lately I have been very intrigued by Hecate but i must admit that snakes, dark horses, and black dogs scare the hell out of me. She's shown herself to me through alot of signs over the past few days and even in my reoccurring dreams when i was younger but i am quite frightened of her. I understand that coming from a Christian faith and media is the root of why her associations scare me but i know that when she has come to me, i feel a warmth and a closeness that i can't let go of. The more i research her, the more frightened i get. How am i to get over these fears? I wanted to call on her this new moon but i am afraid she will show herself in a frightening way not only to myself but the people i live with. Has anyone here had to battle with these notions as well? What have your experiences with her been?
After researching her, i couldn't sleep. I kept telling her "please don't scare me or my roomates. If you are going to show yourself, please do it in a manner that won't frighten anyone. There are children here that are easily frightened. " This may have been a selfish request but any parent would understand. I finally fell asleep and my dream consisted of a light blue colored preteen boy. He could have been a nymph. I called for protection and he showed up in my bed under my covers holding my arm. He was warm and nurturing. He had short black hair and watched over me whenever i needed him or just needed to talk to him. I found myself caring for him like a son or a sibling. He told me his name but i forgot. I have tattoos on my arms and he told me to remove them because they hurt him. Then the dream goes onto an ex boyfriend who was dressed in drag and was stealing money from the wallet of a rich tycoon type of man. Had no relevance im assuming. Then it switches to the x playing basketball, ignoring me (as usual) and i see these water dogs that were starving in a shadow pool. These dogs had fins but looked like regular muts. I fed them. Then i begin looking for the blue boy and i woke up. Ok, anyone have any thoughts on this? Do you think the blue boy was Hecate or someone else?
After researching her, i couldn't sleep. I kept telling her "please don't scare me or my roomates. If you are going to show yourself, please do it in a manner that won't frighten anyone. There are children here that are easily frightened. " This may have been a selfish request but any parent would understand. I finally fell asleep and my dream consisted of a light blue colored preteen boy. He could have been a nymph. I called for protection and he showed up in my bed under my covers holding my arm. He was warm and nurturing. He had short black hair and watched over me whenever i needed him or just needed to talk to him. I found myself caring for him like a son or a sibling. He told me his name but i forgot. I have tattoos on my arms and he told me to remove them because they hurt him. Then the dream goes onto an ex boyfriend who was dressed in drag and was stealing money from the wallet of a rich tycoon type of man. Had no relevance im assuming. Then it switches to the x playing basketball, ignoring me (as usual) and i see these water dogs that were starving in a shadow pool. These dogs had fins but looked like regular muts. I fed them. Then i begin looking for the blue boy and i woke up. Ok, anyone have any thoughts on this? Do you think the blue boy was Hecate or someone else?