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got another one


New Member
ok assuming god and heaven is true for the sake of this question,....

lets say i have a mental illness for my entire life, that is all i know and that disability is me without i wouldnt be me. ok then i die and go to heaven, would i still have my disease?

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
What sort of illness are you talking about (and try not to use disease for mental disorders as it's really not appropriate terminology)? What sort of a mental disorder is it that you think would make you not yourself if you were to lose it? I can't think of a single one.

In general, I would say, no you will not suffer from any mental disorder or physical disease in the next life. We will be resurrected with perfect, transformed bodies. Do you somehow think this is bad? Of course, if you can actually come up with a disorder the curing of which would mean you ceasing to be yourself, you might have a point but at the moment it looks like your question is so hypothetical as to not be grounded in reality.



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
NZboy said:
ok assuming god and heaven is true for the sake of this question,....

lets say i have a mental illness for my entire life, that is all i know and that disability is me without i wouldnt be me. ok then i die and go to heaven, would i still have my disease?
Without going into answering your question intellectually, you ask about what would your state be in heaven.

Heaven, by definition, is synonymous with Paradise.

As far as I understand it, Paradise was perfection in all things until Adam and Eve did naughty things, so I would imagine that there would be no disease in Paradise.


NZboy said:
ok assuming god and heaven is true for the sake of this question,....

lets say i have a mental illness for my entire life, that is all i know and that disability is me without i wouldnt be me. ok then i die and go to heaven, would i still have my disease?
You are starting with the assumption that "you" began here on Earth. I reject that. I believe I existed before, and I may still not know the "real" me very well.

Sorry to bring LDS doctrine into the conversation. Feel free to ignore it. I don't want to hijack the post.


First you must have the correct understanding of what happens after death. Many are taught to believe that we all go to heaven or hell. The Bible is clear that only a limited number of people (144,000) will go to heaven for a SPECIFIC reason, to serve as princes with Jesus over the earthly Kingdom. There is no hell--look "hell" up in an encyclopedia and you will see that it refers to man's common grave. God has myriads of angels in heaven--why would he need us there? He doesn't. He has established earth for man to live upon--this is where the Kingdom will reside. Were you to die with an illness of any type, God would eventually resurrect you to life on earth where you will come to full perfection, free of any mental or physical disease. Read the scriptures--it's all there for the taking.


^^^^ JW?

I would say, No. You wouldn't still have that disease.
JamesThePersian said:
In general, I would say, no you will not suffer from any mental disorder or physical disease in the next life. We will be resurrected with perfect, transformed bodies.
That about sums up my views of it.


Veteran Member
I believe if you have this disease, mental/physical, once you get to Heaven, it's gone. You don't have it anymore. I have Bipolar Disorder and I believe that once I get to Heaven, it'll be gone, i won't have to worry about it anymore.

I believe that I have it, to test me, to give me experience here on earth, that's why we came(my belief). Once we die and get ressurected our bodies/minds will be perfected.


Wonder Woman
Your body does not go on...your spirit does. Your spirit can not be infected with anything. It is pure and whole unto itself. Therefore any ailment you may have that is attributed to any part of your body cannot possibly pass beyond. Its vehicle is gone.

You can't have appendicitis if you have no appendix. You cannot have a disease if you have no body to infect.


Draka said:
Your body does not go on...your spirit does. Your spirit can not be infected with anything. It is pure and whole unto itself. Therefore any ailment you may have that is attributed to any part of your body cannot possibly pass beyond. Its vehicle is gone.

You can't have appendicitis if you have no appendix. You cannot have a disease if you have no body to infect.
This stems from the idea that matter is "evil" or "ugly". Quite possible for God to keep the bodies but cause them to be diesease free don't you think?



Wonder Woman
Victor said:
This stems from the idea that matter is "evil" or "ugly". Quite possible for God to keep the bodies but cause them to be diesease free don't you think?

Um...No. Check the cemetaries...lots of bodies there. Our physical bodies decay. The ailments that were a part of them die with them. Our ethereal bodies may be visually like the ones we had in life, but that is a remnant...what we are so use to ourselves being that the image is clung to after death. But the fact remain that the physical is temporary and only earth bound. The human body is but a mere vehicle for the spirit to travel in during its' time on this earth, something to experience, to enable learning. It dies. The spirit progresses alone.

Oh, in no way does that mean that matter is evil or ugly. It just is.


