Okay, here's my story of a paranormal experience...
Linn and I started dating in August 2000, and by fall I was spending a lot of time at her home...which is now our home. We’re located along a country road, a bit over a mile from the nearest subdivision, with open farm fields to the west and a largely wooded area around us. It’s a very naturey…
This is a story about the very first time I brought my sons out to the house.
Late in the fall, my son David needed to print an assignment for school, and of course had waited until Sunday night, and it needed to be printed in color. His mother didn’t have a printer. I had a black and white printer at my apartment. Had he gotten it to me a few days before, I could have printed it at work. Linn did have a color printer, so that was going to be the solution. Expected it wouldn’t take long. So, I bundled David and my other son Jose into the car and headed over to Linn’s.
Jose is developmentally disabled. I call him our eternally three-year-old teenager...he’s 12 years older than David, and David was 13 at the time of this event. He’s very cheerful and easygoing, and usually is not a problem when we go places, although I do often I have to keep more attention on him than I would any other child.
So, we get to the house, and I sit Jose down in front of the TV, likely with a movie or sports show on. He just looks around and watches the TV just fine. Meanwhile, Linn, David and I turn on the computer and printer to get his document printed. First there’s a problem getting the computer started. Funny, haven’t had that problem before…
Next, once the computer is operating, we can’t get his file to open. Funny, never had that problem before…
Finally, we get the document open, and send to the printer...and the computer crashes. Funny, never had that problem before…
Start over...Repeat process several times...No matter what we do, the printer won’t work. Oh, we can print a test page just fine, and we print several other documents without any problem...just when we try to print my son’s document, nothing works right. Funny, never had that problem before…
So, this goes on for well over an hour, and we’re all frustrated...and during this time, Jose has started having giggle fits, as he does sometimes when he’s watching a particularly funny show, or David or I decide to do silly stuff to amuse him. As we are going through the printer problem, I look over at him and tell him to pipe down, as he’s becoming quite loud. He’s jumping up, sitting back down, saying stuff (note he has a very limited expressive vocabulary, but when he’s excited he will vocalize loudly...not that we can tell what he’s saying). Eventually, he’s standing there bouncing up and down, sweating and almost yelling and laughing hysterically, so I go over to see if I can calm him down, or at least figure out what’s got him going here. While the rest of us were having trouble, we were not doing or saying anything that would have set him off.
So, I get him sat down on the couch, and see what’s happening on the TV. Well, what’s on doesn’t matter because he’s not watching the TV. I see him looking around the room, and abruptly laughing…
I notice where he’s looking...around the side of the chair, at the table, over by the bookshelf…
I ask what he’s laughing at. I get a few words out of him, like “There.” and “Funny.” And he sorts of points. So I sit back with him and watch him as his eyes move around the room. He’s not watching Linn and David. He’s not watching the TV. He’s looking around the furniture, etc., and then seems to be jumping...and laughing...in surprise…Funny, he hasn’t had this problem before...
So, I start watching the room with a sort of defocused scan, and low and behold, I see a glimpse of motion around the edge of the chair...and at the exact same time Jose starts laughing again. A few moments later, there’s movement along the far edge of the table...again Jose laughs explosively. I position myself so I can keep my eyes both on him and part of the room at the same time.
Every time he laughs, I can see where he’s looking, and at least part of the time, I can see glimpses of movement.
Linn and David have given up on the printer and are going down the road to Linn’s sister’s house to use HER color printer. I proceed to ask Jose some questions. What are you looking at? That just gets a smile and a laugh. What are they doing? That gets a response: “Peek.” Where are they? “Behind.” What are they? “Little.” What do they look like? “Funny.” I ask other questions, but mostly get laughing and pointing and words I can’t understand.
Finally, Linn and David come back, having had no problem at all printing his project on Geeb’s printer. (And just to note, we never had any of those problems with the computer and printer again.) So, the three of us said “bye” and head back to my apartment.
How is this paranormal?
Well, it isn’t like he was watching cats or dogs (we didn’t have any then) or even mice (which do show up from time to time)…
My take: Jose is a pure and happy spirit. When we came in, the local spirits were wanted to see who and what he is. Most people aren’t aware of them. I see glimpses...shapes, colors, motion. Linn does as well. Apparently, they were quite pleased to discover that Jose apparently sees them quite well. So, they were playing with him...peek-a-boo, hide-and-seek...
So, that’s my story of the paranormal...