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The moreth I knoweth
Hello everyone,
Just thought I'd introduce myself. I have been a catholic since I was born but had started studying other belief systems 20 years ago.

I had realized that all the religious doctorines were copied by hand manually since they were origionally written (until the printing press) It reminded me of the saying "The winners of the war write the history books" Then I started to wonder why not eating pork is part of one belief, and eating fish on Fridays are part of another. Why is this? Could it be that people have always added thier 2 cents worth? Maybe a coastal town needed to sell more fish and others realized that pork (unproperly prepared/stored) was making people sick? People have thier own agendas, even if they are subconscious they still manifest themselves in thier interpersonal world.

Is there any way we can learn the truth?

I like reading SCI-FI mostly nowadays.

My favorite belief system doctorine is "The Sacred magic of Abra-Melin the Mage" I have the 55 year old copy.

Anyhoo, My question is this:
Is it taboo to research and especially change religions?
How does this belief-disbelief-new belief pattern effect the psyche and personality?
Comments on Belief Systems that don't want you to switch or stop disbelieving what you were raised on? Like the Sacred Magic and others?

My favorite saying- "What you believe, to the extent that you believe it, is true to you." or "what you dwell upon, you attract into your life."

G'day all!!!


The moreth I knoweth
Helo All!
I just wanted to introduce myself and ask a quick question. (quick to ask that is)

I was raised catholic and in my late teens started resarching other belief systemms.
I realized that there were many similarities and also contradictions. It dawned on me that the saying "the history books are written by the winners of the war" were true and that all books were copied by hand up until the printing press. I started wondering why one religion said pork was bad (people were getting sick from unproperly prepared) and others said that you should eat fish on a certain day (did it manifest itself as part of the doctrine in a coastal town?)
Is there any way that the UNCORRUPTED truth is even available? let alone discernable?

One of the more interesting doctorines I came across was "The sacred Magik of Abra-Melin the Mage" It specifically states that you should not give up your origional belief system. I have noticed others as well that follow that pattern.

Question: Does the belief-disbelief-new-belief pattern affect the psyche? why do certain doctorines state you cannot do this? when one has complete faith should it not also mean that they are UNABLE to give up that belief system by definition?

Sory for the questions in this section but as it is my first post...

G'day all
"What you believe, to the extent that you believe it, is true to you"
"What you dwell upon, you attract ito your life"


The moreth I knoweth
Sorry about that. It showed me as logged off when I sent the first post and I logged back in and redid my welcome message...

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Welcome to the forum cyooreus.
Interesting name. What does it mean?
Question: Does the belief-disbelief-new-belief pattern affect the psyche? why do certain doctorines state you cannot do this? when one has complete faith should it not also mean that they are UNABLE to give up that belief system by definition?
Yes I'm sure it affects the psyche. How exactly, likely differs from person to person. But I would imagine that it has a chance to broaden one's mind a little, rather than just accepting the faith of one's parents without question.
Mother Theresa supposedly had much in the way of self-faith-doubt, but the Catholic Church actually sees that as a bonus in her path to saint-hood. :shrug:
I'm willing to bet that most of the present and preceding generation of atheists and agnostics were actually raised in religious households, but decided to broaden their minds. But that's just me guessing from my own perspective. ;)


Just me
Premium Member
Welcome to the forums.

Is it taboo to research and especially change religions?
Some people, even here on these forums, make a living out of researching religions. And many have religions that grow and evolve.

My favorite saying- "What you believe, to the extent that you believe it, is true to you." or "what you dwell upon, you attract into your life."
Belief is an indicator that people find things true, yes. I like the latter thought, too.


Resident Lycanthrope
Welcome to RF!

Then I started to wonder why not eating pork is part of one belief, and eating fish on Fridays are part of another. Why is this? Could it be that people have always added thier 2 cents worth? Maybe a coastal town needed to sell more fish and others realized that pork (unproperly prepared/stored) was making people sick?

Assuming that the deal about not eating pork really was the command of the Abrahamic God, it has always been my belief that it was for health reasons. It was hard to be sure to cook your pork to an internal temperature of 170 degrees back then. This would also be the reason for no shellfish (or that all creatures eaten from the sea must have scales and fins). They hadn't perfected the arts of boiling and steaming by then. Undercooked shellfish is very gross and since they are bottom feeders I imagine they could get you sick. As for the meatless Fridays, I heard that that was a deal a pope made with a fisherman years ago. That is hearsay though so don't get mad at me if it is wrong.


Hello =)
i was raised a catholic myself aswell.

Well, i think that most people in my family still think i am a catholic:sarcastic


The moreth I knoweth
Thanks everyone for the replies, It is interesting to dwell upon these things and I look forward to more enlightened discussions. I look forward to hearing everyone's point of view, and hopefully learn something along this journey.


Oldest Heretic

You can easily change religions ...
it is much harder to change beliefs.

The Catholic faith Is one of the earlier of the Christian faiths
But far from the earliest.
It is probably the one most dominated by Power and politics.

Its very existence depended on patronage, and was forced to accommodate to the emperors need for a faith portraying Christ in Majesty Rather than as a servant of the people.

It has remained a centrist religion ever since.