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ha‘almah harah: "a young woman is pregnant"


Well-Known Member
Hi Mike, the command given was to go out of the camp and dig a cat hole and cover one's excrement. Are you still following that Command?

Yes, stealing and adultery are two of those Ten written on stone tablets by GOD and are still in effect.
And speaking of stones, do you advocate stoning as the means of executing one guilty of death as commanded?

Before Sin aim Abraham was commanded by GOD the Sacrifice his son and a substitute was shown as a sacrifice. NO! GOD has never advocated human sacrifices BUT HE gave an illustration of HIS own willingness to sacrifice HIS SON as the Atonement/redeeming payment to secure the life of those who confess, repent and submit to HIS WILL.
From Eden an animal was sacrificed to cover one's sins and the sacrificial system (Sanctuary rituals) was part of that "Covenant" between GOD and HIS Believers.
However, the sentence was against the Sinner, and an animal was only to be a substitute until the real Atonement sacrifice was made---that of Jesus Christ upon the Cross.

IF that Sanctuary Service is still a law, then it is being profaned by not offering those daily and yearly sacrifices. ALL those who have sinned are still unpardoned sinners. Lev.17:11.
Jesus Christ Died on that cross to set me/all free from the "wages of sin".
And HE is the "seed of the woman" Gen3:15, and the prophesied "Almah" of Isa.7:14.(and other verses in Isaiah, etc.)

So you only follow the 10 commandments from the whole Torah? Why is that? Do your scriptures abolish the rest of the law?


Well-Known Member
So you only follow the 10 commandments from the whole Torah? Why is that? Do your scriptures abolish the rest of the law?

Hi Dan, No! your conclusion/supposition is erroneous.

The Creator GOD gave mitsvah=commandments
chuqqah=statutes, ordinance
with some overlapping meanings/usages. Some of these words referred to from GOD and to being from man . Context deciding. Also, whether for specific purposes or of limited duration.

"My Scriptures"? I believe those given/written by GOD and given by GOD via the Prophets for the admonition and learning of mankind as to the right relationship of man to GOD and his fellow Beings.

Yes/No, I see the whole earthly Sanctuary system as abolished, because it was patterned ofter the one in heaven and the one righteous Sacrifice came from heaven and fulfilled its symbolic meaning.
The Dietary laws, the health/sanitary laws/ the civil legal laws/etc. are still present.


Well-Known Member
You say you don't believe in inherited sin, but everything God says is contrary. God requires two souls to marry, male and female, to become one flesh. Childbirth is the continued fulfilment.

Which commandment is that you must marry?

A soul results from the two married souls.

The child.

The Scripture says the soul that sins will die. But when you observe abortion, infant, and child death- how do reconcile God's word with reality? The soul is inherited. And when you observe certain sinful inclinations, in Science, you notice that they are capable for genetic inheritence. You've even testified, you and your fathers, of this. When you offered in the temple, what did you offer? A sacrifice of the labor of your soul, and/or the souls that you were Lord to. You scarcely considered the animals, and other things when you offered them in exchange for your sin. Isaiah told you this. And as you see in Isaiah 53, God Himself provides the offerings of guilt, so that those knowing their guilt are interceded for.

The sacrifices were not in exchange for your sins.

Sacrifices were also made for holidays and celebrations.

It's an offereing to G-D.

Your writing is so convoluted it's hard to understand what you are saying.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I am from the culture that produced the Scriptures. You say God, by His Spirit, authored the laws of existence, authored Adam and mankind, and authored the laws of mankind. You are right in this regard. There is one God. So, your Scriptures are for the whole of mankind. And they speak on the future of the whole.

You are not the source, nor do you decide the will of God. So, it's not my arrogance you're observing, but yours. And you need to let go of the fear of uncertainty that fuels your arrogance. You deny my interpretation and provide no standing alternative. The Scripture has shown again and again that you are misinterpreting it.
The Torah was written by jews, for jews, to be interpreted by jews.

That you create your own meaning to our holy scriptures is extremely arrogant.


Well-Known Member
Hi Mike, the command given was to go out of the camp and dig a cat hole and cover one's excrement. Are you still following that Command?

Which comandmant says that jews must always do that? I missed it.

Yes, stealing and adultery are two of those Ten written on stone tablets by GOD and are still in effect.
And speaking of stones, do you advocate stoning as the means of executing one guilty of death as commanded?

This is shows a very poor understanding of the Torah.

The death penalty was virtually never carried out. That is because the criteria to impose the death penalty was so high it was impossible to do.

And you came up with this how?

Sacrifices can only made at the temple. No temple no services.

Jesus died because he was caught by the romans and executed.


