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Hello; Unknown Religion

I'm sorry you feel that way, but until you get help for your issues, nothing's going to get better for you. I'm going to be blunt: no god is going to make everything all better for you. You can sit around dreaming and living in what is pretty much delusion all you want, but nothing will change until you change. You have to do your own work on yourself. You need to examine if it's actual experiences you've had with mental health professionals making you feel that way or if it's your illness that's making you feel that way. Because you're going to end up homeless again or in the hospital, or both, if you don't do something to help yourself and I DON'T mean banging on the doors of churches. You don't need a priest or a pastor, you need to be on medication and have regular psychotherapy.

To be honest, I wouldn't respect your belief that you have a soul and others don't, either. It's disrespectful to other people. Would you like it if someone said that about you? That's zany cult stuff. Snap out of it.

Like I said, I'm not trying to mean here but I'm not going to sugarcoat it and talk spiritual mumbo-jumbo with you on this thread like others are doing. Your problems are psychological. Once you get yourself mentally stable and stable in your living conditions then you can ponder spiritually. But it's vital for your health and overall well-being that you get help now.

Are there crappy doctors and therapists? Of course. I've had my issues with a therapist in the past. But you have to keep looking.

You say that your god has a mission for you in life, but how are you going to get anywhere with it when you're sick, unemployed and mentally disabled? You can't. So you need to fix yourself first. I have my own disabling psychological issues that keep me from working. But I'm getting help for it. I'm working on it. You can do the same. But you have to make that choice yourself.

This has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever read in my life.
On Earth, over 900 MILLION PEOPLE believe in God. That he is the creator of the Earth, that he grants salvation, that he controls Heaven.

The mental health industry is literally incompetent. They don't have ANY ANSWERS AT ALL for the questions that I have. They don't even allow the idea of religion into their office.
Please don't post any more on my thread.

I truly had a meeting with a real angel about 3 months ago, and it proved to me that my visions were real and that I really was talking with God.
I realize the Earth is filled with idiots, completely overwhelmed in every way with stupidity, but there have to at least be some people in the world who know the truth, and it's those people that I'm looking for.

You have to make a choice: Whether you believe in Science and pseudo-intellectualism, or you believe in God. I believe in God, and I also believe in Angels. That means that the mental health route is now closed for me. The psychopaths and criminals who work in the mental health industry can no longer treat me, because they cannot accept my religion.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
This has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever read in my life.
On Earth, over 900 MILLION PEOPLE believe in God. That he is the creator of the Earth, that he grants salvation, that he controls Heaven.

The mental health industry is literally incompetent. They don't have ANY ANSWERS AT ALL for the questions that I have. They don't even allow the idea of religion into their office.
Please don't post any more on my thread.

I truly had a meeting with a real angel about 3 months ago, and it proved to me that my visions were real and that I really was talking with God.
I realize the Earth is filled with idiots, completely overwhelmed in every way with stupidity, but there have to at least be some people in the world who know the truth, and it's those people that I'm looking for.

Where in the world are you getting the idea that mental health professionals are anti-religion? What?! Haven't you ever heard of Jungian psychology? They're just people, and have varied opinions. There are counselors who provide spiritual support, as well as support groups. I have a feeling that you haven't really looked into it. Where did you get such a one-dimensional and extreme point of view about that profession?
Where in the world are you getting the idea that mental health professionals are anti-religion? What?! Haven't you ever heard of Jungian psychology? They're just people, and have varied opinions. There are counselors who provide spiritual support, as well as support groups. I have a feeling that you haven't really looked into it. Where did you get such a one-dimensional and extreme point of view about that profession?

I spent some time in a hospital a few months ago, and the hospital was very insistent that the people I was talking to were delusions.

I had already proven that my voices were real: I found a person in real life who had talked to me in my head. The hospital made me lie: they made me acknowledge the voices in my head had nothing to do with God or religion, and had everything to do with a mental illness. I cannot forgive them for making me become a liar.

Also, I can't forgive them for treating me like a poor person. My rights were taken away from me, and I was subjected to mediocre or sub-standard medical treatment, and my ability to leave was taken away. I cannot, will not ever forgive the medical industry for the things they have done to me, the things they have accused me of.

The truth of the world is that some people want to be immortal, some people want to grow their spirits bigger, some people want to understand God and spiritualism, and the vast majority of people are just peasant ****.
In the world, there is a substance called wafer (water) and it's a special thing you drink when you want to be healed and grow bigger. Some people have even said that the purpose of life is to Eat. This means... while on Earth, we are meant to eat and grow and prepare ourselves for a lifetime in Heaven, which might even be bigger than our lives on Earth.

