If you read Revelation, which was written after the death of Jesus, Satan is thrown from heaven by force. Satan was condoned in heaven in the Old Testament and most of the New Testament, except in Revelations. Hades and Hell are not the same place. Hell only appears when Satan becomes the Devil after his excommunication. Hade was more like the place where the dead sleep.
Before Satan is forcefully thrown from heaven, he was the Lord of the earth due to his rapport with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Satan became like the CEO of the earth and humans, with God the chairman of the board for a much larger universal organization.
In the book of Job, the CEO Satan is asking the Chairman to test Job. The chairman goes along, but eventually he gets pissed off at Satan due to too much micromanaging. However, he keeps him as Lord of the Earth, which humans thought was God, due to being chosen as his agent on earth. This is why the earth was full of suffering, why the good die young and why God appears to do evil. His CEO had full authority over the earth, with the Chairman not there to micromanage like a subordinate. Like knowledge of good and evil Satan had a good side and a bad side.
When Satan is finally thrown from heaven, he is fired as the CEO and the Lord of the Earth. However, humans are not aware of the change, in the heavenly politics. They continue to serve Satan, as though nothing has changed and he is still part of the divine plan, as Lord of the Earth, condoned by God.
The end time is about the changing of the guard becoming conscious to humans, but not to all at once. The analogy would be a soldier who respects his commanding officer and will do whatever he says. One day the commanding officer is relieved of his duty. He does not tell his troops, but acts like all is the same. Now all his orders are not legal; condoned by heaven. However, his troops still think they are and continue to act on his behalf. What had been divine is not longer that way.
Some of his soldiers start to notice a chip on his shoulder, and how his orders are getting strange. They are not sure, so they start to lose their unconditional acceptance. However, they still need to tread lightly, to not make any waves among the diehard soldiers. Slowly they start to rebel and become a target, because the blind soldiers do not yet see this rebellion as honorable to new status quo in heaven. The Saints are the first to see the change in politics and are persecuted by the blind who are sincerely stuck in the past, when Satan was a part of Heaven; decorated soldier. The result is a degeneration of behavior that will populate Hell.