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HALLOWEEN : Pat Robertson vs. (anyone, someone, just debate ;) )


Veteran Member
dear ole' Pat Robertson said:
[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]"I think we ought to close Halloween down. Do you want your children to dress up as witches? The Druids used to dress up like this when they were doing human sacrifice...[The children] are acting out Satanic rituals and participating in it, and don't even realize it."--Pat Robertson, "The 700 Club," 1982-OCT-29[/FONT]

article said:
[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]There is [only] one reference to human sacrifice in Celtic literature, but it appears to be a Christian forgery. The ancient Celts might have engaged in ritual killing; certainly other contemporary societies did. Modern Druids, of course, do not." Excerpt from this website's essay on the Druids. [/FONT]

So, do any Christians here believe Halloween is actually 'evil' and 'satanic'?

What's the harm in dressing up for a holiday and getting candy? How is this evil?


Working-Class W*nch.
Mr. Robertson has one thing right, the Druids did participate in ritual sacrifice, though their participation in human sacrifice is still up for debate. Not all that long ago, I watched a program where archeologists were examining some sort of bonfire pit used by the Druids whereby they found both animal bones, as well as human bones. I don't remember much of the detail, but there was suggestions made concerning cannibalism, as well. However, regardless of what the Druids did, dressing up in order to go out and collect candy is hardly satanic. Unless of course your career is in dentistry, then you have my sympathies. ;)


Obstructor of justice
Actually, I think all of thise business about Halloween being evil is areally a cover-up so nobody finds out that it's actually Pat Robertson who is evil and working for Satan. *nod* You've all been fooled by his....charms!


Tigress said:
Unless of course your career is in dentistry, then you have my sympathies. ;)

On the contrary, events like Christmas and Halloween generate good business for dentists.


Well-Known Member
I figured I was screwed when I went as the Purple Teletubby to a Halloween party three years ago.

Anything from here on out just dictates how high the fire will be when I get to hell.


Well-Known Member
As a kid, I would rather have gotten an apple with a razor blade in it instead of a tract. At least with the apple, once you removed the blade, you had something left to enjoy:sorry1:


FatMan said:
As a kid, I would rather have gotten an apple with a razor blade in it instead of a tract. At least with the apple, once you removed the blade, you had something left to enjoy:sorry1:



Deviled Hen
beckysoup61 said:
So, do any Christians here believe Halloween is actually 'evil' and 'satanic'?

There are enough where I live that Halloween parties have been banned in school, and the local school that had a successful festival around then had to move it 2-3 weeks later, when it's colder, and bill it as an "arts & crafts" fair.

All they ever did for their "Halloween Festival" was have one of thouse bouncy room things for the kids to romp in, have a few games like the beanbag target, some fun games like 3-legged race, a cakewalk with such scandalous prizes as cakes and cookies and breads (maybe with orange frosting, but probably not), and the decorations were cornstalks and pumpkins.

Very evil, that. :sarcastic

What's the harm in dressing up for a holiday and getting candy? How is this evil?

It's only evil if you get your windows waxed, but down here, no one even knows about "tricks."

I've never even seen anyone's yard TPed.

By contrast, there's no lack of Christmas in the school in December, despite the large number of Hindus, Muslims, Jews and JWs there.

It just goes to show how some of the most extreme people get listened to, and everyone else is expected to just put up with whatever the kookiest elements of the dominant religion wants to do.


Will to love
angellous_evangellous said:
More on Halloween from Jack Chick:

WARNING: These links are not suitable for young children or pets.

You're not kidding. The last stuff I read from Chick fil-et made me sick for two days. Ugh.


Will to love
Booko said:
It just goes to show how some of the most extreme people get listened to, and everyone else is expected to just put up with whatever the kookiest elements of the dominant religion wants to do.

Sigh. But maybe if the GOP is successful in pinning the losses this election on the RR we might get a couple of years of breathing room in this respect. Certainly would be nice to see people take the chips off their shoulders over every little thing, like kids dressing up in Harry Potter costumes, and just enjoy life for a bit.



doppelgänger said:
I worked at an Evangelical bookstore in my teens where they sold like hotcakes.

Yeah, I come from an evangelical culture where many people believe that crap. It's disguisting.


Deviled Hen
lunamoth said:
You're not kidding. The last stuff I read from Chick fil-et made me sick for two days. Ugh.

I should sue Jack Chick for trademark infringement. His surname is an insult to poultry everywhere! :chicken:


Deviled Hen
lunamoth said:
Sigh. But maybe if the GOP is successful in pinning the losses this election on the RR we might get a couple of years of breathing room in this respect. Certainly would be nice to see people take the chips off their shoulders over every little thing, like kids dressing up in Harry Potter costumes, and just enjoy life for a bit.

It sure would! My attitude toward Christmas stuff in the schools is there's plenty of material that isn't even that religious anyway (Jingle Bells, anyone?) and any excuse for a party is fine by me.

It really doesn't take that much attention or extra work to throw a party so everyone can take part and no one has any reason to be offended. I did that for years as room mom.