currently- god is changing my perception of his love- i have been following the new covenant grace teaching and i can say that scripture has entered new realms of wonder for me. i see things totally different now- where i used to believe god was still judging me for my sin i now see he has judged jesus for it and i am free from condemnation. likewise- because jesus took all punishment for all sin- gods forgiveness is not dependent on confession of individual sins- he has forgiven me. done deal. when i run up on scripture that seems to contradict these beliefs i ask and wait for an answer as to how this particular verse fits in. i'm stumped on acts 8:20-24. i understand it if it would have stopped at 'repent'- to change ones mind from worldy kingdom thinking to kingdom of god thinking. but he didn't. the part that has me stumped is v.22. how can god judge a sin that jesus paid for- if there is no longer 'law' (rom.4:15, 10;4) to those who are in christ there cannot be transgression. help. thank you.
Confused one,
There are two gospels. One is the gospel of Grace, which comes from Paul, and the other one is the gospel of the kingdom of God from Yeshua. One represents the "bad seed" from the evil one, and the other represents the "good seed" from the "Son of Man". As per Matt 13:36-40, they will be interspersed until the end of the age. As per Matthew 13:41, if one chooses to "Commit Lawlessness", then one can look forward to being cast into the furnace of fire".
There is no compatibility between the gospel of "Grace" and the gospel of the kingdom of God. One is true and one is false.
Even the concept that the "New Testament", is the word of God, is a false premise. The canon of the New testament was established by Athanasius, the bishop of Alexandria, a crony of the beast with two horns like a lamb, Constantine the Great King of Rome, who established the Holy Roman Catholic Church, and determined their dogmas and creeds at the Council of Nicean. Nothing is holy about Constantine, his cronies, his murders, or his roman church, or the churches' daughters. As a Luther stated, his church is an imbodiment of Babylon the Great, and as Yeshua stated in Revelation, one must come out of Babylon, or drink of the wrath of God.
It is not the "many" that find the way to life, but the few. Yeshua states that the false prophets will come in sheep's clothing. It is not the one who says "lord, Lord" or those who perform miracles, but those who do the will "of My Father" will enter the kingdom of heaven. The "kingdom of heaven" is a kingdom of the heart, and is of the present.