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New Member
Well, somehow or another I've managed to pass through life unaware of this site's existence... until now. So here I am!

Since this is a religious forum, I feel it necessary to provide background on my religious history.

I was born and raised (and baptised) in the Episcopalian church. When I was 13, I began questioning the world around me. The teachings I was raised into just didn't sit well with me, and thus I began exploring other world religions. For roughly about 3 years, I actively studied Wicca, via the guidance of a friend. When I was 16, I managed to discover Buddhism (Pure Land). A long story made entirely too short: I formally studied under the teachings and guidance of the Venerable Master Hsing Yun for the following 1.5 years. I never took my vows, and thus never became more than just a student with a curious mind and an eagerness to learn.

Soon thereafter, I joined the military where I had served a total of 8 years (HUGE change, I know). As seemingly contradictory as it was (and it sort of was), I continued to study Buddhism while in service while simutaneously studying other religions as well, such as Christianity, Islam, Jainism, Hinduism, Judaism, and the Baha'i faith.

So, what started as a quest for finding my niche in the world has developed into a passion for simply learning about the world - or at least its religions.

As far as me, personally, I don't really subscribe to any one religion. I classifiy myself as spiritual. I believe that faith is made to be challenged and changed, both individually and collectively (according to the societal morals of the time). To rephrase, I believe that since humans and the world are constantly changing, religious beliefs should change as well. I know that mine do. I believe them all to be subjectively based in our own experience. And since we never experience the same thing repeatedly, it's only natural for our opinions and beliefs to adjust and evolve with our experiences.

To summarize, I am a student of the world, a student of many faiths, and one that will always continue to learn about religion as well as to learn about myself in the process.

I do love to debate several difference religious teachings as I find that it can educate not only others, but myself as well! So, I expect that you will often see me around here challenging others. But I do believe in compassion and respect. So I do try my best not to insult or negatively judge another person based on their beliefs. Because, like I said, I believe beliefs to be a product of our experiences. And I try to remind myself that each of us believes what we beleive for a reason, be it from our parents, childhood, or just the corollary of perceptions of our every day experiences.

Of course, I do have my own opinions of others beliefs. But I try to approach them with respect, regardless of my own stance for or against the beliefs themselves.

Oh, and to give perspective on how long ago this all was for me, I am 28 years of age now.

In summary, I greatly look forward to discussing religion with whoever wishes to. I'm here to learn what I can. And who knows, maybe I might even be able to teach someone a little something. :rolleyes:

Peace to you all!


Well-Known Member
Welcome fellow 28 year old spiritual shopper, teehee.

You haven't got Sikhi on your list. Add it! :D