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Help me please...

Hi Jenni. I had to post really quickly here to add my two cents (I'm a little OCD, if I don't say something immediately when I think of it, I forget!).
I agree that the video looks fake--there's background music, for one thing. While I would love for Joan Jett to play at the proper moments in my life, I still have to pop in a CD. ;)
Looks more like an independent film clip that someone made and decided to put up to spook people. I agree with the observation about how the voices don't change as the camera moves, too. My vote is for Fake.

Your daughter may have been reacting to the shocked tone of your voice. Kids (anyone, really) will react defensively if they think they're being judged unfairly--it's sort of like going into panic mode, "Augh! I can't explain this well enough! She thinks I'm a freak!"
Ahhh, memories. ;) I swear, I still do that--my mother has a distinct shrill tone that she uses when she's preparing to let go of all reason and start judging. It still freaks me out to this day, and I react defensively--which only makes her more suspicious, of course (ie, "Ack! Mom, you scared the bejeezus out of me! What? No! It's not a dagger, it's a letter opener. No, it isn't dangerous! Because for one thing Mom, it's plastic...")

I don't think you would have to worry about anything--well, a little late to say that, since it's already been resolved from what I can see! Once again, OCD poster. LOL.


yeah, thanks lilith! but i watched it again to look for th music you were saying but i dont hear it? do you mean the chanting? i just assumed that was them singing. it does sound like there is almost a church bell for a second. but no joan jett!


Question Everything
I remember when I was a teen - my mom went through all my stuff, accused me of a bunch of stuff - drove me nuts. I would not talk to her about anything. It is impossible to control anyone.

having said that, my kids will never have their own computer. There is too much bad stuff on the net. All computers in our house are in public rooms, no passwords, no hidden activities from anyone. I would explain some of the threats on the net to her, child predators etc... don't try and make it into a religious issue, make it a safety issue. you don't want a fight over relig... bring the computer into the living room, tell her no more passwords, call the Geek squad and instal safety locks to keep out all bad sites, continually monitor activities to make sure no one gets personal info off computer.

safety sites:
Bsafe Online #1 Family Filter
SafeKids.com » home
FBI Publications - A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety
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welcome to the youth of nowadays! For many kids nowadays facebook, youtube, forums etc are integrated in life. Who says she didn't just got a link from a forum and was just thinking it was nothing interresting and you dropped in.

I once tried to call up some ghosts with my friends when I was young and the last thing I believe in now is ghosts.
Maybe she is just exploring. I wouldn't say that is strange on her age.

The question would rather be, Do you want to push her into God or do you want to her to find God herself?

On the other hand I do agree with idea btw. If you don't trust internet around your daughter, she is still only 12. You are still the one in control. I would also rather be worried about the weirdo's using internet and see it as a safetyissue.

Oh, so that you know. It took me 3 searches to get to that movie. I went from searching for Tom Cruise in youtube (the hot actor every 12 year old girl would search for?..) to scientology (link) to ceremony(link).....and back to Tom Cruise btw..
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Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I wouldn't be worried. The video seems like a hoax. Even if it isn't, I have to doubt your daughter was looking at it for anything other than curiosity. There were a bunch of videos that I watched around that age called "Faces of Death". It was a series that showed horrific deaths and weird practices in other parts of the world. It was really just a morbid curiosity, and was mostly interesting because of all of my friends talking about it.

Anyway, I don't think trying to "push her towards God" is going to help anything. As you can see, if you browse around here for a while, there are many, many different religions out there, and most of them are not what you'd think. The problem is that terms like "Pagan" and "Satanist", etc. have such horrible stigmas. Generally, pagans, satanists and others are perfectly normal, nice people. They just get a bad rap. I would suggest asking your daughter whether she has any thoughts on religion, and keeping your mind open. Do it in a friendly, non-judgemental way.


Well-Known Member
I remember when I was a teen - my mom went through all my stuff, accused me of a bunch of stuff - drove me nuts. I would not talk to her about anything. It is impossible to control anyone.

You say that...then you say this??

having said that, my kids will never have their own computer. There is too much bad stuff on the net. All computers in our house are in public rooms, no passwords, no hidden activities from anyone. I would explain some of the threats on the net to her, child predators etc... don't try and make it into a religious issue, make it a safety issue. you don't want a fight over relig... bring the computer into the living room, tell her no more passwords, call the Geek squad and instal safety locks to keep out all bad sites, continually monitor activities to make sure no one gets personal info off computer.

safety sites:
Bsafe Online #1 Family Filter
SafeKids.com » home
FBI Publications - A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety

Monitoring her daughter's activity and cracking down on her will do nothing but further alienate her from her mother. The most important thing that one can do as a mother is earn their child's trust. Allow her to come to you when she needs someone to confide in. Mothers and daughters ought to be friends. It's important to not freak out when a young person starts getting interested in other things like that (it's probably a phase anyway). They should be exploring at that age. Let her open up to you. Get a conversation going. I think the best way to get someone else to open up is opening up yourself. Don't talk to her with an agenda. Just talk to her.


