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Has anyone ever seen a UFO?


New Member
Hi everyone, I want to ask you if anyone has ever seen an unidentified flying object? I want to know about their appearance, do they really exist and anything more that would be related to them. So, if anyone has any info on them, kindly share it.


Agnostic Pantheist
A couple of months ago there was a mass sighting of UFO in central Israel, I saw it as well.
Basically, it was a few bright lights hanged or suspended in the air for a very long time without movement whatsoever.
as far as I remember the military had no explanation for it, but then again that might be a good deal for the military ;) people thinking they see UFOs and not classified aerial technology.

that being said, I didn't jump to any conclusion, what I saw was simply a UFO, that is to say an UNIDENTIFIED Flying Object. I wont rush into coming to the conclusion that I have seen an outer world vehicle or phenomena.
although UFOS and life from other worlds can be a fascinating THEORETICAL subject to explore. I consider it the new superstition of the 20 century, with many of the 'scientific' back ups for it being all about Pesudo and little with concrete material to back it up.
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Well-Known Member
I saw a UFO with my cousins about 2 years ago while we were at the beach. We saw a trio of red lights hovering around in the distance (it was night), and they were flying around in a triangular formation.

Curious, I grabbed the binoculars next to me and saw that it was a trio of helicopters, most likely from the Army Corps of Engineers base up the road.

So yes, I did see a UFO, but it later became a trio of IFOs.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I saw one driving on my way to school one morning.

I was going north on highway 159 through Fairview Heights, IL (a dense commercial district), and I came to a red light. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye on the left side in the sky, several hundred feet in the air. I didn't think too much of it since we do have Scott AFB close by, and Lambert Airport in St. Louis, so we tend to see aircraft going by on their final approach. But I glanced again, since something was clearly odd about this thing in the air.

I made out a disc-shaped saucer gliding in the air, going north, the same direction that I was going. The light turned green, and so I drove further, trying my best to pay attention to the road, but also letting this image start to sink into my brain what I was looking at. This was most certainly a UFO.

As I passed other intersections, parking lots, I realized that I wasn't alone. Several people were getting out of their cars, pointing up in the air, looking awestruck. Nobody knew what the H that was.

It was black, shiny, and looked to have three distinct circles underneath it. I rolled down my window to peek my head out (yes, while I was driving, don't do that :D )........and it wasn't making any noise. It was just gliding along at a speed to where I had to slow down a bit to stay at the same pace.

By the time I got to the intersection of highway 159 and interstate 64/40, the UFO turned sharply and headed east, and then sped out of sight. Seriously. It just took off without making any sound at all.

Needless to say, I had a difficult time concentrating in class that morning. ;)

I have NO idea what that was, only that I haven't seen anything before or since. I don't know if it was aliens, mass hallucinations, experimental aircraft or that I was completely absorbed into my own imagination (LOL). All I know is that it was certainly weird.


Sweet n Spicy
I'm not sure if this was one I saw. One night I peacefully awoke from my sleep...in the middle of the night. I was facing the window and a few seonds after I woke up I saw a bright light rise into the sky. It passed right over the house but I heard no sound at all. It was strange how I awoke....as if it was just in time to see that light. I thought it was so weird.


Well-Known Member
I believe I have had an encounter with a UFO. It was quite a few years ago in 2003. I was out with my family. We had just went to the movies and was driving on our way home. I was listening to my headphones like I normally did and was looking outside with my head against the window of our van. I looked up in the sky because I saw something very close out of the corner of my eyes... It was a round aircraft with lights around the bottom. The lights were all white. It was so close to the car too. I felt like I could just reach up and grab it. I took my eyes away for a split second and asked any one else if they saw it. My step mom looked at me and gasped. She saw the same thing I saw. It was so crazty because she saw it too. My Dad was looking up at the sky to try and find it but he couldn't... no one else saw it because it just disappeared. No one believed us. I swore it was there and because she saw it too, made it seem so much more real.


Well-Known Member
I've never seen one, though I think I'd find the commonly reported consequence of seeing one: kidnap followed by weird brain experimentation: somewhat therapeutic.


Veteran Member
During the years my husband was an air traffic controller for the Army, he knew two pilots who at different times saw what they considered UFO's while flying at night. He asked them for details but all they would say is that these aircraft were not military.


New Member
i saw a UFO the other week didnt have a camera on me tho
it was over near my local park
looked just like the ones that have been discovered in some part of the world that were on msn videos.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think I have seen two of them.
The first incident I was alone, and looking up at the stars. I saw what seemed to be a white disc appear, and it had an electric blueish light surrounding it. What happened next looked similiar to a space ship entering light speed from Star Trek.
The other time, I was with a friend, same place, and we both saw a MASSIVE object (it looked bigger than the moon), and we thought for sure it would crash into the earth, yet there were no reports of meteors or asteroids landing. I then read about a week or two, in Maine, a similiar object was observed by several people, all of them thinking this object would crash into the earth, yet it didn't.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
When I was a teenager, I saw a group of star-like lights moving in a triangular formation towards the ground. This was from a distance, and at first, I thought they were satellites, but I remember having the distinct impression they were moving downwards. The point of the triangle was pointing in the direction it was moving. It disappeared, then the other two disappeared simultaneously.

A year or so later, my brother (an amateur astronomer then, now an astrophysicist) and I were looking through his telescope when we saw the same thing heading North over us. We looked at it through binoculars, but saw nothing between the lights, which looked very much like satellites. It disappeared altogether before reaching the Northern horizon.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I want to ask you if anyone has ever seen an unidentified flying object? I want to know about their appearance, do they really exist and anything more that would be related to them. So, if anyone has any info on them, kindly share it.

Yep! But that dont mean it were anything thing other than something that we couldn't identify, and dont ask us to describe it, cos we couldn't identify what it looked like, but it were flying.


Resident Liberal Hippie
So lets say in a hundred years or so, humankind goes beyond the laws of physics and finds a way to travel faster than the speed of light. (Unlikely)

So we go exploring the universe, and find a planet with intelligent lifeforms, with the technology of , oh lets say twentieth century Earth.

We then decide that the best course of action is to observe the inhabitants for well over fifty years. In the course of our observations we decide to...

1) Buzz around some military installations, and risk being observed.
2) Land on the local crops to create artistic designs.
3) Slaughter some of the local livestock.
4) Kidnap the inhabitants for...
a) Brain and bodily scans
b) Sticking some probes up their wazoos
5) Get our kicks by exposing our technology to a few of the locals with visual recording devices, but we find a way to blur the pictures, just for fun.
6) And of course, we will install blinking lights on our craft, so that even though we are trying to remain unobserved, we can make our presence known.

Does any of this make any sense?


Well-Known Member
When I was a teenage, I would have sworn I saw a flying car with moving headlights. There was no sound coming from this 'vehicle.' My brother and I watched as it flew over our house and disappeared in the night sky. A few years later, as we were driving home from a movie, the night sky lit up in multiple colors.The closest military installation was about 40 miles away.