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Has Bush Lied?


I'm back!
Because the Iraqi people needed to be liberated, not to mention the fact that Saddam posed a very real threat to our nation and other nations as well.

liberated? is it just me or is there a war going on in israel/palestine? is it me or is there a civil war in sri lanka?

is it me or can anyone see nukes in NK?

iraqi ppl need to be liberated? the army has forced thier way into many homes and rounded up ppl.

remember they bombed bagdad? innocent lives were lost. not to mention army lives are lost too. soldiers in iraq ask the US, why the hell they are there in the first place.

there are no weapons of mass destruction, ceridwen.... how could he be causing harm to outsiders?

oh, and just to let you know, there are people in india who are being killed because of thier beliefs. theres communism in china, forcing ppl to denoucnce thier beliefs and swollow poverty. people are dying eslewhere around the world. my question is to you ceridwen, why did bush choose iraq?

saddam is not an immediate threat. bin ladin is. bush should have concentrated more at the real risk at hand instaed of chasing after someone they barely had evidence on!


Well-Known Member

is it me or can anyone see nukes in NK?

The North Koreans have said that they don't plan on using their nukes unless provoked...meaning that provoking them wouldn't be the best idea right now. Also, North Korea is having trouble with the routing technology on their nukes so if they were to launch one, it could pretty much hit anywhere because it would be out of control. This particular situation is much more complicated than you make it appear.

how could he be causing harm to outsiders?

One word: Kuwait.

You don't need nukes to kill people.

oh, and just to let you know, there are people in india who are being killed because of thier beliefs. theres communism in china, forcing ppl to denoucnce thier beliefs and swollow poverty. people are dying eslewhere around the world. my question is to you ceridwen, why did bush choose iraq?

It would be lovely if the US could stop every conflict everywhere, but that would be understandably impossible. Bush 'chose' Iraq because they presented a threat to our nation.

saddam is not an immediate threat. bin ladin is. bush should have concentrated more at the real risk at hand instaed of chasing after someone they barely had evidence on!

You make it sound as if they totally abandoned bin Ladin in their search od Saddam which is not true.
We still have around 8,000 soldiers in Afghanistan fighting terrorists in the hills there. We haven't just jumped from one thing to the other. The media just sees Iraq as the bigger deal and shows our involvement more there. That is why everyone thinks we are not doing anything to find Osama.


Well-Known Member
Folks George did not lie about going to war with Iraq! "Saddam Hussein tried to kill my Daddy." Beyond that a little tweeking of facts is what politics is all about.
My cry is "A house divided against itself, shall not stand." America is definately divided!!!


I'm back!
It would be lovely if the US could stop every conflict everywhere, but that would be understandably impossible. Bush 'chose' Iraq because they presented a threat to our nation.

a threat? sigh... okay lemme get this straight. did they find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? no... that is not a threat to our nation at all.


You don't need nukes to kill people. In my mind, WMDs can be anything. The now seemingly overused example of 9/11? I didn't see nukes going into those buildings on the news.

We didn't just up and drop everything in Afghanistan. We're still there, as well as many countries in the world.

We can't wave our hands and stop poverty. If the world were that simple, life would be perfect.

And in this world, known as reality: perfect is impossible.

We do our best.

~*Pegan*~ :goodjob:


Well-Known Member
Anti-American rethoric can, since 911, put one into jail as a terrorist.
Sobering thought isn't it?


Is there a certain line or limit to be reached in that though? Because Anti-American can be considered as "I hope this country goes to hell."

Just wondering. I have certain points of view that could be considered Anti-American, though at the same time, I have others that are all for the country.

Guess that's what happens when you move from Europe to the U.S.



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i dunno, they are certainly not thinking about the future of iraq and the middle east. sure you may get rid of a mass murdering terrorist, but Bush never told the people why. to the people in iraq and middle east, they think the terrorists are FREEDOM FIGHTERS.

therefore when you kill them, the people are so obviously against the US. wow, big revelation there.

instead of treading softly, bush has raged against them in a hurry, without UN support. and lately he wants them to get in and clean up. no way. bush's arrogance got him in, it can get him out.

soldiers bombed bagdhad and places in afgan. you see parents dying and the children (the future) will grow up to hate the US.

can people open thier eyes and look at other people's perspectives? uh no...
Gerani, why don't you look at another perspective: You are the President. You get some reports that Al-Quaida is planning an attack, but you ALWAYS get reports that they are planning an attack...the CIA is trying to stop the threat of Al-Quaida, but they are being harbored in Afghanistan and you know if you send forces there "unprovoked" no one will support it. Then 9/11 happens, and you could have stopped it, if only you had taken the precautionary measures and somehow convinced the public and the U.N. that Afghanistan was a threat (which would have been practically impossible before 9/11).