I have never in my life seen a mental health advocate eat wafer. I have never seen one of them attempt immortality. I have never seen any one, not even a single person, who is a successful human being. That's why I know the truth. They're not intelligent, they're not good people. They're just idiots, who have never pondered a world where people are important, where souls are real, and where there is a real purpose in life.


Truth Seeker
I spent some time in a hospital a few months ago, and the hospital was very insistent that the people I was talking to were delusions.

I had already proven that my voices were real: I found a person in real life who had talked to me in my head. The hospital made me lie: they made me acknowledge the voices in my head had nothing to do with God or religion, and had everything to do with a mental illness. I cannot forgive them for making me become a liar.

Also, I can't forgive them for treating me like a poor person. My rights were taken away from me, and I was subjected to mediocre or sub-standard medical treatment, and my ability to leave was taken away. I cannot, will not ever forgive the medical industry for the things they have done to me, the things they have accused me of.

The truth of the world is that some people want to be immortal, some people want to grow their spirits bigger, some people want to understand God and spiritualism, and the vast majority of people are just peasant ****.
In the world, there is a substance called wafer (water) and it's a special thing you drink when you want to be healed and grow bigger. Some people have even said that the purpose of life is to Eat. This means... while on Earth, we are meant to eat and grow and prepare ourselves for a lifetime in Heaven, which might even be bigger than our lives on Earth.

I have never in my life seen a mental health advocate eat wafer. I have never seen one of them attempt immortality. I have never seen any one, not even a single person, who is a successful human being. That's why I know the truth. They're not intelligent, they're not good people. They're just idiots, who have never pondered a world where people are important, where souls are real, and where there is a real purpose in life.

I think I understand your dilemma. For many years, from my late teens to early twenties, I had strange religious experiences. I also spent time in mental hospitals. It looked as if all was lost, even my family gave up hope. Then, for reasons I don't really understand, I decided everything was all right and I needed to find a job. Life is full of surprises. I began working in the financial industry. Within a short time I found myself promoted up the ladder and was about to become a branch manager. Then, the bottom dropped out. My employer discovered my mental health records. So, I decided to go to college. I worked full time and went to college at night. It took me six years to complete my undergraduate degree. From there, I earned an advanced degree and became a college professor. Looking back, all I can say is, anything is possible. If you want, you can overcome insurmountable obstacles.

Since those early times when I had religious experiences I've explored many religions. Along the way I have had dreams about God, angels, Satan, paradise, and the fate of humankind. What I've learned from my dreams is not encouraging. What I know is the OT Lord is God and Jesus was God, not his son. I have also learned that Judaism best represents God's religion. I believe God is a duality, which explains why there has been so much confusion about Jesus (God).

Based on my experience, I encourage you to find yourself. I would recommend finding a path, or set of goals. Ignore mental health authorities and religious advocates who promote demonic possession ideas. You're fine, those religious experiences with angels, etc. have given you a perspective on life that cannot be found in textbooks, nor can anyone give you such insight. Heavenly beings are in this world, they're called angels. Don't doubt it!

I know you can find yourself. I did, even though it wasn't easy. Again, I would recommend finding a set of goals to guide you. Employment or some kind of work is a good way to find direction. You have a long life ahead of you so there is ample time to work it all out.
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I think I understand your dilemma. For many years, from my late teens to early twenties, I had strange religious experiences. I also spent time in mental hospitals. It looked as if all was lost, even my family gave up hope. Then, for reasons I don't really understand, I decided everything was all right and I needed to find a job. Life is full of surprises. I began working in the financial industry. Within a short time I found myself promoted up the ladder and was about to become a branch manager. Then, the bottom dropped out. My employer discovered my mental health records. So, I decided to go to college. I worked full time and went to college at night. It took me six years to complete my undergraduate degree. From there, I earned an advanced degree and became a college professor. Looking back, all I can say is, anything is possible. If you want, you can overcome insurmountable obstacles.

Thanks for the post.

I was actually doing pretty well for myself when I was 22 years old; I went to college and was very serious about it. But then something happened.
I dropped out of college, and my brain and mind changed dramatically.
I used to be very serious about science and education, it was pretty much the point of my life. Escape poverty and stupidity by focusing entirely on science and the fields of intelligence. I was queued to become a human researcher, the way my school was going.

But all of that ended when I was 23, and my brain changed. I pretty much decided that none of that was good enough. My grandfather came from wealthy stock, and some of that influenced me. I couldn't understand why life was so difficult, why there was so little money, why I was all alone at the bottom.

