Dream backlog.. each one summarized in a sentence or two
- Giant abstract concrete structures at twilight, I wander a facility-like area in the open-air, until I am driven off by a couple mild ruffians
- Tall, giant baseball-capped man, guides me along giant tunnel to farms on the lake coast. Computer experts, bright red pox
- In a sweatshop, load the bosses truck with firewood. Whole town on 60 degree grade, drive truck and e-bike (or motorcycle) on it
- Not a very well remembered dream, perhaps of random military movements and associated minutiae, like on the news
- Dreamed of playing super Nintendo games, specifically 'demon's crest.' Then, images of a British country singer, on a tv screen
- Can't really remember this one, but the note says that perhaps I was playing 'super metroid' from the nintendo
- This one was a nightmare, strange creature in the woods, near a port-o-john or something. Last half of dream good, but not remembered
- A car salesman selling sports cars in a large gym, one brother is a garbage man, who sells trash. Other half of dream not remembered