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grammar police (yet another rant)


AlanGurvey said:
I'm ticked off by your constant complaining, but i don't start a 'rant' thread about it.... but then again
I should not expect more from one who declared he/she would never change her/his core beliefs :)
You should start one. They're very therapuetic. :D

BTW: I have changed my core beliefs many times in the past.

And I've only started 2 or 3 "complainer's" threads.


Deut 13:1 said:
English isn't my first language, so whats your excuse? :)
:biglaugh: Getting dropped too many times as a child?

You know, I don't really know what my problem is. If I'm sitting down writing a term paper or what not, I can bang out some pretty eloquent stuff. But when I answer to stuff in the forums, my spelling all goes bad, and I start not making any sense at all. I think it's because it's my first language. I just don't pay as much attention to what I'm doing.


Well-Known Member
Compared to some of the other forums I've visited, things are pretty good here. I can't stand reading posts at some places. All the bad spelling and grammar give me headaches. I tend to notice when people make mistakes, but I don't usually point them out. Stuff like mixing up "their," "they're" and "there" drives me crazy. I make just as many mistakes as everyone else though.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I know I've made plenty of spelling and grammar errors. I also notice plenty of others made by other members, but I don't say anything. I try not to get the thier and theres and all those other words mixed up, but I slip up every now and then. But even with spelling and grammar errors of this forum, it's still very easy to read, especially when compaired to the average forum that has people talking in the childish and immature online languages. I can't stand having to pause and thinj what an acronym stands for, having to translate things like l33t or dude speak. Just to show how much better grammar errors are, a simple sentence of "Can you read this" would look like this in l33t " (@|\| \/|()|_| |)\3@|) 7|{|5 " Fortuantly, forums that strictly use that, if there even still around, are very rare.
lyk isnt dat kool??!?@!!!!111 omg, didnt u notace dat i cant spell n i lik bois?
I wish I could punch everyone who spells like that.


Vile Stove-Toucher
At the risk of touching a sore point with someone here...(excuse me while I put on my "grammar police" hat :rolleyes: ). What you think a sentence means, and what it actually means when read can differ dramatically with just a word or two...and that can usually be pretty apparent by the responses you get from other people.

Honestly, I think I'm pretty mild in the "correcting people" stakes. There is a whole lot of bad spelling and wrong words used around here, but I don't go around editing everyone's posts (although there is plenty of :banghead3 and :bonk: on this side of the keyboard). Everyone makes mistakes, myself included...I don't claim to be perfect. I do keep a dictionary handy though, because I absolutely hate spelling words wrong.:eek:


Veteran Member
mr.guy said:
i can certainly sympathise, (in part, i think), i appreciate
Watch the i's mr. guy. Don't get lazy, hehehe.:D (i) do the same thing in chat rooms.


†ßig Dog†
There are people in here who's spelling might not be on some's 'educational level'. But that does not make them less of a person.. If you get the drift of what their...there...they're saying, is that not what's important? Myself, I'm more interested in they're...there...their thought then they're...there...their grammer. :rolleyes:


Vile Stove-Toucher
FFH said:
Watch the i's mr. guy. Don't get lazy, hehehe.:D (i) do the same thing in chat rooms.
Since you brought it up...I never capitalise my sentences in chat rooms or messenger windows. In fact, in those situations I rarely use punctuation other than "..." (or smilies), to separate sentences/random thoughts. But it absolutely drives me nuts if people do it on a forum. It just seems more of a 'formal' setting or something.


Veteran Member
Another language try to learn. This is the basic sentence structure for the Japanese language. What is correct, depends on who's making the rules.


Veteran Member
Bastet said:
Since you brought it up...I never capitalise my sentences in chat rooms or messenger windows. In fact, in those situations I rarely use punctuation other than "..." (or smilies), to separate sentences/random thoughts. But it absolutely drives me nuts if people do it on a forum. It just seems more of a 'formal' setting or something.
yes i agree completely (chat rooms only please):D Yes, I agree completely !!!

BTW, I love that you take the time to write in a soothing color. I like lavender.


Vile Stove-Toucher
FFH said:
Another language try to learn. This is the basic sentence structure for the Japanese language. What is correct, depends on who's making the rules.
I did a year of Japanese at University - I loved it (and would like to pick it up again at some point, I'm beyond rusty by now!).


Veteran Member
FFH said:
BTW, I love that you take the time to write in a soothing color.
I have thought of doing the same thing, only in a different color. I wish Todd would give us a few more colors to work with.:D


Vile Stove-Toucher
FFH said:
I have thought of doing the same thing, only in a different color. I wish Todd would give us a few more colors to work with.:D

There are 40 colours...although some of them aren't practical. ;) I've always posted in a particular colour on every forum I've joined. Black is boring. :p Here I'm purple (or technically, indigo)...on others I have been green or blue.


Vile Stove-Toucher
FFH said:
BTW, I love that you take the time to write in a soothing color.
Thanks. :) Although it's less about it being a soothing colour, and more about standing out from the crowd. ;)
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The U.S. school system doesn't do a very good job of teaching English. The best way to improve grammatical skills is to read books, magazines, newspapers, etc. Most are written using reasonably good English. As you read, take a little time to analyze sentences to see how they are worded and punctuated. That's how I learned.

When you post on Internet forum boards with spell check, make use of that feature, and install a dictionary/thesaurus on your computer.

English grammar and composition were my favorite subjects in school and led to my career as an advertising writer. In that capacity, I am required to use proper English and build a substantial vocabulary. Part of my job is to edit documents written by others. In forum boards and chat rooms, I usually resist the urge to correct grammar and spelling to avoid offending people; however, if someone requests my assistance, I am happy to provide it. :)


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Buttons* said:
I'm a silent member of the grammar police. I try not to correct people, because no one likes to be corrected. I will watch, observe, cringe at the mistakes, laugh it off, and continue on. (This all happens within an instant) *smiles* Sometimes I let my own grammar slide, but it's hard to relax about it.

(I went to private schools all my life, so they drill it into you... damn them! *shakes fist*)
hehe I am the same (a silent one I hope) I think I once told someone the word he/she used was incorrect, but mostly I let things go.

English is not my mother tongue, and I guess I had to make a real effort to speak and write (as I hope I do) reasonably well. However, when I see some of my posts after the event, I find them full of mistakes (mostly because I can't type), and cringe at what I have written. Once or twice, when quoting someone's post, I correct badly spelt words (and then feel terrible for having done so). All I know is that two of the members I admire greatly are the worst spellers, and I wouldn't have them any other way.;)


Well-Known Member
Bastet said:
Since you brought it up...I never capitalise my sentences in chat rooms or messenger windows. In fact, in those situations I rarely use punctuation other than "..." (or smilies), to separate sentences/random thoughts. But it absolutely drives me nuts if people do it on a forum. It just seems more of a 'formal' setting or something.
For me, whether it be in forums, chat rooms or messenger windows, I always use proper grammar and punctuation. I just can't bring myself not to. I suppose, that too, stems from the writer in me.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
I've got trouble (I'm sure everyone has noticed) with a lot of basic things. I know that I over- utilize our dear friend the comma, but gosh-darn it, it looks so good! I also have a lot of trouble with possessives and plurals. (" 's" verses "ses" versus " s' "). Even the basic 'i before e' gives me difficulty. I spelt 'friend' 'freind' growing up, and have never quite broken the habit. (I'm sure I've also been guilty of spelling deity wrongly, as Kat was pointing out in someone, hehee.)

Like Terry Pratchett's Nanny Ogg, though, I also have trouble knowing when to stop spelling bananana... bannannnaana... bananananna? That word.