I met a self described “Maltheist” online once, who described himself as believing in a god and that all the problems in the world were God’s fault and therefore he was opposed to God. But I couldn’t decide if it was all meant to be satirical or if he genuinely believed in a malicious God.
That is not uncommon. There are a lot of atheists who believe that
God is to blame for everything because God is omnipotent so God could prevent ALL suffering in the world. They think this is logical and that beleivers are illogical.
I have only run across one such poster on this forum, but I have run across that frequently on other forums. Many atheists blame God for the Holocaust, for example.
There is one man who consistently calls God a malevolent megalomaniac who enjoys watching humans suffer. He has said this numerous times and I know he is not joking or being satirical. He REALLY believes it.
I do not buy the theory that God is to blame for all suffering, but I have to admit I do wonder
why an omnipotent/omnibenevolent God would allow so much suffering. Of course we Baha'is have "explanations" for that in the Writings, but admittedly I still wonder. All suffering is not caused by free will decisions people make and many innocent people suffer at the hands of others' choices or from natural disasters that are not human doings.
Moreover, suffering cannot always be alleviated by "doing something." This idea that there will be recompense in an afterlife doesn't cut it for me either, because there is no proof of an afterlife and there is no way to know if or how that recompense will take place. Even if we accept that there is an afterlife where there will be recompense, what about having to suffer for 80 years before getting that recompense? I cannot make that "fit" with an omnibenevolent God. Too many questions, too few answers, for this skeptical Baha'i.
Then there is the suffering of animals owing to what humans do to them and the suffering of animals in the wild. There is no explanation for this in the Bahai Writings or in the Bible. As believers, we are just supposed to brush it off and have faith. I find this very difficult to do. I believe God exists, but I cannot believe God is omnibenevolent simply because of the logical inconsistencies.