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Hello. Just wanted to state my beliefs.


Welcome to the forums, Brujo.

It´s good that you have found the Tao philosophy fitting. If it works for you, you should use it.


Vinlandic Warrior
If I can add to this great conversation, and that is, Satan is seen as a God by many theistic satanist, but this does not mean we have to take a xian approach on how the universe was created, as if it had to be created by some old man in a beard looking down on us, that is so Greek lol. I take a more Taoistic approach, the universe was spontaneously created out of nothingness into all the manifestations around us today. I see this as the ultimate undefinable primal source Tao, only it doesn't think nor can you pray to it, it only does what it does naturally without thought, and one can only work with it by working with nature, not against it, its what Taoist call the Tao, only the rest of us call it nature. If anything, Satan wants us to follow our own personal and true inner Tao, that is are true nature or what I like to call "The Tao of Satan", unlike the xians and most other religions who advocate repression and senseless self flogging thats only intended to destroy quality of life and keep us enslaved! In conclusion, I believe Satan and other demi-gods are gods that could have created us but not necessarily the whole universe. If I remember correctly, Satan is God of this Earth. These are just my views of course, others are free to disagree.

Hail Satan!

A very good take on Satanism. Very interesting Brujo


Premium Member
Hey Brujo,

I too would like to welcome you to the Forum. Your "Tao of Satan" is similar to my Leviathanite approach. In my own personal Satanic Cosmology, Leviathan (the Eternal Serpent) is the Living Primordial Abyss from whence evolved the potential for all Life within the Universe.

I personally am convinced in the literal existence of the Prince of Darkness which I identify in His/It's Form of the ancient Egyptian god Set, who, to me is the primal Source of metaphysical Being or psyche centric Awareness within the Microcosm= humanity. And who is also the Source of all other Self-Aware and intelligent life forms, who posses the Freedom of mind and will, within the Universe.


Iron Star

New Member

To me, 'His Dark Majesty, Satan, Apep, The Nameless One, The Hidden God, The Great Serpent, The Great Dragon, Dark Lord, The Adversary, King of Hell (and many more TITLES)' is as difficult to 'know' as is the Creator of all living things. He is difficult to know because He allows man to view Him as man desires and with as many or as few qualities as man chooses to place on Him.

"People see Me as they wish to see Me. I do not deceive them, I merely show them what they wish to see" - The Adversary

Thus, if you can KNOW Him, be grateful as it is rare.

For me, He existed prior to the Creator and soared and twisted through the Void. Within the vacuous Void existed the great sea of potential. At some point there was an Occurrence; a disturbance that caused potential to swell and chaos to erupt and from that chaos the Creator originated. He is the primal darkness (and a real personality) of which I worship. (Worship means not to grovel at the feet of, rather to imitate). The Creator is worthless.


Premium Member
For me, He existed prior to the Creator and soared and twisted through the Void. Within the vacuous Void existed the great sea of potential. At some point there was an Occurrence; a disturbance that caused potential to swell and chaos to erupt and from that chaos the Creator originated. He is the primal darkness (and a real personality) of which I worship. (Worship means not to grovel at the feet of, rather to imitate). The Creator is worthless.

Ave Iron Star,

What you discribe here is very much like my understanding of the Neter Leviathan, the Eternal Serpent of the Abyss, who is one of the 9 Neteru that I Work with on a Magical level.

The final statement in The Diabolicon transcribed by Dr. Michael Aquino, former High Priest and founder of the Temple of Set is the "Statement of Leviathan" which begins thusly:

"Before God or Angel, Daimon or man, there was Leviathan alone, principle of continuity and ageless existence."

To me Leviathan is the Living churning Primordial Abyss, that Void from whence emerged the potential for all Life within the Universe. I am of the mind that Leviathan is the unknown celestial fusion which sparked the Dark Lords Will to Life, that point in time in aeons past when Set/Satan/Lucifer, etc, became Aware of himSelf and defined himself against the resistence of the Law of the Cosmic Order. Leviathan goes on to say in his Statement:
"By relation and time I have oft been sought, but Leviathan shall yield to none another than the final Master of the Universe.

Leviathan is the Absolute, man, and if thou would presume to realize what neither Heaven nor Hell may effect, know that when thou behold the presence of Leviathan, thy end hath been attained.

Only through obliteration of the Universe that is may man seal his Mastery of the Black Flame, for only thus may he know that he is not subject to a greater Will.

Heaven must perish, Hell must perish, and man alone must remain ere the Black Flame becomes Red in the glory of its perfection.

Then the Red Magus shall behold only Leviathan, and he shall recognize that he has become the perfect mind, who shall remake the Cosmos in the eternal glory of his Satanic Will." - "The Statement of Leviathan" The Diabolicon

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Iron Star

New Member
Ave Iron Star,

What you discribe here is very much like my understanding of the Neter Leviathan, the Eternal Serpent of the Abyss, who is one of the 9 Neteru that I Work with on a Magical level.

