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Healing advice

Omnipresent Truth

You know there is ;-)
Ok folks. If you are a practicing healer I ask for your help. I have recently been asked by a friend to 'teach' her how to send healing energy.
A bit of background info on myself:
I was totally skeptic of all spirituality growing up. My Mother used to visit Spiritualist churches etc and I thought it was all shenanigans. I have suffered depression for as long as I can remember and at a severe low, I had previously been told meditation could help me out. What did I have to lose? Needless to say it picked me up after 15, 20 mins med. After a while I was at it for an hour or so, feeling pretty good after each session (no pressure, no expectations etc). Then a yr & a half later, I said to a friend (jokingly) I would send some 'happy vibes' her way. I imagined my hands 'soaking up the negative s**t', (which I now know it's not how you conduct yourself), but when I reached a specific part my hands started the old tingly & burny stuff. There was loads more but I'd be here all night explaining, & those who know, don't need any more info.

Anyway, I've been sending healing for many years now & still don't really know what I do, apart from just let it go. I have a friend which I have always felt is open & now she has a friend who has been diagnosed with cancer & is asking if I could help her boost her friends immune system the way I have with others. I know it can help and have been sending healing for the past few weeks but how do I go about showing someone how it's done?!?!!?

Note: the woman that I first experienced this had cervical cancer & irritable bowel syndrome, lived 200 something miles away & we had never met. I sent healing almost every night for a few months and it turned out she was ok. Non-believers: coincidence? maybe, is she ok? Yes. Is it worth the bother? YES! There have been many other 'coincidences', I'm just glad they've ended up ok.

If you're reading this M************, I apologise for being so public, but as you know, it's how it came about & blew my proverbial socks off lol.

Anyway healers, I'm talking about passing on the ability to pass on the boost to another's immune system.

From what I've recieved in med;
Have her lie down and explain protection & practice etc.
Go through the motions myself and send healing from palm to her crown to get her accustomed to how it flows (she has an idea as I've shown her basic exercises),
Explain how it moves through the body and out through the hands,
Try and get her to focus on the recipient (don't know her name lol),
Ask her to consider her hands over the recipients crown with the feeling being cast over her.
After a while, I move away to see how things go.............?

What do you think? Is there anything I should add, detract?

Any help greatly appreciated.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
My thoughts would be that the biggest message is "Go where your instinct is telling you"

I think that any intuitive feelings you're getting, might just tell you where the actual problem is.

I dunno, I really haven't got much experience in this area, other than self-healing. But I really should get into it because it could help my future career (surgeon)

Ever learning

Active Member
Sorry just have a question, but are u talking about Rekki? If so it´s quiet popular in a lot of european countries and classes are offered allmost everywhere.


Its only a Label
CHI is energy which Chinese use positively in healing like Rekki etc.
Pranayam is another method used by Indians for self healing.
Prana is akin to Oxygen that we inhale and due to os humans not inhaling deeply all our body cells does not get enough of oxygen for their healthy living and so disease like cancer happens. CAncer cells cannot grow if the cells get proper oxygen and so any person practcing Prayanama [different techniques of breathing available] will live a long a healthy life.
Meditation is the key to both, so do meditate.
Love & rgds

Omnipresent Truth

You know there is ;-)
Sorry folks, I haven't been online much recently.

Sorry just have a question, but are u talking about Rekki? If so it´s quiet popular in a lot of european countries and classes are offered allmost everywhere.

Like my original post said, it's not actually Reiki as that's done with symbols etc. but IMO it's all the same thing, just different methods of application.
I came across what I do totally by accident (no training what-so-ever) & after checking if my feelings had any validity, they always do. I've tested it on many skeptics and I've found some agreeing there is truth in it, others just stay quiet, knowing it's truth but not willing to admit to it. I can find people that do Reiki but when asking about methods they say to do the course. :rolleyes: I can't seem to find anyone that has stumbled across it, like myself, so to discuss methods etc. Hence my post on here.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
The best way to teach spiritual applications is to one dedicated person, who agrees to be your "apprentice". They watch, study, and try to understand. And eventually, they try it on their own. This allows you to get an understanding of "how can I teach this" and for your first student to still learn properly and spiritually, but also sees how to teach it to the next person. Does that make sense?