that it can be heralded throughout the earth ......And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14 not the end of the planet, but the end of manmade goverments and rulerships.people have to know about this goodnews , so that they can put themselves on the side of Jesus and the heavenly kingdom of God.................it is for a witness.................
(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.
(Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people,....................i have put my vote in for the heavenly kingdom goverment with Jesus as the king . because it leads to everlasting life . have you put your vote in?

This is proselytism.:redcard:


Well-Known Member
Is there an actual debate to be had here, other than debating whether the OP makes sense enough to respond to??


Following Christ
may said:
...i have put my vote in for the heavenly kingdom goverment with Jesus as the king . because it leads to everlasting life . have you put your vote in?
One of the most interesting things about our RF community is that some people agree with this 'vote', others would disagree, and others are still deciding. Our diversity is a key reason we have Rule #19 against proselytizing in the Forum Rules.

Keeping that in mind, is there a particular aspect of these verses that needs to be debated here?


Deviled Hen
may said:
Jesus christ , he was given great aurthority and rulership and his father Jehovah gave it to him Daniel 7;13-14 this happened in 1914...
A couple of questions, if you would:

1. How might we know these events occured in 1914? What might we have observed at that time that would point us to this belief?

2. What Biblical time prophecies to you look to that would direct me to 1914 as a date? I'd like to look at the calculations used to derive this day.

Don't worry, I know the methods of Rev. Miller, whose work was the foundation of your denomination.

I should be able to follow your reasoning on the time aspects pretty well, and if not, of course I'll just ask.


Well-Known Member
EiNsTeiN said:
Well, I didnt understand the thread to some levels...
A simple question, what century are you talking about?, cuz we are in the 21th, and i didnt hear about this kingdom!!
maybe you shut the door on the message.


Well-Known Member
Booko said:
A couple of questions, if you would:

1. How might we know these events occured in 1914? What might we have observed at that time that would point us to this belief?

2. What Biblical time prophecies to you look to that would direct me to 1914 as a date? I'd like to look at the calculations used to derive this day.

Don't worry, I know the methods of Rev. Miller, whose work was the foundation of your denomination.

I should be able to follow your reasoning on the time aspects pretty well, and if not, of course I'll just ask.
if you go to the Jehovahs witness threads on this forum there is a thread about 1914 the date is a very significant date in bible prophecy. it goes into the appointed times of the nations or ,the end of the Gentiles . that is just one thing pointing to the date , there are other things also that Jesus said would be happening in the last days, yes Jesus PRESENCE in kingdom power has been with us since 1914 and it is all happening just as the bible foretold. the true knowledge is now abundant in this time of the end Daniel 12;4 plus i think it is always best to go to the official site of Jehovahs witness because it is more up to date with the time that we are living .http://www.watchtower.org/

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
may said:
if you go to the Jehovahs witness threads on this forum there is a thread about 1914 the date is a very significant date in bible prophecy. it goes into the appointed times of the nations or ,the end of the Gentiles . that is just one thing pointing to the date , there are other things also that Jesus said would be happening in the last days, yes Jesus PRESENCE in kingdom power has been with us since 1914 and it is all happening just as the bible foretold. the true knowledge is now abundant in this time of the end Daniel 12;4

If 1914 is so significant a date, how come nobody else noticed, and how come the JWs earlier in their history pointed to different dates? Personally I doubt that 1914 has any significance whatsoever and if it does then it's very cleverly hidden, because even the Watchtower Society missed it for quite some time.



Through the Looking Glass
JamesThePersian said:
Personally I doubt that 1914 has any significance whatsoever and if it does then it's very cleverly hidden, because even the Watchtower Society missed it for quite some time.

"Significance" is a subjective judgment. Humans missed the law of conservation of energy and the concept of a sun-centered solar system for quite some time, too.

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
doppelgänger said:
"Significance" is a subjective judgment. Humans missed the law of conservation of energy and the concept of a sun-centered solar system for quite some time, too.

Yes, but I've neveryet come across anyone arguing that either of those things were clearly spelled out in Scripture either. For all Jews and Christians everywhere to have missed the significance of 1914 with respect to the prophecy of Daniel for millennia just strikes me as seriously unlikely. It's not like the JWs were the first ones to read it - it's older than the Church after all.



Well-Known Member
sojourner said:
This is proselytism.:redcard:
this is the message in the bible for the last days. Jesus is now a reigning king in the heavenly kingdom goverment and this kingdom is now well established and Jesus is a warrrior king Daniel 2;44 Daniel 7;13-14 and when he was made king of this kingdom he was ruling amidst his enemies, but Jesus will come out victorious because he is a warrior king who has the backing of the most high PSALM 83;18 :bow: He is right now riding his symbolic white horse, wearing his crown as king . and the ride goes on .


Through the Looking Glass
JamesThePersian said:
For all Jews and Christians everywhere to have missed the significance of 1914 with respect to the prophecy of Daniel for millennia just strikes me as seriously unlikely. It's not like the JWs were the first ones to read it - it's older than the Church after all.

Sure the prophecy is old. But the recognition that the prophecy was fulfilled couldn't be any earlier than 1914, right? After all, the fact that the Jews missed Jesus until he came and appeared to fulfill the prophecies isn't an argument that he wasn't the Messiah, is it?

So they only could have known since 1914 and haven't had much time to spread the Good News. How far had Christianity spread and how many converts were there in the first 90 years?

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
doppelgänger said:
Sure the prophecy is old. But the recognition that the prophecy was fulfilled couldn't be any earlier than 1914, right? After all, the fact that the Jews missed Jesus until he came and appeared to fulfill the prophecies isn't an argument that he wasn't the Messiah, is it?

So they only could have known since 1914 and haven't had much time to spread the Good News. How far had Christianity spread and how many converts were there in the first 90 years?

No, that's not true. Nothing spectacular happened in 1914 that made people look back and go 'Hmmm, Daniel's prophecy was just fulfilled'. In fact the JW idea of just what did happen in 1914 is such as to make sure that it is invisible to those of us here on earth. On the contrary, the date is supposed to be derivable from the text of Scripture and was proposed by the JWs prior to 1914, after several previously suggested dates had already passed without incident. In addition, the original JW prophecy for 1914 was rather less mysterious and invisible than what they now teach.