Admiral Obvious
Having a twelve year old daughter myself I can understand your concerns.
One thing that I will NEVER do is allow my 12 yr old daughter to completely lock me out of her computer.

the first time I told her to unlock it and not lock it any more.
She promptly locked it again.
I unplugged her internet connection.
She had a fit.
screamed and yelled about how it was a free country 1, that I was ruining her life 2, that I did not trust her 3, that she hates me 4, that she HAD to have the internet to do her homework 5
I told her:
1 not as long as you live under my roof and I am solely responsible for you.
2 That is my job as a parent
3 That she, just like everyone else, has to earn my trust.
4 That I am her father first and foremost and friend second.
5 that the internet is a privilege, not a right and definitely not a necessity
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Question Everything
You say that...then you say this??

Monitoring her daughter's activity and cracking down on her will do nothing but further alienate her from her mother. The most important thing that one can do as a mother is earn their child's trust. Allow her to come to you when she needs someone to confide in. Mothers and daughters ought to be friends. It's important to not freak out when a young person starts getting interested in other things like that (it's probably a phase anyway). They should be exploring at that age. Let her open up to you. Get a conversation going. I think the best way to get someone else to open up is opening up yourself. Don't talk to her with an agenda. Just talk to her.

Most kids have lots of friends. Don't you think they need a "parent" too?

I Loved You Enough....
to ask where you were going,
with whom,
and what time you would be home.

I Loved You Enough....
to insist that you save
your money and buy
a bike for yourself even though we
could afford to buy one for you.

I Loved You Enough....
to be silent and let
you discover that your
new best friend was a creep.

I Loved You Enough....
to make you take a Milky Way
back to the
drugstore (with a bite out of it)
and tell the clerk,
"I stole this yesterday and
want to pay for it."

I Loved You Enough....
to stand over you for
two hours while you cleaned
your room,
a job that would have
taken 15 minutes.

I Loved You Enough....
to let you see anger, disappointment
and tears in my eyes.
Children must learn that their
parents aren't perfect.

I Loved You Enough....
to let you assume the
responsibility for your actions
even when the penalties
were so harsh they almost
broke my heart.
But most of all,

I Loved You Enough....
to say NO
when I knew you
would hate me for it.
Those were the most
difficult battles of all.
I'm glad I won them,
because in the end,
you won, too.

By by Erma Bombeck

link - beware of music :) sorry for the cut-n-paste - I wanted you to experience the poem without the music.

Having a twelve year old daughter myself I can understand your concerns.
One thing that I will NEVER do is allow my 12 yr old daughter to completely lock me out of her computer.

the first time I told her to unlock it and not lock it any more.
She promptly locked it again.
I unplugged her internet connection.
She had a fit.
screamed and yelled about how it was a free country 1, that I was ruining her life 2, that I did not trust her 3, that she hates me 4, that she HAD to have the internet to do her homework 5
I told her:
1 not as long as you live under my roof and I am solely responsible for you.
2 That is my job as a parent
3 That she, just like everyone else, has to earn my trust.
4 That I am her father first and foremost and friend second.
5 that the internet is a privilege, not a right and definitely not a necessity

awsome! frubals to you!

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
That video was odd, but benign. Probably kids dabbling in druidism or something.
Teenagers will be teenagers. Relax. No hollywood horror is going to happen like your daughter coming home late night splattered in goat blood or something.


uhg! all this stuff about druidism, wiccas, and goat blood... i dont know much about this stuff! but thanks for all the encouraging words! i think im over the whole thing with my daughter... (i was just freaking out for a moment... i do that!) but now im more curious about what they are doing and what it is? its not english but maybe still americans right?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I still think it was a hoax. Just a bunch of jerks trying to freak people out.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I don't think it's something too much to worry about.

But still, if it worries you, just ask your daughter "What do you think about God?" "What do you believe?"

and if she asks you a question like "does god exist?" answer with "What do YOU think?"

(basically, let her keep her opinions and ideas, let her develop them as she grows spiritually and mentally - there's no such thing as a bad opinion, or a "bad" belief)


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I think a movie would be better done. Whoever was operating the camera nearly dropped it at last once.


Admiral Obvious
I think a movie would be better done. Whoever was operating the camera nearly dropped it at last once.
Not really.
i got the impression that it was supposed to be someone filming a ceremony that was not supposed to be filmed and was trying, rather poorly, to hide the camera.

IF I am correct and it is a film clip, it is not from a high budget film, it is obviously a bad bit of over acting, but the audio was coming in right nice.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Well, regardless, I think we can all agree that jenniboo need not be overly concerned, yes?


Admiral Obvious
Well, regardless, I think we can all agree that jenniboo need not be overly concerned, yes?
I agree that the video is no need for concern for it is obviously a staged and rehearsed event that was being taped.
yeah, thanks lilith! but i watched it again to look for th music you were saying but i dont hear it? do you mean the chanting? i just assumed that was them singing. it does sound like there is almost a church bell for a second. but no joan jett!

No, I meant that I personally like Joan Jett, and would love if it played in the background wherever I went. It was, I guess, a lame joke. ;)

No, the chanting isn't the music I meant--you can hear a faint ominous background music on the video. Not the kind of thing that you'd find on a spur-of-the-moment video. Just a hoax. :)

Loved reading the responses on parenting from other members--wish I could contribute to the discussion further, but I have no children (don't plan to, either) so I have no real solid experience with motherhood.
Good luck!