And the answer hit me: God believes in me, even if other humans do not. I know this because he changed me. Literally changed my brain and my soul, so I could no longer be a scientist or a student. And since then, I've had all sorts of dreams and visions all about souls, and God, and the horrible dilemmas that they have in Heaven about individuals and wealth and living, and the pain and sadness that people feel. I saw all sorts of things.

I truly believe my dreams are real. I was very skeptical in the beginning, until the subject matter of my dreams ended up being far above my intelligence or my ability to create ideas. Which is why I live for my dreams, live for the Angel who inspired my dreams, live to go to heaven and make my dreams come true.

A lot of my problem has to do with money. I was born to a middle class family and they didn't give me any money, and working just makes me ill. My dreams are high-class and taught me the truth about many things, but I'm simply not willing to work like a common person when my ideas and dreams are far beyond that of a common person. That's why I'm in the dilemma I'm in now.

But I've talked to God, many times now. I just hope it all counts, and God decides to help me. The last time I talked to God significantly was about 1.5 months ago, and we made an agreement. Then I broke the agreement (doh) and God was very angry with me. The truth was: she remembered the agreement we made, which is why I know that She or He is watching me.


Truth Seeker
Thanks for the post.

I was actually doing pretty well for myself when I was 22 years old; I went to college and was very serious about it. But then something happened.
I dropped out of college, and my brain and mind changed dramatically.
I used to be very serious about science and education, it was pretty much the point of my life. Escape poverty and stupidity by focusing entirely on science and the fields of intelligence. I was queued to become a human researcher, the way my school was going.

But all of that ended when I was 23, and my brain changed. I pretty much decided that none of that was good enough. My grandfather came from wealthy stock, and some of that influenced me. I couldn't understand why life was so difficult, why there was so little money, why I was all alone at the bottom.

And the answer hit me: God believes in me, even if other humans do not. I know this because he changed me. Literally changed my brain and my soul, so I could no longer be a scientist or a student. And since then, I've had all sorts of dreams and visions all about souls, and God, and the horrible dilemmas that they have in Heaven about individuals and wealth and living, and the pain and sadness that people feel. I saw all sorts of things.

I truly believe my dreams are real. I was very skeptical in the beginning, until the subject matter of my dreams ended up being far above my intelligence or my ability to create ideas. Which is why I live for my dreams, live for the Angel who inspired my dreams, live to go to heaven and make my dreams come true.

A lot of my problem has to do with money. I was born to a middle class family and they didn't give me any money, and working just makes me ill. My dreams are high-class and taught me the truth about many things, but I'm simply not willing to work like a common person when my ideas and dreams are far beyond that of a common person. That's why I'm in the dilemma I'm in now.

But I've talked to God, many times now. I just hope it all counts, and God decides to help me. The last time I talked to God significantly was about 1.5 months ago, and we made an agreement. Then I broke the agreement (doh) and God was very angry with me. The truth was: she remembered the agreement we made, which is why I know that She or He is watching me.

I also drifted after my many religious experiences. My first one was seeing a holy face in a mirror. It took me many months to recover from that incident. I never had answers, just a lot of confusion about God and his angels. It took me nearly two years in and out of hospitals to reconcile things. Once I hitchhiked five hundred or more miles to Los Angeles. I roomed around looking at sights wondering what is was all about. Then, I was back in the hospital until I decided to turn things around. I was told I would be permanently disabled for the rest of my life. A few weeks later I was fully employed leading a normal life, at least from where I had been things became stable. However, that didn't stop me from having religious experiences. Working provided structure to my life.

Of Course, everyone is different, so I don't have the right answers. I can only tell you how I coped with having extraordinary experiences. I think you have find some structure in your life, otherwise you'll drift along without resolving anything. It helps to not rely on your family. Believe it or not, independence is the best way of coping. It allows you to begin from scratch, or think through were you want to be. I don't think it is a good idea to become consumed by religious experiences. In other words, you need to find anchors to the real world (nonspiritual).
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I just had another vision with God, and I realized some things.

First of all, the person I worship, Jounen, Jownan, Joenin (different spellings of the same thing) talked to me and told me that I'm pretty much a dead person, who is living for sin. What this means is that, my spirit is pretty much dead. Of course I'm disabled; I've lost my ability to learn, to adapt, to work, to get up every day and fight to live. I'm pretty much a dead person. Of course, something good happened because my spirit died: I met an Angel, and the Angel changed my world. I was literally an atheist who believed in Science, and now I'm an Agnostic who believes that God is real, but that I can't figure out which religion is the best one.
In contrast to people who are actually crazy, I don't hear voices. The vast majority of the time, I only hear them at night, about the time I go to bed, or when I'm praying. When my mother (the spirit of time) talks to me, it feels really warm and fulfilling in my heart area, and I find it to be very enjoyable.