The final statement in The Diabolicon transcribed by Dr. Michael Aquino, former High Priest and founder of the Temple of Set is the "Statement of Leviathan" which begins thusly:

"Before God or Angel, Daimon or man, there was Leviathan alone, principle of continuity and ageless existence."

To me Leviathan is the Living churning Primordial Abyss, that Void from whence emerged the potential for all Life within the Universe. I am of the mind that Leviathan is the unknown celestial fusion which sparked the Dark Lords Will to Life, that point in time in aeons past when Set/Satan/Lucifer, etc, became Aware of himSelf and defined himself against the resistence of the Law of the Cosmic Order. Leviathan goes on to say in his Statement:
"By relation and time I have oft been sought, but Leviathan shall yield to none another than the final Master of the Universe.

Leviathan is the Absolute, man, and if thou would presume to realize what neither Heaven nor Hell may effect, know that when thou behold the presence of Leviathan, thy end hath been attained.

Only through obliteration of the Universe that is may man seal his Mastery of the Black Flame, for only thus may he know that he is not subject to a greater Will.

Heaven must perish, Hell must perish, and man alone must remain ere the Black Flame becomes Red in the glory of its perfection.

Then the Red Magus shall behold only Leviathan, and he shall recognize that he has become the perfect mind, who shall remake the Cosmos in the eternal glory of his Satanic Will." - "The Statement of Leviathan" The Diabolicon


Greetings once again, Adramelek.

Thank you for the reply! This sounds similar in many ways to my own understandings. However, not completely as I do not hold 'man/woman' in any high regard.

So... thank you again.


Premium Member
Thank you for the reply! This sounds similar in many ways to my own understandings. However, not completely as I do not hold 'man/woman' in any high regard.

Using the term "he" in regards to the Prince of Darkness or Set is simply for convenience. The Dark Entity to me is neither male nor female as It is not a biological creature unto itself, but rather a purely metaphysical Being. Also when Leviathan uses the term 'man' or 'he', It is referring to humankind in general.
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Theistic Satanist
Thant's what everything boils down to, isn't it? Beliefs. That's the beauty of it all. Whatever makes you most complete is what you're entitled to believe. However, I don't see how putting your all into a tyrannical egomaniac like Jehova completes anyone. Someone who threatens into worshipping him, or else, is not someone who I would feel comfortable in following. How the hell do so many intelligent people of this world submit to an obvious sadistical creature? Why are we the only ones able to see through the manipulation and trickery?


Left Hand Path
Well first of all, I would consider myself to be a Satanist. Specifically, a Spiritual Satanist with some Luciferianism incorporated. I do not believe in the christian god, I believe that Satan/Lucifer is represented in almost all religions, just with different names. So basically I believe in pagan gods, I just refer to them as Satan/Lucifer and his Demons. For example, Enki and Prometheus show obvious parallels with Lucifer, i.e. bringing knowledge to humans. I believe that Lucifer created the human race, but I also support science, and I believe that the earth was created naturally. I do not believe that it was made by any gods.

Well, I can't really think of much else to say, but if you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask/say them.

If Lucifer created us, then who created him?

Do you not realize that all beings are of a spiritual nature?


Left Hand Path
If I can add to this great conversation, and that is, Satan is seen as a God by many theistic satanist, but this does not mean we have to take a xian approach on how the universe was created, as if it had to be created by some old man in a beard looking down on us, that is so Greek lol. I take a more Taoistic approach, the universe was spontaneously created out of nothingness into all the manifestations around us today. I see this as the ultimate undefinable primal source Tao, only it doesn't think nor can you pray to it, it only does what it does naturally without thought, and one can only work with it by working with nature, not against it, its what Taoist call the Tao, only the rest of us call it nature. If anything, Satan wants us to follow our own personal and true inner Tao, that is are true nature or what I like to call "The Tao of Satan", unlike the xians and most other religions who advocate repression and senseless self flogging thats only intended to destroy quality of life and keep us enslaved! In conclusion, I believe Satan and other demi-gods are gods that could have created us but not necessarily the whole universe. If I remember correctly, Satan is God of this Earth. These are just my views of course, others are free to disagree.

Hail Satan!

Very interesting...but where would your lables be if it were not for man?


Left Hand Path
Thant's what everything boils down to, isn't it? Beliefs. That's the beauty of it all. Whatever makes you most complete is what you're entitled to believe. However, I don't see how putting your all into a tyrannical egomaniac like Jehova completes anyone. Someone who threatens into worshipping him, or else, is not someone who I would feel comfortable in following. How the hell do so many intelligent people of this world submit to an obvious sadistical creature? Why are we the only ones able to see through the manipulation and trickery?

Haha well you see, the people behind the act are of a malignant nature. I.e. Devil's Advocates.

Decievers are capable of seeing through deception.

We are opposition, we are the advesaries. We are the very nature of what is, Satanic.

We are able to see and voice our perceptions in ways that people could only dream of, simply because we are what they are not.

Ave Satanas!