Now, you look at another threat that has been growing...Saddam Hussein. The CIA informs you that we know, for a FACT, that Saddam had VX gas, Mustard gas, etc. etc. and could have a lot more. You know for a FACT that Saddam is a crazy madman who once stated that his biggest mistake ever was not finishing his first nuclear weapon BEFORE he invaded Kuwait. You know for a fact that Saddam will never cooperate with U.N. inspections unless extreme force is threatened, and even then he still may not cooperate as his behavior is often irrational (he never believed the U.S. would have enough international/public support to use force to get him out of Kuwait).

So, you take action: you send a huge force to Saudi Arabia to put the pressure on Saddam, and get things moving in the U.N. to get inspections going again, but Saddam continues his old tricks--the tiny amount of cooperation the inspectors get comes at the immense cost of keeping all those troops nearby indefinitely. Then, France, Germany, and Russia start backing down, insisting on longer inspections etc. These actions only make Saddam more confident that Europe and the American public will never support a war against him...he thinks you're bluffing, and does not intend to change his ways.

So, to sum it up: you can't keep troops in Saudi Arabia much longer, and with summer coming an invasion may cost more American lives. You know Saddam had WMD's, you know he wanted to get more, and you know he will never stop trying to get them and use them. You know U.N. inspections CANNOT WORK without the full cooperation of Saddam Hussein. The scariest thing of all, though, is what you do not know...you do not know how close Saddam is to his next nuclear weapon, and you do not know when he plans to make a move and invade one of his neighbors again...this time, perhaps with a dirty bomb waiting to go off in New York if the U.S. tries to interfere.

Here is my question: what do you do? Do you think you can somehow 'convince' Saddam to stop trying to get nukes/WMD's without actually using force? Would it be acceptable to you to know that Saddam had WMD's, Saddam wants to use WMD's, and we DON'T KNOW if he has them right now? Are you willing to risk another 9/11?

Bush didn't lie....it's a fact that Saddam had WMD's, and some canisters of Mustard gas were found. Either most of the WMD's were shipped to other countries, hidden, or destroyed without Saddam's knowledge (or the world's). We don't know what happened to them, but it's a fact that they were there.
anders said:
But the US thought they were, and so stepped in, believing that enough bombs would solve everything.
I do not think the U.S. military thought Vietnam or Korea was weak...in Vietnam our political leaders thought we could fight a war, but never go on offense. JFK and LBJ should never have sent troops to Vietnam just to sit there and absorb attacks in the South unless they were willing to invade the North and actually win.


I'm back!
Here is my question: what do you do? Do you think you can somehow 'convince' Saddam to stop trying to get nukes/WMD's without actually using force? Would it be acceptable to you to know that Saddam had WMD's, Saddam wants to use WMD's, and we DON'T KNOW if he has them right now? Are you willing to risk another 9/11?

did they have proof that they hid wmds? no, so how can you even reason that they did? just cuz colin powell showed pitures of people moving BIG LONG things (no dirty thoughts) around the nation has nothing to do with anything.

and if the US is allowed to have those kind of weapons, why not another soverign nation?

personally i would try to give evidence that was CLEAR and go in with the UN's aproval and congress.
Gerani1248 said:
did they have proof that they hid wmds? no, so how can you even reason that they did? just cuz colin powell showed pitures of people moving BIG LONG things (no dirty thoughts) around the nation has nothing to do with anything.
Here is the proof that Saddam hid his WMD's: 1) Saddam had WMD's. 2) No one knows where they are--the U.N. certainly never destroyed them.

Either they were hidden, exported, or destroyed without documentation (and perhaps without Saddam's knowledge). If they knew exactly where all of the WMD's were, then Saddam must not have hidden them very well.

and if the US is allowed to have those kind of weapons, why not another soverign nation?
First of all, Iraq was not a sovereign nation--it was a nation held hostage by a tyrannical dictator. Secondly, if we want all the nations to give up their WMD's, I think Saddam should definitely be the first one to give them up.

personally i would try to give evidence that was CLEAR and go in with the UN's aproval and congress.
Bush had the overwhelming approval of Congress, and he tried to get the U.N.'s approval. The other nations in the security council, however--France, Germany, and Russia--had an opposing agenda and would not give their approval. Approval was something the U.N. failed to give, not something Bush failed to get.

Heck, the U.N. security council voted down a measure to use force if Saddam did no cooperate fully by a deadline set over a month away! No wonder idiots like Saddam think they can get away with anything, we Western nations are a bunch of wimps. Sorry for ranting.