I realized last night, that I literally am not in any way crazy, and I do not have any major mental illnesses.
Some of my ideas are a little strange, or offensive, but they play completely into a religious debate, and are inspired by things that God has told me, and have nothing at all to do with insanity. I'd love it if I could talk to people about these things, but the vast majority of Christians I've met have almost no clue at all how many people on the world there are.

I've been reading some books about world comparative religions, and I went to Church yesterday (Sunday) at an Episcopalian church. I really do think that Christianity is not for me.
At church, I met all sorts of people, and shook hands with them, but I was a bit offended. Why don't the people differentiate between a person with a soul, and a person without a soul? I'm certain that I must have shook hands with some people who didn't have souls, and it was offensive.
Also, Christianity seems to be all about Jesus Christ, being crucified, and rising from the dead. That's what the jist of the religion is, from an outside point of view.
This has nothing at all to do with my religion. It's true that I have sin, and it's true that I want to go to heaven, but it's not true that I have anything at all to do with religious persecution against Jews.

In my dreams, which were extremely important to me, I became a god. I loved my dreams more than anything. I was a poor student, living in Seattle Washington. Everything that I had ever seen came from a book, or television, or the internet. The dreams that I had were magnificent. I did things inside my dreams that were impossible to do in real life, and I was fulfilled by them. I came to believe that dreaming was better than real life. My life potential, and all that I could expect to do with my life meant nothing to the dreams that I had, which were detailed and rich and fulfilling. But in none of my dreams was I a Christian. I was a truth, which meant that I understood things very differently than humans understand them.
I believe in Angels, and I believe that Angels live in Heaven and have a completely different perspective on life than human beings do. That's why I'm so curious about Angels. What do they know that we don't know? About life, about souls, about living on Earth and making money. I thoroughly believe that the Angel opinion on life is of upmost importance.

Jownan has told me that the true religion is pseudo-hinduism, which I must take very seriously. I also think that my true religion is called TIME, which is supposedly about the smartest thing that has ever been invented. The God of time, which lives at or near the same level as the God of Christianity, controls people and gives them souls, and light, and special abilities. And people who follow Time live for the purpose of defeating all the tragedies of the world, aging, insignificance, peasant overpopulation, the sadness that comes from people who do not love, being unremembered. I think that from the perspective of the religion of Time, the only person who matters is somebody who has lived more than 100 years, and who has seen great and momentous actions on the Earth. They have learned from their experience and lives major lessons that should not be forgotten, and have achieved a much higher intelligence than the young members of the species.
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Well-Known Member
I'm disappointed that so few people have replied to my post about my vision.
I'm trying to get in contact with a church or an Angel or something, so I can get help. I just contacted the Anglican Church. Does anyone have any other ideas on who I should ask for help from?

I think the problem is while you say you want help, you are only accepting if people completely agree with you...you have updated on various threads with many posts providing new insight that you have come by yourself..some of which you are very sure in and which I find personally worrying...you are following your own religion and there is nothing wrong with that..you seem pretty sure of things so why need someone else to tell you? You seem to know all the rules of your religion anyway. Their names, how many people have souls etc etc.

You've said yourself you are mentally ill yet you are cross at the hospital for sectioning you...I'm confused if you don't need mental health treatment that must mean you are not mentally ill, but you have said you are mentally ill and disabled so which is it? There is nothing wrong with being mentally ill and needing help...religion and mental health are NOT mutually exclusive...I am a Christian and see a psychotherapist for counselling. Some counsellors have their own beliefs, and some will even base their help on their religion, so finding the right counsellor is just the same as finding a religion..you have to find the right one for you.

I could be wrong but the way you come across in your posts makes me feel like you do need help. Please get that professional help. I'm not saying you are hearing voices instead of having a religious experience - I believe in both and it is difficult to sometimes distinguish the two but please get some help!!

On a side note, JWs believe only a certain amount of people will go to heaven which is not the same but similar to what you are talking about 97000 souls...have you tried them? They don't believe in two gods and a dog though!
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Truth Seeker
I suggest you seek out someone in you community to help you. I am not sure about medical professionals. Just a good friend may be what you need. I am not there, but consider me to be a good friend, or others here who are concerned for your welfare.
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This has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever read in my life.
On Earth, over 900 MILLION PEOPLE believe in God. That he is the creator of the Earth, that he grants salvation, that he controls Heaven.

The mental health industry is literally incompetent. They don't have ANY ANSWERS AT ALL for the questions that I have. They don't even allow the idea of religion into their office.
Please don't post any more on my thread.

