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It's hard for me to know what is going on in his head so here goes one of many possibilities.

In his heart he knows that intercourse is more than just a physical thing... there is a spirtual component so he is torn between two things... his love for you and his love for God.

No guarantees, but the best possibility is the following:

1) Consider letting Jesus come into your life and follow Him making adjustment in your lifestyle as you grow in understanding,
2) As you grow follow Jesus, by waiting for the spirital union of intimacy for after you are married
3) By growing and honoring God, this young man will then be able to love God by waiting for intimacy and still love you by getting married at the right time.
4) Get to know him from mind to mind because that is what makes a marriage work.

Just a shot in the dark (so to speak).

this is a very short version :D

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
At your age I suggest that you focus on your school studies and not concern yourself with silly boys. Neither you nor they have the level of maturity needed for any sort of meaningful relationship, anyway.


I am quite focused on my school studies so I think it would be just fine for me to concern myself with guys. You may believe I don't have the level of maturity to handle a meaningful relationship but I beg to differ. I have been told I am quite mature for my age (perhaps not fully in the emotional way but I'm getting there) so maybe I just need to find someone who is just as serious about things as I am.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Hey, I know this is a bit selfish to talk about but please hear me out. My boyfriend borke up with me today and when I asked him why he told me this story. He said this: "Your not gonna believe all this, But I went to church yesterday, I went up to the pastor and he prayed, I fell on my knees balling my eyes out, He told me, Dont do anything your ashamed of, I felt like I really heard something from God, It'ls like he's telling me your not right for me, And I'm Christian so whatever I hear from god, I obey it, And if I'm told your not right for me, Then your not right, I'm sorry" From my point of view it seems that God doesn't approve of me, and maybe he's right as I have comitted adultery twice at my age. Is there anything I can do for Him to approve of me and to bring my love back into my life? Is there a chance for me to sit down and pray to Him and maybe a chance that he will hear my prayers and send himinto my life again? Please help, preferably any Christian pastors with any serious advice. I am willing to sit down and start to worship God if He can bring me a miracle.

I think others have said about the same but.

Regardless of why he broke up for some reason he was not happy. So it's best to just let him go. It does not really matter who is in the right or wrong here. Take a few months to mend your heart, reflect on what is important in your life, then find someone who will reciprocate the love you give them. Trust me I know how hard it is to love someone who does not love you back. It is one of the crappier feelings in the world. But you deserve better, we all deserve to be loved as equally as we love.


Friendly skeptic
Premium Member
Nobody else can make you whole. It's your job to do that for yourself. If you can't be complete on your own, nobody else will ever do it for you either.

That's one of the hardest relationship lessons I've had to learn. Good luck. It's tough to wade through these feelings at 14.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
At your age I suggest that you focus on your school studies and not concern yourself with silly boys. Neither you nor they have the level of maturity needed for any sort of meaningful relationship, anyway.

While I agree that my experience this is often, if not usually, the case, without knowing someone personally, I would suggest reserving such judgment. There are exceptions.

I am friends with a guy that began dating a girl in his and her freshman year in high school. They are currently 54 years old and a few years ago celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary.

Epic Beard Man

Bearded Philosopher
Hey, I know this is a bit selfish to talk about but please hear me out. My boyfriend borke up with me today and when I asked him why he told me this story. He said this: "Your not gonna believe all this, But I went to church yesterday, I went up to the pastor and he prayed, I fell on my knees balling my eyes out, He told me, Dont do anything your ashamed of, I felt like I really heard something from God, It'ls like he's telling me your not right for me, And I'm Christian so whatever I hear from god, I obey it, And if I'm told your not right for me, Then your not right, I'm sorry" From my point of view it seems that God doesn't approve of me, and maybe he's right as I have comitted adultery twice at my age. Is there anything I can do for Him to approve of me and to bring my love back into my life? Is there a chance for me to sit down and pray to Him and maybe a chance that he will hear my prayers and send himinto my life again? Please help, preferably any Christian pastors with any serious advice. I am willing to sit down and start to worship God if He can bring me a miracle.