EDIT: I would like to add that if France, Germany, and Russia had not voted down the measure to use force, Saddam may have given in and there would not have been a war.


I'm back!
ekk, sorry mr. sprinkles for my ignorance about the congress.

"First of all, Iraq was not a sovereign nation--it was a nation held hostage by a tyrannical dictator. Secondly, if we want all the nations to give up their WMD's, I think Saddam should definitely be the first one to give them up. "

tyrannical dictator? who are you to say that? do you have proof? remember, there are many people in tamil nadu (state in south india) lead by Jayalalitha who tortures and kills people who oppose her.

you shouldnt bring the citizens of iraq into your arguement (not saying you did), because your main focus likes in having WMD or not.

one question to you, why should the US play hero? isnt that what the middle east hates? perhaps if bush made it known to the people how much of a threat bin ladin or saddam is, people will agree and let that idea agree.

but no, soldiers bomb bagdhad, and all iraqi citizens hear about is innocent people dying.
a woman was screaming:"i wish allah will burn the homes of the soldiers (american)" its not exact words, but i think that it sends out a clear meaning from the iraqi consensus that this was unwelcome.

thats the future of iraq, an intense dislike towards the US. what bush should do know is give a messege to iraq citizens that this was the best he could do to get rid of such a leader. but no hes not.
Proof that Saddam is a tyrannical dictator? Are you kidding? Two words: mass graves. You should read up on what Iraq was like under Saddam Hussein....it was not unlike George Orwell's famous 1984.

Why should the U.S. play the hero? Because, Gerani, if the free democracies of the world don't do something about injustice, no one will. The Middle East may hate us in the short run, but the fact is they are going to hate us in the short run no matter what we do. In the long run, Iraq will act as a springboard for democracy and free press in the Middle East, and when that happens, relations between the U.S. and the Mid East will improve.

There is not a consensus that we are unwelcome in Iraq. Iraqis want a democratic, free government, and feel conflicted about U.S. presence there-- check out http://www.command-post.org/2_archives/008753.html and http://cell.stanford.edu/bagelblog/archives/000470.html

Also, check out http://abcnews.go.com/sections/worl...versary_poll_040314.html?INTERNATIONALad=true for a very informative article on how Iraqis feel about the war.

In general, there is little consensus among the Iraqis about anything, other than that their personal lives are going well and have improved since the war. Ironically, more Iraqis say that their country is not doing well than say that they personally are not doing well....which means we are losing a propoganda war with Arab media.


I'm back!
"Proof that Saddam is a tyrannical dictator? Are you kidding? Two words: mass graves. You should read up on what Iraq was like under Saddam Hussein....it was not unlike George Orwell's famous 1984. "

theres a genocide going on in africa...
theres a civil war in sri lanka, killing several people every day...
and palestine...
gawd there is so much, dont bring up that tyranical dictator, it has no back up.

"Why should the U.S. play the hero? Because, Gerani, if the free democracies of the world don't do something about injustice, no one will. The Middle East may hate us in the short run, but the fact is they are going to hate us in the short run no matter what we do. In the long run, Iraq will act as a springboard for democracy and free press in the Middle East, and when that happens, relations between the U.S. and the Mid East will improve. "

injustices are all around the world. This is the UN's job. im sorry, the US has no rite to tell others what goverment they should be and how they should govern.

what really disheartens me is how the US does not help out in the UN. whats the point of it if the world power does not help out?
I am not sure I understand the first part of your post...I am aware that there are other tyrannical dictators out there besides Saddam...but that doesn't change the fact that Saddam is one also.

You're right, the U.S. needs to back the U.N., and it should be the U.N.'s job to confront injustice in the world....however, the U.N. must be willing to use force (or at least make threats to use force which can be taken seriously).

The point of the war was not to find WMD's, the point was to eliminate the threat Saddam posed. If that could have been accomplished without force (in other words, with Saddam's cooperation) I would be all for that.

I suppose we have gotten a little off topic...I do not think Bush lied, though the intelligence on Saddam's WMD program was probably exaggerated to garner more support for the war.

One last thing: people who opposed the war often bring up the fact that there is genocide, tyranny, etc. in other parts of the world. I do not understand that argument at all. Does that mean we should not confront any injustice, ever? Or do we have to take them all on simultaneously?


Mr. Spinkles.

Just a thought. First off we are not a "democracy" you can call us a federal republic or constitutional republic but def. not a democracy. Thus we can't export democracy.

Also IRAQ and the other nations have been around 1000s of years, we can't even get over USAs culture difference of race from barely 200+years how in the world do we plan on wiping out culture indifferences of 1000s of years?