I truly had a meeting with a real angel about 3 months ago, and it proved to me that my visions were real and that I really was talking with God.
I realize the Earth is filled with idiots, completely overwhelmed in every way with stupidity, but there have to at least be some people in the world who know the truth, and it's those people that I'm looking for.

You have to make a choice: Whether you believe in Science and pseudo-intellectualism, or you believe in God. I believe in God, and I also believe in Angels. That means that the mental health route is now closed for me. The psychopaths and criminals who work in the mental health industry can no longer treat me, because they cannot accept my religion.
I cannot remember who it was. He was equivalent to the surgeon general for Psychiatry if I remember correctly. He committed suicide. His note said that since sin was removed from his profession they could no longer treat the cause but could only treat the effects. That is why virtually no one that sees a psychiatrist gets well.


I spent some time in a hospital a few months ago, and the hospital was very insistent that the people I was talking to were delusions.

I had already proven that my voices were real: I found a person in real life who had talked to me in my head. The hospital made me lie: they made me acknowledge the voices in my head had nothing to do with God or religion, and had everything to do with a mental illness. I cannot forgive them for making me become a liar.

Also, I can't forgive them for treating me like a poor person. My rights were taken away from me, and I was subjected to mediocre or sub-standard medical treatment, and my ability to leave was taken away. I cannot, will not ever forgive the medical industry for the things they have done to me, the things they have accused me of.

The truth of the world is that some people want to be immortal, some people want to grow their spirits bigger, some people want to understand God and spiritualism, and the vast majority of people are just peasant ****.
In the world, there is a substance called wafer (water) and it's a special thing you drink when you want to be healed and grow bigger. Some people have even said that the purpose of life is to Eat. This means... while on Earth, we are meant to eat and grow and prepare ourselves for a lifetime in Heaven, which might even be bigger than our lives on Earth.

I have never in my life seen a mental health advocate eat wafer. I have never seen one of them attempt immortality. I have never seen any one, not even a single person, who is a successful human being. That's why I know the truth. They're not intelligent, they're not good people. They're just idiots, who have never pondered a world where people are important, where souls are real, and where there is a real purpose in life.
Why did you not mention this in our PMs? This is very relevant and I had asked you for this type of information up-front. Let me give you my opinion (not my official advice). I believe in all kinds of demonic experiences, but I do not think that is what your problems are caused by. At least not directly. They do not fit the pattern. I think you probably have a physical problem (chemical imbalances cause drastic effects) and I suspect you are amplifying aspects of them because of a natural desire we al have to think our experiences are meaningful and make us unique. Even the most self destructive things once given up produce a sense of loss similar to grief of a lost loved one.

You know where the most self confident people are?
Lunatic asylum's. They do not have faith they are Christ reborn. They "know" they are.

I cannot give official advice. I am not a professional in a relevant field but I would start with medical problems, if they are all eliminated then consult a professional theological counselor. Good luck.


I think the problem is while you say you want help, you are only accepting if people completely agree with you...you have updated on various threads with many posts providing new insight that you have come by yourself..some of which you are very sure in and which I find personally worrying...you are following your own religion and there is nothing wrong with that..you seem pretty sure of things so why need someone else to tell you? You seem to know all the rules of your religion anyway. Their names, how many people have souls etc etc.

You've said yourself you are mentally ill yet you are cross at the hospital for sectioning you...I'm confused if you don't need mental health treatment that must mean you are not mentally ill, but you have said you are mentally ill and disabled so which is it? There is nothing wrong with being mentally ill and needing help...religion and mental health are NOT mutually exclusive...I am a Christian and see a psychotherapist for counselling. Some counsellors have their own beliefs, and some will even base their help on their religion, so finding the right counsellor is just the same as finding a religion..you have to find the right one for you.

I could be wrong but the way you come across in your posts makes me feel like you do need help. Please get that professional help. I'm not saying you are hearing voices instead of having a religious experience - I believe in both and it is difficult to sometimes distinguish the two but please get some help!!

On a side note, JWs believe only a certain amount of people will go to heaven which is not the same but similar to what you are talking about 97000 souls...have you tried them? They don't believe in two gods and a dog though!
I agree with this entirely. Many times we feel even self destructive and delusional experiences make us special or unique. I have counseled people for years and it is sometimes impossible to convince a person they need to let go of things like irrational levels of grief or resentment. Even if it kills them they hold on to them like valued possessions. A person must first admit they are sick, then they have to want to be well, then they have to do what it takes and seek what it requires. Good post.


Truth Seeker
Just an inquiry. I hope you are doing well, we want you to get better. It is that time of the year for, MERRY CHRISTMASS. I hope next year is a good year for you.