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Hello; Unknown Religion

Hello, I am a 26 year old dreamer.
I spent most of my time dreaming about souls and magick.

I've been to church only a few times in my life, but I don't recognize myself as a Christian.

I need some help identifying my religion.

I know that I believe God is real, and he/she created the human species.
I know that I believe that my soul is real, and it is big, and it might be immortal.
I can talk to people sometimes when I dream, and their names are Joshua and Jounen. These conversations are very important to me.

I know that I believe angels exist, and that someday I want to become an angel.
I think it's very strange that America is a christian nation, and India is a hindu nation. Why isn't there one religion for the whole planet?

Can somebody help me figure out what religion I might be?


Peace be upon you.
Hello, I am a 26 year old dreamer.
I spent most of my time dreaming about souls and magick.

I've been to church only a few times in my life, but I don't recognize myself as a Christian.

I need some help identifying my religion.

I know that I believe God is real, and he/she created the human species.
I know that I believe that my soul is real, and it is big, and it might be immortal.
I can talk to people sometimes when I dream, and their names are Joshua and Jounen. These conversations are very important to me.

I know that I believe angels exist, and that someday I want to become an angel.
I think it's very strange that America is a christian nation, and India is a hindu nation. Why isn't there one religion for the whole planet?

Can somebody help me figure out what religion I might be?

Peace be on you...welcome...plz accept the gift:
Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge & Truth...All major issues which intrigue the modern mind are attempted to be incorporated in this fascinatingly comprehensive statute.
Good wishes


Well-Known Member
Hello, I am a 26 year old dreamer.
I spent most of my time dreaming about souls and magick.

I've been to church only a few times in my life, but I don't recognize myself as a Christian.

I need some help identifying my religion.

I know that I believe God is real, and he/she created the human species.
I know that I believe that my soul is real, and it is big, and it might be immortal.
I can talk to people sometimes when I dream, and their names are Joshua and Jounen. These conversations are very important to me.

I know that I believe angels exist, and that someday I want to become an angel.
I think it's very strange that America is a christian nation, and India is a hindu nation. Why isn't there one religion for the whole planet?

Can somebody help me figure out what religion I might be?

Welcome! and I will say this to your countries being a this or that religion. It is odd you mention Christianity and American and India and Hinduism. As I am an American born Christian converted Hindu. I feel "God" reveals itself to everyone (yes even atheists) in a way most beneficial and understandable to them. Even if that revealing is a belief in no God at all.

You sound a little like me before I converted, here is what I did. I actually removed God from the equation completely, here is why. I decided that God would be with em no matter where I went so I wanted to find a belief system that tied in well with what I believed and what I felt is correct. My advice ask questions of many people and religion and read many books, don't make the decision lightly, I spent 4 years searching before deciding and am VERY pleased with it.

Have faith that God will lead you where you belong.


Well-Known Member
Can somebody help me figure out what religion I might be?
That's easy. You don't have a religion.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that (it could be argued quite the opposite). Loads of people have faith or personal beliefs without have a specific religion. It’s like watching football without having a dedicated team.


That's easy. You don't have a religion.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that (it could be argued quite the opposite). Loads of people have faith or personal beliefs without have a specific religion. It’s like watching football without having a dedicated team.
If you do not pick a team how do you share in the victory? If I do not pick a God (and his corresponding revelation) how does my belief benefit me?


Well-Known Member
Shalom and welcome tiberiusfury

I know that I believe God is real, and he/she created the human species.
I know that I believe that my soul is real, and it is big, and it might be immortal.

You are a deist, in that you recognize a higher power than yourself.

Why isn't there one religion for the whole planet?

Why should there be one religion for the whole planet?

Can somebody help me figure out what religion I might be?

You have your own religion, so you get to make up your own name for it.


New Member
Hello Dreamer,

Amalgamists believes in a God that created people and the universe. The concept of a soul does not play a big part in the Amalgamist belief system as it cannot be logically or empirically confirmed. While you are living, you can say that a soul gives your body life. However, this is perhaps just another way to describe a living being. Amalgamism makes no claims regarding life after death. The key is to focus on accepting death as part of life and using this knowledge to make the most of life. The key belief of Amalgamism is that the meaning of life is growth.

Best of luck with your search, it is indeed a noble and important endeavor.
I'm trying to write a post about my religious experience and I'm trying to figure out what forum to put it in.
I'm currently sick and I'm trying to get in contact with my guardian angel, and with people who will assist me in my living. For example: I believe in the God Joshua and I believe in the dog Jounen, but I have had very little luck finding a temple for these two people.
I'm trying to find the temple that accurately describes the religion that I belong to. Names of religious people I believe in: Gabriel, Jounen (the Dog), Joshua, Time.
I first began having dreams when I was 23 years old, right about the time that I dropped out of college.
I was a Biology major at the University of Washington, and everything that I dreamed about ended up being about my soul. I was very curious about where my soul was, and what I needed to do to be reunited with it.

As of now, I believe that my soul is in the possession of the God Joshua. He is like my father, because he designed me and my purpose on Earth and kept care of me.
As of now, my stay on Earth, I am mentally ill and partly disabled. I have a hard time fulfilling all of my needs and I am not mentally capable of working. I survive on my monthly checks and I live very poorly, trying hard not to spend money.

I am now very curious about Time. Through my journey, I have discovered that the true religion that I belong to is not God, but Time. I believe that Immortality is very possible, and that life in Heaven is actually just the beginning. I believe there are only 97,000 people on the Earth that have souls, and that I am one of them.

Where do I go now? My dreams have largely stopped happening and I'm at a loss of where to go next. Sometimes when I pray, I talk to a God called Time, and I call her my mother.

I had an experience with an Angel, nearly two months ago. I was homeless for about 3 days, and I ended up meeting an angel in a park in my home town of Kent. It was an angel in human form, and we talked about complicated things that I can't remember anymore. The meeting was extremely important to me. It confirmed that my dreams and conversations with angels were actually real, and that there might be some hope left.
After I talked to the angel, I contacted the Catholic Church and tried to get help, but they didn't care the least bit about me.

I'm trying to find a way to contact Joshua, or the dog Jounen. I have pretty much sworn my life to these two people, because I believe they will grant me life and protect me when I die and go to heaven(hell). My time is running out. Please help me ASAP.


Well-Known Member
If you do not pick a team how do you share in the victory? If I do not pick a God (and his corresponding revelation) how does my belief benefit me?
I don't think you can "pick" a god and a set of beliefs. You either believe something or not. That's why identifying with or joining a specific religious group, with a pre-defined set of beliefs and rules, can be so difficult and often involve compromising your personal beliefs and opinions.

Whether and how our beliefs benefit us depends on a whole host of things but I'm not convinced joining a religion is necessarily one of them.