1) Would medical screening for "gayness" in developing fetuses significantly alter prospective "conservative" (pro-life, anti-gay) parent's choices in pursuing either "treatment", hormone therapy, or abortion? Would it be unethical/immoral of parents armed with such knowledge to choose to let "nature takes its course"?
If so, how so? If not, why not?
Certainly some would be persuaded at the prospect of having their kid not grow up
gay, but there would be a clash of morals if anti-abortion conservatives did go forward with changing their kid. It has been argued on that side a fetus is a person and deserves full rights. That would mean the mother is putting another person through something they have not consented to. On the flip side, things would be different because pro-choice individuals could split in two groups without breaking against their past logic: one arguing that trait swapping does not affect the mother in the least and thus is not her decision to make, and the other saying it's in her body thus it's her choice.
2) If a "homosexual vaccine" (acting as a preventative) was as readily available and relatively free of risk as those available for measles, or HPV...would you promote or impede efforts to make such inoculations legally mandatory for all school-age children? Why, or why not?
Mandatory? Of course not. There's no physical, emotional, or mental problems with being a homosexual, nor can it be spread to other individuals through contact.
3) If you were a fertile female,
Oh please no. The imagery...
nd you could safely (as safely as any birth-control pills) utilize a prescription hormone therapy to prevent/suppress homosexual traits from ever being expressed in a developing fetus, would you?
Why, or why not?
No, I don't see it directly affecting their lives in a negative way. They may be picked on later on in life, but that happens to people with acne, red hair, scars, pale skin -- it just happens one popular book talks bad about it and people accept that without any reason or compassion.
5) Should medical science even effort to discover any prenatal/genetic tests/screening for potential homosexual traits (for vaccines, or "cures")?
Would you support/oppose federal funding into researching/developing such medical options? Do these hypothetically prospective views align with with your current views regarding federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research?
How are they alike, or how do they fundamentally differ from a societal moral/ethical perspective?
I wouldn't support it, but that's up to the people. There is no evidence homosexuality is like anything on the list, with the exception of "left-handed-ism."
[PS. Any other moral/ethical dilemmas of a similar nature to this OP are invited for discussion/debate.]
While on the topic of designer babies -- wouldn't it be remarkable [and frightening] if we could preprogram thoughts into children from birth on? Want an atheist child? Let's just slip some code into the DNA...