Well-Known Member
Isaiah 53:8 Who are God's people? And why are their sins giving judgement to someone else?

The father's tribe supercedes the mother's tribe. Are you forgetting that you assign children their mother's tribe, when you call them Jews, when their father isn't? The difference being, you allow the father's alienation from the twelve tribes to supercede the mother's tribe, and dishoner her fathers. Why?

God's first law of marriage is that the two become one flesh. And not surprisingly, when you look at the genetics of a child, you see half mother and half father. Everything testifies against your incomplete interpretation.

You say you haven't set it against Jesus, but as Levite pointed out, you do. You say you expect it of the Messiah, and yet you're hoping that if you do it yourselves, He will come. You make Daniel 12 look like a false prophecy in the process. And i'm sure you'll deny it, with no explanation of why.

Mother's have no tribe.

Tribe is based solely on the father.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by CMike
There is no such thing as "fulfill yoru law".

The laws are perpetual.

sincerly said:
Hi Mike, the command given was to go out of the camp and dig a cat hole and cover one's excrement. Are you still following that Command?

Which comandmant says that jews must always do that? I missed it.

You didn't miss it because you know that some laws are conditional/the time and conditions then present.---Not "perpetual".

Yes, stealing and adultery are two of those Ten written on stone tablets by GOD and are still in effect.
And speaking of stones, do you advocate stoning as the means of executing one guilty of death as commanded?

This is shows a very poor understanding of the Torah.

The death penalty was virtually never carried out. That is because the criteria to impose the death penalty was so high it was impossible to do.

I am aware that the "torah" is considered the five books of Moses, and the writings of the prophets along with Psalms.(did I leave one out?)

It only required two witnesses---and they were to cast the first of the stones.

Before Sinai, Abraham was commanded by GOD the Sacrifice his son and a substitute was shown as a sacrifice. NO! GOD has never advocated human sacrifices BUT HE gave an illustration of HIS own willingness to sacrifice HIS SON as the Atonement/redeeming payment to secure the life of those who confess, repent and submit to HIS WILL.
From Eden an animal was sacrificed to cover one's sins and the sacrificial system (Sanctuary rituals) was part of that "Covenant" between GOD and HIS Believers.
However, the sentence was against the Sinner, and an animal was only to be a substitute until the real Atonement sacrifice was made---that of Jesus Christ upon the Cross.

And you came up with this how?

Gen.22:1-17, "And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together....And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only [son] from me."

The place was called "Jehovahjireh" (the Lord will see/provide).

IF that Sanctuary Service is still a law, then it is being profaned by not offering those daily and yearly sacrifices. ALL those who have sinned are still unpardoned sinners. Lev.17:11.

Sacrifices can only made at the temple. No temple no services.

You do err, Cain and Abel Sacrificed; Abraham and Jacob built altars and sacrificed and there was not a "temple".

Jesus Christ Died on that cross to set me/all free from the "wages of sin".
And HE is the "seed of the woman" Gen3:15, and the prophesied "Almah" of Isa.7:14.(and other verses in Isaiah, etc.)

Jesus died because he was caught by the romans and executed.

Mike, Jesus was caught by a great multitude from the priests, elders on the Mt of Olives(Gethsemane) where HE had gone to Pray. Jesus was tried before the High Priest and Sanhedrin(?) before taken to Pilate where they demanded the Death of Jesus even though Pilate saw no guilt in HIM and he(Pilate) then offered one who was guilty to be set free as was the custom in place of Jesus. The condemnation was by those who demanded by mob out cry---"crucify HIM". (Actually, that was the sentence imposed by every sinner.)

Without HIS death and Resurrection, ALL would be subject to death---a future of dust/ashes.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
The Torah was written by jews, for jews, to be interpreted by jews.

That you create your own meaning to our holy scriptures is extremely arrogant.

The sons of God, from Adam onward, housed, wrote, and spoke God's word. Do you honestly believe it is exclusively yours?

I verify God's word with God's word. You be sure to do the same. God knows what each of us has said and why. And His judgement is on each of us.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
Which commandment is that you must marry?

The child.

The sacrifices were not in exchange for your sins.

Sacrifices were also made for holidays and celebrations.

It's an offereing to G-D.

Your writing is so convoluted it's hard to understand what you are saying.

Leviticus 17:11 shouldn't be so convoluted to you.


The Lost One
sincerly said:
And HE is the "seed of the woman" Gen3:15, and the prophesied "Almah" of Isa.7:14.(and other verses in Isaiah, etc.)

Why are you still bringing up Genesis 3:15?

Genesis 3:15 has nothing to with either Mary or virgin, Jesus or messiah or Immanuel, Ahaz or Judah.

