Monk Of Reason
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I meant it ironically.Wow, that's the first time I've seen roughly 300 years being referred to as "several years".
But you are correct as there were competing groups, with the largest being the Gnostics, and they had their own scriptures that they said were the authentic ones. And even the canon that was selected was done with quite some argument, especially over the books of Revelations (the "millennial reign" caused a problem) and Hebrews (author?), as well as books we call the "Apocrypha" (undecided as to whether they should or shouldn't be included, so that decision was put off).
The very history of Christianity is objective divergent. Every few years new and new branches of existing Christian sects break off. Its constant. I can't think of a single time in the history of Christianity where its faith was uniform across the board. Even prior to its official inception there is nothing but chaos and competing groups that ALL say that they are the "real" Christians.
You have everyone from the Gnostics that predate the biblical cannon to the Mormons of today all claiming to have the "truth". The Eastern Orthodox claims that the Roman Catholics have moved from the original teachings while the RCC claims that of the EOC. The reality is that it can be tracked that every single sect of Christianity has been an adaptation or change from a previous belief. So much so we don't even KNOW what the original beliefs were. I mean we have some basic ideas from the common elements at play but come on. Christianity is far more convoluted and varied across its sects than Islam or Judaism. I don't think either of them are real either but at least they have their **** together right now. Islam and Judiasm both underwent great change but for the most part there are only a few sects in comparison to the hodgepodge of Christianity.