This one got repetitive and i started skimming towards the end. Basically it boils down to: biologists know that ToE is false but they are lying to themselves and you because they are predisposed to that belief. Where they got that predisposition and why they maintain it almost without exception despite this evidence he claims exists is not addressed.
The first assertation is weird enough that i'm just gonna quote it.
"The roots of evolutionist thought go back as far as antiquity as a dogmatic belief attempting to deny the fact of creation. Most of the pagan philosophers in ancient Greece defended the idea of evolution. When we take a look at the history of philosophy we see that the idea of evolution constitutes the backbone of many pagan philosophies. "
I haven't the foggiest idea what to make of that.
Moving on. Did you guys know that most scientists are religious? That they accept basic science while still believing in God? Because it seems that Yahya expects that to surprise me. I guess the impication is supposed to be that Planck and Einstein didn't accept ToE, as the next paragraph claims that it is
not science but philosophy. Again.
Remember that thread where Man_Of_Faith claimed that ToE was wrong because the data that confirmed it came after the theory was formed? Well apparently he wasn't the first guy to come up with that idea.
Then comes the old racism thing, as if anyone cares that Darwin was a big fat bigot.
At the very end he mentions the discovery of genetics, the thing that absolutely confirmed evolutionary theory and common descent, and claims that they disproved it because of complexity. He snidely accuses people of "revising, renewing, and elevating the theory", when obviously we should maintain a dogmatic devotion to how Darwin wrote it (which he also accuses us of).
I dunno if you guys knew this, but Darwin wasn't actually right. Modern discoveries in genetics demonstrated that many of the mechanisms Darwin proposed were inaccurate or incomplete. Since science is an all-or-nothing game we can't simply refine the theory to represent these new discoveries, no we should just throw it out. So says the beginning of this chapter.
Then the lies start.
First is the old "mutations are always bad" thing.
Here's a good video on why that is BS.
Next is the tired claim that no transitional fossils have been found.
Here's a list of just a few.
It ends with a vast misrepresentation of the "Punctuated Equilibrium" hypothesis. I don't actually know a lot about this hypothesis, but i doubt that it was a desperate attempt to save "darwinism". I certainly doubt that it says anything about reptiles giving birth to birds, and i feel bad for the poor ******* he quote-mined to get that statement.
Also thanks to this chapter i have learned the word "vociferous", which i shall endeavor to use in a sentence before the end of the day. Who says you can't learn anything from YECs?
Evolution cannot create new species, "evolutionists" believe frogs can turn into birds, blah blah blah.