But he wasn't good enough, despite that recognition, to make it in the NFL. He posed a novelty for a few games...then everyone figured him out...and he couldn't adjust.
To note, anyone who wins such a trophy does so because of the team they are on: the blocking, the receiving, etc. If you think he did it all by himself, then you are very mistaken about the nature of football. And, to be honest, a fair number of Heisman and other trophy winners in college have gone on to mediocre and/or very short careers in the NFL or Canadian football. College football is different than the NFL.
By the way, some people truly do not care for nor follow football, or any given sport, or all sports. And quite frankly, about the ONLY "news" about him has been football and his putting his religion on his sleeve, so to speak. So, outside of football, few Americans have even heard of him, or know anything about him.
So, if you will note, I did ask you to enlighten me (and everyone else) about 1) which hall of fame he'll be in, 2) what makes HIS Christianity so amazing, 3) what is so amazing about the political party asking him if he would be a candidate, 4) what you imagine him doing as a Representative, 5) what would make him so different than any other candidates who might run, and 6) do you really think most people want corrupt, self-interested representatives, or is that just what we've got?