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Hadith (Sayings of the Prophet pbuh)


Well-Known Member
It was reported from Abu Qutadah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked about fasting on the Day of Arafah.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
He said,
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]'It expiates for the sins of the previous year and of the coming year.' [/FONT]

(Sahih Muslim)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]“Beware of the supplication of the unjustly treated, because there is no shelter or veil between it and Allah.[/FONT]

(Sahih Al-Bukhari & Sahih Muslim)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"How wonderful is the situation of the believer, for all his affairs are good.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
If something good happens to him, he gives thanks for it and that is good for him; if something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience, and that is good for him.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This does not apply to anyone but the believer".[/FONT]

(Sahih Muslim)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]“Treat others how you wish to be treated.”[/FONT]

(Hadith in Sahih Muslim)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

"If a man commits something to your care, be sure to return it to him.

Never betray anyone's trust, not even if the person concerned has failed to stand by his commitments to you."

(Hadith in Al-Tirmidhi)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"The best of people is one whose life is long and his conduct is good".

(Hadith in Al-Tirmidhi)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"You cannot enter heaven until you believe, and you will not truly believe until you (truly) love one another.[/FONT]

(Hadith in Sahih Muslim)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
“The believer with respect to another believer is like a building, one portion strengthening the other.”

(Hadith Al Bukhari & Muslim)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
“Whoever commits a sin, and then performs ablution, then offers prayers seeking forgiveness of God, God will certainly forgive him.”

(Hadith in Al-Tirmidhi)


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]By God, if they place the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand to leave this matter I would not leave it, until God makes it apparent or until I am killed calling people to it[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]



Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
“By Him in whose Hand is my soul, a servant does not believe until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself of goodness.”

(Hadith in Musnad Ahmad)


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
“All the children of Adam constantly err, but the best of those who constantly err are those who constantly repent.”

(Hadith in At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ahmad)


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]“God will accept His slave’s repentance so long as the death rattle has not yet reached his throat.”

(Hadith in At-Tirmidhi)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Wondrous are the believer's affairs. For him there is good in all his affairs, and this is so only for the believer.

When something pleasing happens to him, he is grateful, and that is good for him; and when something displeasing happens to him, he is patient, and that is good for him."

(Hadith in Sahih Muslim)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
“Make matters easy, and do not make them difficult; and give glad tidings and do not turn people away.”

(Hadith in Sahih Al Bukhari)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]“Righteousness is good character, and sin is whatever bothers you and you do not want people to know.”

[/FONT](Hadith in Sahih Muslim)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Whoever wakes up and this world is his main concern, Allah will make him scattered and shattered, and he will feel a sense of panic and loss, and he will get nothing of this world except that which was already decreed for him.

But whoever gets up and is mostly concerned about the Hereafter, Allah will cause him to feel focused and content, and will give him a feeling of being independent, and worldly gains will come to him willingly or unwillingly.”

(Hadith in At-Tirmidhi)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Indeed, this religion is ease, and no one burdens himself in religion but that it overcomes him.

So seek what is appropriate, come as close as you can, receive glad tidings, take it easy, and gain strength by worshiping in the morning, afternoon, and during the late hours of night.

[/FONT](Hadith in Sunan Al-Nisa'i)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

“Truthfulness is tranquility and lying is doubt.”

(Hadith in Sahih Muslim)


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
A believer who conceals the faults of others in this world, God would conceal his faults on the Day of Resurrection.

[/FONT](Hadith in Sahih Muslim)