And as usual, you're distorting the verse to suit your illogical reasoning and belief. Where is the rest of the verse?

Genesis 3:15 said:
15 I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your offspring and hers;
They shall strike at your head,
And you shall strike at their heel."

Just because the verse says "seed of woman" (in whatever translation you are using) doesn't in anyway implied woman being the Virgin Mary and the seed being Jesus, and it certainly has nothing to with the woman in Isaiah 7:14.

And though the "woman" was never named "Eve" till Genesis 3:15, it was very clear that all references to "woman" in Genesis 2 & 3 meant "Eve". So the verse actually mean Eve's offspring and her descendants.

But the verse was actually about punishment of the serpent/snake, which started in verse 3:14. And it is about the enmity between offspring of Eve and the offspring of serpent. (The serpent Has nothing to do with the devil or satan.)

It absolutely staggering that you can take 3 words ("seed of woman") twisting them to whatever you want to mean, while at the same time ignoring the rest of the verse.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.


Genesis 2:24 'Therefore doth a man leave his father and his mother, and hath cleaved unto his wife, and they have become one flesh.'

Josua 17:1-6 The daughters of Zelophehad inherited tribal rights and retained them by their cousins.

They said, 'Why should our father's name disappear from among our family? Allow his brothers to raise up sons on his behalf.'

Genesis 38:8 'And Judah saith to Onan, 'Go in unto the wife of thy brother, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother;'

It's obvious what the logic here is. They divided Israel's inheritence between his twelve sons. And they needed to retain that division. So, because daughters could marry between tribes, the sons needed to remain according to their father's tribe. But, when there were no sons of a father, the inheritence was allowed to the daughters, if they could retain their father's tribe. The daughters of Zelophehad were neither allowed, nor did they think to relinquish their father's name and tribe to another tribe. As result, they married within their own tribe. And their inheritence, being relinquished to their husbands, was maintained within the original tribe.

So is Israel's inheritence given only to the sons? Not according to Scripture. The daughters are also the seed of Abraham's covenant, even considering that they are not circumcised like the sons.

Daniel 2

Malachi 1

Jeremiah 3:17 'At that time they cry to Jerusalem, `O throne of Jehovah,' And gathered unto her hath been all the nations, For the name of Jehovah, to Jerusalem, Nor do they go any more after the stubbornness of their evil heart.'

Isaiah 2:2-4

Israel and the rest of mankind are commanded to come together under the one God.


Jesus in me
lol that Midrash is from the middle ages and they somehow speak of a future event. so the "redeemer" has yet to appear for the first time.

Also its a Midrash, if you know what that means.

Good luck with that. I believe when He comes He is coming for his own Jews and not the ones who reject Him.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sincerly
And HE is the "seed of the woman" Gen3:15, and the prophesied "Almah" of Isa.7:14.(and other verses in Isaiah, etc.)

Why are you still bringing up Genesis 3:15?

Genesis 3:15 has nothing to with either Mary or virgin, Jesus or messiah or Immanuel, Ahaz or Judah.

And as usual, you're distorting the verse to suit your illogical reasoning and belief. Where is the rest of the verse?

Hi Gnostic, Why? Because you continue to try to distort the prophecies of the entire OT and NT.
Where is the rest of the verse? Did you not notice the first three words--"In the beginning"? All the Scriptures from that point to the ending of the reason for the telling is the explanation for why those prophecies were given.
Sorry, but I don't accept your answers and conclusions of myth.

Right. "Mahershalalhashbaz" has to do with Ahaz and Judah at that specific time. He was from the "seed of Isaiah".(8:18)

Isaiah had just delivered the message from GOD that ahaz had nothing to fear from those two because GOD had said their "evil counsel" "would not stand nor come to pass".
Ahaz was already in rebellion to GOD as he was going to meet with them, because he had not consulted with GOD after learning of the planned attack. This is seen in (8:6-20)
Ahaz had listened to false counsel(if only his own thinking) and GOD was reminding him of the first promised prophecy for overcoming of contrary information and who will defeat the enemy.
This was seen In the "if you don't believe" and the sign given The "Seed of the woman" and "an almah(of marriageable age, and a virgin) shall give birth and by the name HE will be GOD WITH US.

Ahaz only reigned for sixteen years. Ahaz died at 36--- "If ye will not believe, surely ye will not be established." He did evil in the sight of the Lord GOD.

Just because the verse says "seed of woman" (in whatever translation you are using) doesn't in anyway implied woman being the Virgin Mary and the seed being Jesus, and it certainly has nothing to with the woman in Isaiah 7:14.

