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Hell: Eternal Suffering or Temporary Punishment


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
You did misunderstand me on one point, though. We don't believe that Jesus Christ is in Paradise now, teaching people His gospel. We believe He's in Heaven, and we don't believe that Paradise and Heaven are one and the same. Paradise is more a state of existence than it is a physical place. We believe that Jesus Christ's gospel is being taught there, but those who have already accepted Him and not by Him personally. Hence, it's still going to take a degree of faith that it wouldn't require if He were to personally be there to say, "Hey, I'm real."
I have nil knowledge abt orthodox Christianity.I know that Jesus is God.Wat ever information u provide is new for me.

They may be insulted, but they certainly aren't pro-Christian and I'm sure they'd be first to acknowledge that.
Really dont generalize again.Politics has to be different from common people.Muslims are not against Christians,in fact they revere christ.
I thought you were saying that living someplace where there were no Christians sounded good to you.
Again u are assuming.
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New Member
Hi I haven't read the whole of this thread but I am asking some important questions so I'll jump right in.
I will get to the hows and whys later. I am being visited in the spirit world by a grumpy, angry nihilisic demon figure that seems to be trying to "vanquish" me or perhaps just my optimism and freedom. Often the Deist faithful seem to say that subservience is a path to salvation, and Buddhists will say that brave enlightenment is the liberation. Maybe my trouble is in being too proud and clever to compromise.
Earlier in life i was very blessed, but fell into sin before later exploring religion with a faith that I know was always there. In a kind of anarchist way I have tried to have a personal relationship with God, aside from formal religion, (which i also study).
I will continue in my way learning of the many miracles and blessings of life, the magic of the spirit world, the philosophy of science, the parables in literature, the honour of my life.
I do not intend to be a fallen angel my complaint is not against God but against demons that try to prevent me serving in heaven.


New Member
I wish to be a medium for blessings in this world.
Such a role would also require times for solemn contemplation and an ability to avoid wasting blessings.


New Member
I aim to be a virtuoso musician. As I'm sure you are aware there are many stories of great musicians selling their souls. The gruelling effort is indeed often an expensive process, but can also be seen as a devotional deed of faith. Are you aware of what the great world religions say about such voluntary hard work situations, are they akin to the (sinful?) servitude in Egypt etc..?
regarding the question of heaven, hell, and suffering ... the only things that happens is suffering ... the suffering of dying ... afterwards, unfortunately there is a crushing nothingness for those who believe in heave and hell


New Member
I have had a problem with this as well but my bible states in many scriptures that hell is for eternity and those that reject God will go there. I cannot find anywhere in the Bible that suggest that it is only temporary and I realized that God gives ample time to accept him and they reject his free gift of salvation. So, haven't they chosen Satan over Jesus death on the cross and therefore, God does not send them to hell but they themselves have chosen hell.. Any thoughts on this?


New Member
rubbish eternal suffering is a pagan belief. Purgatory is not only scriptural it was the belief of the early church that Christ had saved all mankind .
not only does eternal suffering show a powerless god it also shows that god is not allknowing. For if this was the true future of mankind , then a
All knowing God would simply destroyed Adam and Eve . Thier certainly wasnt a loss off material. Lots of dirt and Spirit. The reality of the matter is
if god allowed eternal suffering, then most of his creation goes up in smoke. Thier is no reason for a All Knowing God to allow this. Adam and Eve
simply would not of left. My God has a rehabilitation plan. He sent his son to die for all mankind not a few. This way in the end God wins all.
He has a New Earth and Heaven with mankind worshipping him. No waste.
Purgatory is Scriptural? Pray tell, show me where and I can show you several that say it is eternal, where the fire never goes out.
It is eternal.

Some say "Isn't that harsh?"

I say you can avoid it entirely by worshiping God the creator and accepting Jesus as savior. It isn't something you need to experience.


Not your average Mormon
It is eternal.

Some say "Isn't that harsh?"

I say you can avoid it entirely by worshiping God the creator and accepting Jesus as savior. It isn't something you need to experience.
I'd say it's definitely "harsh" in the case of individuals who have never had the opportunity to hear Jesus Christ's gospel. I mean how can a person be expected to accept Jesus if he has never heard of Him?
I'd say it's definitely "harsh" in the case of individuals who have never had the opportunity to hear Jesus Christ's gospel. I mean how can a person be expected to accept Jesus if he has never heard of Him?

It is true that the bible doesn't appear to go into clear detail on exactly how this is handled, but there are passages that refer to this idea.

Romans 2:12-16

12 For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law

13 For not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified.

14 For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these although not having the law, are a law to themselves

15 who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them.

Jesus' words in Luke 12:47-48

47: "And that servant who knew his master's will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes."

48: "But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required, and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more."

Seems to imply that punishment for those that have not heard the gospel is different.

Acts 17:31

"Because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom he has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead."

This passage is translated as such in the King James version of the bible. Others say "fairly and righteously". As I do not speak the original language I can't offer you a direct translation of the original text. However, the general idea being that people are judged fairly and justly (As you implied in your post, it would be injust to live and die a brief life, never be really told much of anything, then be sent to hell for it).

I know it isn't cut and dry information detailing exactly what will happen to such people but nonetheless the Bible does touch on the idea that people will be judged according to appropriate criteria depending on their circumstance, even though it doesn't explain it fully.


Well-Known Member
I have a question...

Is Hell, from a Biblical perspective, just separation from god, or is there a literal fire with physical and emotional anguish?

What all does Hell entail? I was taught that Hell was emotionally and physically painful, that it had real brimstone and fire, and that Hell was temporary, that it was where all the unsaved sinners went until the Final Judgment when Satan and his demons were cast off the earth into the Lake of Fire, along with all the non-repentant.

Is there verses that explicitly state what I just described (it's been so long I don't recall the passages very clearly), or is Hell just a kind of spiritual separation from God?


Active Member
I explained in another thread on my beliefs of Hell.
It is a place where only the most wicked will go to be purged and eventually return to God if they so wish.

If I am not mistaken, Purgatory has not been dropped from the catholic doctrine only the concept that babies and children go there.

in Orthodox Church However there is no such thing, as purgatory.