No miracle can change being an idiot. Sounds like your boyfriend is one and needs to be a grown man and not use religion as a means to break up with someone.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I know this is a bit selfish to talk about but please hear me out. My boyfriend borke up with me today and when I asked him why he told me this story. He said this: "Your not gonna believe all this, But I went to church yesterday, I went up to the pastor and he prayed, I fell on my knees balling my eyes out, He told me, Dont do anything your ashamed of, I felt like I really heard something from God, It'ls like he's telling me your not right for me, And I'm Christian so whatever I hear from god, I obey it, And if I'm told your not right for me, Then your not right, I'm sorry" From my point of view it seems that God doesn't approve of me, and maybe he's right as I have comitted adultery twice at my age. Is there anything I can do for Him to approve of me and to bring my love back into my life? Is there a chance for me to sit down and pray to Him and maybe a chance that he will hear my prayers and send himinto my life again? Please help, preferably any Christian pastors with any serious advice. I am willing to sit down and start to worship God if He can bring me a miracle.

There are 7 billion people on the planet for a reason. I'm sure you will find someone else to share your God given love.


There are 7 billion people on the planet for a reason. I'm sure you will find someone else to share your God given love.
Yeah I suppose I might find someone that's perfect for me one day, thanks!

No miracle can change being an idiot. Sounds like your boyfriend is one and needs to be a grown man and not use religion as a means to break up with someone.
Yeah I guess it's a dumb way to leave someone. Guess he wasn't ready or not right for me. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Hey, I know this is a bit selfish to talk about but please hear me out. My boyfriend borke up with me today and when I asked him why he told me this story. He said this: "Your not gonna believe all this, But I went to church yesterday, I went up to the pastor and he prayed, I fell on my knees balling my eyes out, He told me, Dont do anything your ashamed of, I felt like I really heard something from God, It'ls like he's telling me your not right for me, And I'm Christian so whatever I hear from god, I obey it, And if I'm told your not right for me, Then your not right, I'm sorry" From my point of view it seems that God doesn't approve of me, and maybe he's right as I have comitted adultery twice at my age. Is there anything I can do for Him to approve of me and to bring my love back into my life? Is there a chance for me to sit down and pray to Him and maybe a chance that he will hear my prayers and send himinto my life again? Please help, preferably any Christian pastors with any serious advice. I am willing to sit down and start to worship God if He can bring me a miracle.
I can explain what you need to do, but whether you want to pay the price is up to you.
First off, just because you might be forgiven and given a fresh start does not mean that your previous life won't still affect you. If you caught STDs or had children - these still remain, etc. God doesn't remove such cause and effect things.

Since you are atheist, i.e. not Christian, you could be baptized into Christ, this would mean that your prior sins may be forgiven, but only if you are serious about this. It would mean that you no longer can have sex outside marriage, or divorce just because you fall in love with someone else. Making a promise to God and not doing what you can to keep this - only leads to punishment from above. The usual reason for divorce is adultery, though there is another one.

Don't expect churches to be great examples of doing God's will.

You mentioned that your bf left you because of him going to church. That is just so wrong imo. If he found out he is living a life of sin, and you and he were living together including sex (obviously), you are already married in the eyes of God. Thus for him to leave, instead of telling you that you two needed to marry, and giving you the chance to show your colors - does not earn him any kudos with God or Christ.