And though the "woman" was never named "Eve" till Genesis 3:15, it was very clear that all references to "woman" in Genesis 2 & 3 meant "Eve". So the verse actually mean Eve's offspring and her descendants.

Correct, the name of the "woman whose Seed" was to bruised(kill) the serpent's head. wasn't given at that time----but was acknowledged in the "fullness of time" when the prophesied event was to occur.
However, it wasn't referring to Eve as it was prophetic----beyond Eve or GOD would have said to Eve "Your seed". And the record clearly denotes that it was Adam's seed which impregnated Eve to be the mother of all earthly human Beings.

But the verse was actually about punishment of the serpent/snake, which started in verse 3:14. And it is about the enmity between offspring of Eve and the offspring of serpent. (The serpent Has nothing to do with the devil or satan.)

Partially, Yes, that adversarial "enmity" would continue from Eden to the prophetic end of time when the adversary and all that follow his course of actions will be destroyed.
It is brought about by the prophesied "Seed" in the "fullness of time"/as deemed proper by the Creator GOD.

It absolutely staggering that you can take 3 words ("seed of woman") twisting them to whatever you want to mean, while at the same time ignoring the rest of the verse.

It is worse to twist the Scriptures from the contextual meaning as revealed in the Scriptures as a whole.


Well-Known Member
Genesis 2:24 'Therefore doth a man leave his father and his mother, and hath cleaved unto his wife, and they have become one flesh.'

This is what happens when you have no clue of the context and you are trying to create passages that in no way deal with the issue you want it to deal with.

G-D is saying that "a man leave his father and his mother, and hath cleaved unto his wife" and they create a child together.

I don't get how you feel that has anything to do with the issue.

Josua 17:1-6 The daughters of Zelophehad inherited tribal rights and retained them by their cousins.

They said, 'Why should our father's name disappear from among our family? Allow his brothers to raise up sons on his behalf.'

This has to do with the laws of inheritance.

The link below has the passage straight form the Torah.

Numbers - Chapter 27 (Parshah Pinchas) - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible

The daughters of Zelophehad's father died and there were no brothers. During the current law the inheritance would go to the uncle.

However, they appealed to Moses. Moses first said no, and then brought it before G-D. G-D overruled Moses.

This deals strictly with the laws of inheritance and is not about tribal lineage.

Genesis 38:8 'And Judah saith to Onan, 'Go in unto the wife of thy brother, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother;'

This is saying that if a wife's husband died, his brother is supposed to marry her.

Once again nothing to do with tribal lineage.

Below is how we know tribal lineage come solely from the father.

Numbers chapter 1

Numbers - Chapter 1 (Parshah Bamidbar) - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible

( had some formatting issues)

Chapter 1

1. The Lord spoke to Moses in the Sinai Desert, in the Tent of Meeting on the first day of the second month, in the second year after the exodus from the land of Egypt,

: 2. Take the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel, by families following their fathers' houses; a head count of every male according to the number of their names.

:3. From twenty years old and upwards, all who are fit to go out to the army in Israel, you shall count them by their legions you and Aaron.ג

4. With you there shall be a man from each tribe, one who is head of his father's house.

:16. These were the ones summoned by the congregation, the princes of the tribes of their fathers; they are the heads of the thousands of Israel.

18. and they assembled all the congregation on the first day of the second month, and they declared their pedigrees according to their families according to their fathers' houses; according to the number of names, a head count of every male from twenty years old and upward.יח

20. This was [the sum of] the children of Reuben, the firstborn of Israel, their descendants according to their families, according to their fathers' houses; the number of individual names of every male from twenty years old and upward, all who were fit to go out to the army.

:22. Of the tribe of Simeon, their descendants according to their families, according to their fathers' houses; his tally, according to the number of individual names of every male from twenty years old and upward, all who were fit to go out to the army.

:24. Of the tribe of Gad, their descendants according to their families, according to their fathers' houses; the number of individual names of every male from twenty years old and upward, all who were fit to go out to the army.כד. לִבְנֵי גָד תּוֹלְדֹתָם לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָם לְבֵית אֲבֹתָם בְּמִסְפַּר שֵׁמוֹת מִבֶּן עֶשְׂרִים שָׁנָה וָמַעְלָה כֹּל יֹצֵא צָבָא:


Well-Known Member
It's all very obvious. Which is why you aren't able to refute anything I say. Sleep on it. If you won't understand, your daughters will.

You haven't said anything.

Tribal lineage goes solely by the father.

I am a jewish priest because my father was a jewish priest.

I'm taking a guess that Levite is a levite because his father was a levite.

We practice this today.

Once again, it's extremely arrogant that you (an outsider) are telling us what are laws are.