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Hello I am new here and I am part gypsy


Hello! I am searching for some religous answers! I want to find a religion i am comfortable with and maybe it might turn out to be my gypsy side or maybe the roman catholic side or maybe something new all together! i look forward to any thought provoking disscusion! Oh and if you have questions about the gypsies as so many gadje (that means non gypsy) do feel free to ask me!


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hi Dreena, Namaste.

Welcome to the forum; hope you like it here.
by the way, which part of you is gypsy ?:biglaugh:
(Sorry about that, I couldn't resist it - please don't take offence - none intended):)


More Human Than Human
Hiya! And welcome!

Which side is your gypsy side? Your mother or your fathers? My friend's dad was part gypsy, but he was a very big, scary man...(Okay, I was 7, but still...)


my father is gypsy and my mother is catholic! (go ahead imagine the fun times) I am from the Gulliette tribe of the lamarvran gypsies

Lady Crimson

credo quia absurdum
hi, Dreena! Welcome! Namaste!

If you feel like believing in a higher power and not sure in which, I suggest becoming a deist like me. You can find out more information about this religion on the deism forum.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
dreena said:
my father is gypsy and my mother is catholic! (go ahead imagine the fun times) I am from the Gulliette tribe of the lamarvran gypsies
Sounds a bit 'awkward' - I looked up all variations of Gulliette, lmarvran gypsies, but Google didn't come up with anything. From where did the tribe to which tou belong originate ? - I always understood that the main 'source' of gypsies originated from 'The eastern Block' - though I could'nt tell you where I got that from.:)


Yes we have "gatherings" and i am assuming you mean some sort of ritual type thing. I do have cerimonial garb and yes that includes hoop earrings and a skirt but most gypsyies today dont follow that woman must wear skirt thing i mean come on its 2005. lol


lol its lamarvran gypsy(this our origination) our personal tribe name is gulliette. our tribe originated in india then mirgrated west into france where they settled and lived during world war two my great grandmother and grandma(she was a baby) fled to escape the nazi camps.Now what is left of my tribe is a small family who most now live in new hampshire.i AM THE YOUNGEST LIVING GULLIETTE left alive after me there will be no more gulliette gypsy.


ya know what? i am embarrassed to admit i never even tried to search for gypsy stuff online before? so i am sorry i cannot direct you to any source. being gypsy i guess i felt was authority enough lol . but if you find anything cool let me know


well thats the thing see i am trying to decide if i should raise them catholic (or some version of christianity) or gypsy. I feel guilty about it either way. but being gypsy is so hard in today world i dont want to make their life difficult like mine was.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
dreena said:
lol its lamarvran gypsy(this our origination) our personal tribe name is gulliette. our tribe originated in india then mirgrated west into france where they settled and lived during world war two my great grandmother and grandma(she was a baby) fled to escape the nazi camps.Now what is left of my tribe is a small family who most now live in new hampshire.i AM THE YOUNGEST LIVING GULLIETTE left alive after me there will be no more gulliette gypsy.
How fascinating; thank you for sharing that - what a pity the lineage has to come to an end with you !:(


ya you have no idea..lol. no pressure on me or anything. i came to this site to try and i dont know...find an answer or maybe the question? (wow that was deep huh?) lol. most of my tribe were killed in nazi camps the rest are lost and there are about 35 living gulliettes left. i need to find a way to either be gypsy or be christian this inbetween my whole life has ,well frankly...sucked.


More Human Than Human
dreena said:
ya you have no idea..lol. no pressure on me or anything. i came to this site to try and i dont know...find an answer or maybe the question? (wow that was deep huh?) lol. most of my tribe were killed in nazi camps the rest are lost and there are about 35 living gulliettes left. i need to find a way to either be gypsy or be christian this inbetween my whole life has ,well frankly...sucked.
How about being a gypsy-christian? Have your christian beliefs with your gypsy upbringing. Simple! And make your partner take your surname...


the gypsy christian thing is what my parents tried with me. well, it was interesting to say th eleast and confusing to say the most. most christian groups belive the tarot and palm reading to be evil along with the power of sight and curses. besides gypsies belive in multipule entities while christians belive in one god only.