A fool
Seeing as, regardless of whether there is an afterlife or not, your body most definitely stays here on earth and since illness of any kind, mental or otherwise, is a product of the body (in this case the brain), it is unlikely that this would be conveyed into the next life.


Well-Known Member
JamesThePersian said:
We will be resurrected with perfect, transformed bodies.
beckysoup61 said:
Once we die and get ressurected our bodies/minds will be perfected.
So when you say "perfect", what exactly are you talking about? If a girl was obese when she died, will she be slender as a fashion model when she's in heaven? If she had a big nose, will her nose now become perfectly shaped in the afterlife? Will a balding man have long golden locks? And by this, will everyone look exactly the same? Also, I've heard it said that only GOD is perfect, so if our bodies and minds are perfected, does that mean we will be gods as well? And if not, how then can you say we'll be perfect? OR do you mean that we'll be perfect in God's eyes, and if that's the case, how do you know we're not perfect to him already?


Faint said:

So when you say "perfect", what exactly are you talking about? If a girl was obese when she died, will she be slender as a fashion model when she's in heaven? If she had a big nose, will her nose now become perfectly shaped in the afterlife? Will a balding man have long golden locks? And by this, will everyone look exactly the same? Also, I've heard it said that only GOD is perfect, so if our bodies and minds are perfected, does that mean we will be gods as well? And if not, how then can you say we'll be perfect? OR do you mean that we'll be perfect in God's eyes, and if that's the case, how do you know we're not perfect to him already?
What exactly is the perfect nose?


SoyLeche said:
What exactly is the perfect nose?
Exactly. You look at a nose now, and for some reason you think it's ugly. People won't be doing that in heaven. There won't be such a thing as "a perfect nose."


Veteran Member
Faint said:

So when you say "perfect", what exactly are you talking about? If a girl was obese when she died, will she be slender as a fashion model when she's in heaven? If she had a big nose, will her nose now become perfectly shaped in the afterlife? Will a balding man have long golden locks? And by this, will everyone look exactly the same? Also, I've heard it said that only GOD is perfect, so if our bodies and minds are perfected, does that mean we will be gods as well? And if not, how then can you say we'll be perfect? OR do you mean that we'll be perfect in God's eyes, and if that's the case, how do you know we're not perfect to him already?

I don't know what perfect looks like, but we will be perfect in the eyes of God, no more physical/mental ailments, we'll have hair, but I don't think God's idea of perfect is neither a large person nor a person that is skinny as a stick. I think somewhere in between, but I really don't know, I haven't died yet.


Wonder Woman
What would be the use of being "resurrected" anyway? If you take the meaning of that word and the same as what happened to Jesus then we have big problems. For he was supposedly resurrected just 3 days later. Whereas his body had not decayed yet. What about all those bodies that have decayed to dust. They certainly aren't being "resurrected" any time soon.

Now if you mean "resurrection" as meaning passing into "heaven", what woud be the use of physical bodies there? Why would they be needed? And why would there be the need to have them "perfect", whatever that may be?


New Member
Faint said:

So when you say "perfect", what exactly are you talking about? If a girl was obese when she died, will she be slender as a fashion model when she's in heaven? If she had a big nose, will her nose now become perfectly shaped in the afterlife? Will a balding man have long golden locks? And by this, will everyone look exactly the same? Also, I've heard it said that only GOD is perfect, so if our bodies and minds are perfected, does that mean we will be gods as well? And if not, how then can you say we'll be perfect? OR do you mean that we'll be perfect in God's eyes, and if that's the case, how do you know we're not perfect to him already?
thanks for replyin evrbody, is guess i wasnt super clear, my cousin has a mental disorder and i cant imagine her any other way becasue it controls every fascet of her life, how would she change in heaven, how would she act, would she have to born again. Also if everyone is already perfect why would god feel the need to change her, she doesnt see anything wrong with herself, who has the right to tell her wat she wants.

i like qoute, i forgot to put in another question , if you were old and senile, in heaven would you be younhg again?


Well-Known Member
Soyleche said:
What exactly is the perfect nose?
That's what I want to know--how do you define perfection?
Aqualung said:
Exactly. You look at a nose now, and for some reason you think it's ugly. People won't be doing that in heaven. There won't be such a thing as "a perfect nose."
So why would there be a perfect anything?
Or is it all just a matter of perspective? And whose perspective? God's? What makes you think you're not already perfect? And how do you tell the difference? Maybe God wants people with mental problems to continue having mental problems--even in heaven. The afterlife is already bipolar--the Bible says it's either heaven or hell n'est pas? Highs and lows...