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has G-D performed any miracles lately?


Religious Headbanger
Booko said:
You should know that "SCUD" stands for "Sure Could Use Directions."

(Or was that "Scacely Controlled Urban Destroyer?")


Alright! Alright all ready! Call it crappy missle engineering then! LOL!

For me every single second of the day is a miricle to be thankful for and every single thing comes from Hashem and is for the best. Even when bad things happen I thank Hashem because I know it is for the best for me. Every heart beat. Every breath. Every flat tire. Every time someone disrespects me. It's all for the best.

So yeah, you can call it a crappy missle. I'll keep calling it a miricle. :D


JamesThePersian said:
You mean like my relatives (variously enslaved and exterminated by Nazis)? Don't assume that all of us have cosy family backgrounds. You don't believe that God provides miracles so you don't see them and you appear to want to believe in a meddling God who will save us from ourselves. Unfortunately he gave us this thing called free will. Oh, and please learn to use apostrophes properly.


ummm.....when did i presume anyone had cosy backgrounds? well god created us so its kind of his responsibility to keep us safe, and seeing as he created everything else including the tsunami, does he get a kick out of putting us pathetic disfunctional humans on this earth, then killing us? i just have difficulty understanding why he used to perform such jaw dropping scientifically unexplainable miracles, and make clear it was him who created them, whereas nowadays he keeps his magic shows more low key and doesn't claim the royalties, like making mould grow in the shape of the virgin mary? or maybe just maybe the miracles of the bible were fabricated to give the book more wow factor seeing as all the other religions the bible was competing with had miracles??? oh and i didn't come here for english lessons!


Sweet n Spicy
has G-D performed any miracles lately?

:yes: God woke me up this morning and he sustained my heart beat throughout the day.


to me a miracles is something that cannot be explained by things like science, coincidence, or flukes. so for me child birth, sunsets and waking up in the morning arn't miracles. thats just my opinion.


The Feisty Penguin
jmaster78 said:
Hi just a quick question, considering how many miracles G-D/Jesus performed back in the day to prove their existance, in this topsy turby day in age where faith in G-D is being battered from all sides and loosing numbers rapidly, you'd think it was time to pull another trick out of the bag? Whats the delay?

I think there have been, but a vast majority of them go unnoticed simply because people don't know what they're looking for. It's hard to look for evidence when the question is so vague or even unknown.


Wandered Off said:
Do you really believe we are owed safety and miracles, or were you just venting here?

i think it very irrisponsible of god if he put us on a turbulent unpredictable ever changing planet leaving us at the mercy of the elements. Also giving us free will, knowing it would lead us to turn on each other. leaving millions of innocent people caught in the middle of evil mens ambitions. why would a god of love do such a thing?


The Feisty Penguin
jmaster78 said:
i think it very irrisponsible of god if he put us on a turbulent unpredictable ever changing planet leaving us at the mercy of the elements. Also giving us free will, knowing it would lead us to turn on each other. leaving millions of innocent people caught in the middle of evil mens ambitions. why would a god of love do such a thing?

Entertainment? :run:


Sweet n Spicy
jmaster78 said:
i think it very irrisponsible of god if he put us on a turbulent unpredictable ever changing planet leaving us at the mercy of the elements. Also giving us free will, knowing it would lead us to turn on each other. leaving millions of innocent people caught in the middle of evil mens ambitions. why would a god of love do such a thing?

Christians please correct me if I'm wrong. I think that there is a part in the Bible where a little child was suffering and someone asked Jesus why he didn't just help the child. Jesus told him that God made people like him to help other people who are suffering. Jesus told the man, "Instead of asking me that, I should be asking YOU that." We let our own brothers and sisters suffer. Right now the earth is trying to cleanse itself that is why there are so many natural disasters. I don't know if it's a physical cleansing or spiritual cleansing, or maybe both. Either way, human beings are the reason for this cleansing.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
jmaster78 said:
i think it very irrisponsible of god if he put us on a turbulent unpredictable ever changing planet leaving us at the mercy of the elements. Also giving us free will, knowing it would lead us to turn on each other. leaving millions of innocent people caught in the middle of evil mens ambitions. why would a god of love do such a thing?
"If God exists, I should be protected from all harm." There's an anthropocentric assumption in this position, that God obsesses (or should obsess) over individuals of one species on one tiny planet during one tiny epoch in the eternal expanse of the universe. Do you have an "It's all about ME" shirt? ;)


Wandered Off said:
"If God exists, I should be protected from all harm." There's an anthropocentric assumption in this position, that God obsesses (or should obsess) over individuals of one species on one tiny planet during one tiny epoch in the eternal expanse of the universe. Do you have an "It's all about ME" shirt? ;)

i like that, it's really funny! but apparently god knows our every thought so he must be keeping a close eye on us! you could even say....god obsesses over us??? i migh actually take that slogan and get it printed onto a Tshirt. you havn't patented it yet have you?


Hema said:
has G-D performed any miracles lately?

:yes: God woke me up this morning and he sustained my heart beat throughout the day.

Is it possible that an alarm clock as well as diet and exercise could accomplish these same things with resorting to an omnipotent being? Just a thought.

A miracle is a convenient explanation when you don't know the real reason for an event and nothing more. The reason we haven't had any lately is because we have a better understanding of the mechanics of the universe and no longer require miracles to explain them nearly as much. Sure there is the occasional toasted cheese sandwich but isn't there a saying about a million monkeys and Shakespeare?


sandy whitelinger said:
There is no scientific answer to how it is done it doesn't happen in nature and it can't be reproduced by human effort.

so what was the scenario that made this incident a miracle, when the same scenario killed other people?


sandy whitelinger said:
What are you talking about?

sorry, originally you said "someone was saved today, that is a miracle." I was just enquireing how they were saved, to see if it could have been explained by any other means?

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
jmaster78 said:
sorry, originally you said "someone was saved today, that is a miracle." I was just enquireing how they were saved, to see if it could have been explained by any other means?

I didn't understand the part about how the same scenario killed people.

God saves you by offerring that if you believe in His Son and He accepts your belief that you will be granted an escape from death, eternal life with Him, and a new body that is free from the corruption of sin that dooms us to the commiting of sin and the resulting death. This is a miracle by human definition of the term.


sandy whitelinger said:
I didn't understand the part about how the same scenario killed people.

God saves you by offerring that if you believe in His Son and He accepts your belief that you will be granted an escape from death, eternal life with Him, and a new body that is free from the corruption of sin that dooms us to the commiting of sin and the resulting death. This is a miracle by human definition of the term.

can i physically see that? no, then it's not a miracle in my book. convenient that you have to be dead before you can witness this miracle, unfortunately you can't come back to tell anyone about it!