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Help me please...


hello, i joined here for many reasons and already have enjoyed my stay and the conversations going on here. but the other reason i came was to find advice on my daughter who is 12. i believe she is getting involved in witchcraft or some kind of other strange spiritual thing. it all started when i caught her watching a very strange video on youtube and when i asked her about it she became very defensive and upset. since then ive noticed more and more strange things and shes been getting further and further away from me. how can i bring her back to god? is god the right answer for her? should i be concerned about this video? it could have even been her who posted the video which would make me very nervous! Help! i have no idea what to do. 12 years of being a mom and its still difficult...


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I think you should be more concerned with understanding where she is spiritually than making her go where you want. You can't "bring her back to God" by force.

I said this in your introduction thread, but you might want to ask some questions in the Paganism DIR.


Well-Known Member
search through the computers history and you may find she is looking at many wacky and wild things...she is 12!


hello, i already posted this somewhere else, but in case you missed it...

i joined here for many reasons and already have enjoyed my stay and the conversations going on here. but the other reason i came was to find advice on my daughter who is 12. i believe she is getting involved in witchcraft or some kind of other strange spiritual thing. it all started when i caught her watching a very strange video on youtube and when i asked her about it she became very defensive and upset. since then ive noticed more and more strange things and shes been getting further and further away from me. how can i bring her back to god? is god the right answer for her? should i be concerned about this video? it could have even been her who posted the video which would make me very nervous! Help! i have no idea what to do. 12 years of being a mom and its still difficult...

also here is the video i spoke of in the post if it helps
Thank you!

YouTube - ceremony or sacrifice?


the only reason i found it was because she was on MY computer at the time!
she keeps hers locked up with a password (shes smarter than me at computers and im pretty good for my age, i think)


IT IS WEIRD! a guy another forum kept telling me it was fake, but i cant
get myself to believe that a group of girls would get together, memorize some weird song in a weird language, then video tape it!?!? i dont know...


Well-Known Member
the only reason i found it was because she was on MY computer at the time!
she keeps hers locked up with a password (shes smarter than me at computers and im pretty good for my age, i think)
you dont need passwords to search history


ThrUU the Looking Glass
OK, don't panic.

The video was seriously weird, but I wouldn't be too worried about it. My first reaction is "hoax."

What are your own beliefs? Do you know anything about witchcraft or neopaganism? There's a lot of misinformation out there.


i dont really know much, thats why ive been asking on forums. its hard to know these days... but it made me shiver when i saw it and thought of my little girl being in a white robe like that.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
i dont really know much, thats why ive been asking on forums. its hard to know these days... but it made me shiver when i saw it and thought of my little girl being in a white robe like that.
Well it's hard to generalize, but I'll try.

First off, it's not associated with devil worship if that's what you're worried about.

Witchcraft isn't a religion, but a practice. Most witches believe there's some sort of energy that permeates reality, and witchcraft is learning to perceive and manipulate it.

Neopaganism is even broader, including many entirely different religious paths. Wicca is the most common, I think. I don't know of a single path that's not entirely benevolent.

Do you have any specific questions for me?

yeah, i tried. believe me... thats part of why shes mad at me.
Tried what?


i tried to get in to her computer but the whole thing was locked not just the internet.
cant get it off the screen saver. she caught me trying... ugh, that was bad!

heres some questions....

is this like something you have seen before or heard of?
is it religious, evil, or just a ritual?
if a ritual... what the heck kind of ritual is it!?
should i confront my little girl about this or let it go?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
i tried to get in to her computer but the whole thing was locked not just the internet.
cant get it off the screen saver. she caught me trying... ugh, that was bad!

heres some questions....

is this like something you have seen before or heard of?

is it religious, evil, or just a ritual?
if a ritual... what the heck kind of ritual is it!?
I think it was some people goofing off. No more.

should i confront my little girl about this or let it go?
No. I think you should calmly ask her if she's interested in neopaganism, and if so, what form. Once you know, we can teach you about it. You might even try to get her to visit this site, we have a lot of neopagans. Or, in my case, former neopagans. Maybe we can help you both. :)


Well-Known Member
Ya, the video looks like a hoax. The audio has been added later, if you listen to it the voices do not change as the camera moves around frantically. If the people in the circle were the ones chanting it would change in volume as the camera moves. Also, notice the girl on the altar ("the sacrifice") doesnt act too scared. And, if you see, the video is added as a response to "Skull and Bones", masonic rituals, etc. These arent Pagans, they are actors portraying a secret ritual by some supposed, conspiracy group.

So, relax, your kid was probably more embarrased and upset you were checking up on her. I seriously doubt watching that video would convert anyone to paganism. Heck it would almost make me wanna leave it!~ :D


yeah i guess it was just creepy to think of my daughter being involved in some way. i know she probably wasnt but thats the first thing that comes to mind as a mother!
i agree about the audio being weird now that i watch it again but im not convinced that its a hoax. what would they be hoaxing? is it just to trick ME?!?


and as far as goofing off?... thats a strange way to spend your saturday afternoon you know?
ill try to ignore it i guess...