Premium Member
Hey, I know this is a bit selfish to talk about but please hear me out. My boyfriend borke up with me today and when I asked him why he told me this story. He said this: "Your not gonna believe all this, But I went to church yesterday, I went up to the pastor and he prayed, I fell on my knees balling my eyes out, He told me, Dont do anything your ashamed of, I felt like I really heard something from God, It'ls like he's telling me your not right for me, And I'm Christian so whatever I hear from god, I obey it, And if I'm told your not right for me, Then your not right, I'm sorry" From my point of view it seems that God doesn't approve of me, and maybe he's right as I have comitted adultery twice at my age. Is there anything I can do for Him to approve of me and to bring my love back into my life? Is there a chance for me to sit down and pray to Him and maybe a chance that he will hear my prayers and send himinto my life again? Please help, preferably any Christian pastors with any serious advice. I am willing to sit down and start to worship God if He can bring me a miracle.

After reading I think the obvious might be missed. He is incredibly religious, he hears words from God. He was told you weren't right for him. Perhaps God wants him on the path of the prophets, perhaps God wants him single to do his work. It is not negative to you but a different path God has for him. From the bible God tends to talk to people he wants to do something special. God may talk with you someday if you follow a path that leads you to God the choice is yours but it may not bring you a boyfriend.

David T

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hey, I know this is a bit selfish to talk about but please hear me out. My boyfriend borke up with me today and when I asked him why he told me this story. He said this: "Your not gonna believe all this, But I went to church yesterday, I went up to the pastor and he prayed, I fell on my knees balling my eyes out, He told me, Dont do anything your ashamed of, I felt like I really heard something from God, It'ls like he's telling me your not right for me, And I'm Christian so whatever I hear from god, I obey it, And if I'm told your not right for me, Then your not right, I'm sorry" From my point of view it seems that God doesn't approve of me, and maybe he's right as I have comitted adultery twice at my age. Is there anything I can do for Him to approve of me and to bring my love back into my life? Is there a chance for me to sit down and pray to Him and maybe a chance that he will hear my prayers and send himinto my life again? Please help, preferably any Christian pastors with any serious advice. I am willing to sit down and start to worship God if He can bring me a miracle.
it's just God's way of saving you from him... Please don't imagine that people in religion have any clue on the topic. You give them way way too much credit. We are to navigate by Compass, not road map, that's silly childish nonsense.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Should I change my religion label then?

It's less important than the discussion here, so apologies on the slight diversion, but you're clearly not an atheist.
Whilst it's extremely unlikely anyone would care too much, it's going to lead to some confusion, and some mistaken assumptions.

Based on a quick read of the thread, you sound more like a seeker, to me.


Well-Known Member
I am quite focused on my school studies so I think it would be just fine for me to concern myself with guys. You may believe I don't have the level of maturity to handle a meaningful relationship but I beg to differ. I have been told I am quite mature for my age (perhaps not fully in the emotional way but I'm getting there) so maybe I just need to find someone who is just as serious about things as I am.
People mature at different rates. I recommend just waiting until you're a bit older before getting into serious relationships, since people's personalities tend to change a lot when they are still young. Even if you're stable and mature for your age, others might not be. Your ex seems to be a good example of this.

Well, whatever you choose, good luck. :)


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Hey, I know this is a bit selfish to talk about but please hear me out. My boyfriend borke up with me today and when I asked him why he told me this story. He said this: "Your not gonna believe all this, But I went to church yesterday, I went up to the pastor and he prayed, I fell on my knees balling my eyes out, He told me, Dont do anything your ashamed of, I felt like I really heard something from God, It'ls like he's telling me your not right for me, And I'm Christian so whatever I hear from god, I obey it, And if I'm told your not right for me, Then your not right, I'm sorry" From my point of view it seems that God doesn't approve of me, and maybe he's right as I have comitted adultery twice at my age. Is there anything I can do for Him to approve of me and to bring my love back into my life? Is there a chance for me to sit down and pray to Him and maybe a chance that he will hear my prayers and send himinto my life again? Please help, preferably any Christian pastors with any serious advice. I am willing to sit down and start to worship God if He can bring me a miracle.
If you are 14 and your boyfriend is also a teenager,

He is just placing his guilt of dumping you onto God (even if unconsciously). So, just get together with your best friends, hear some Taylor Swift songs and vent against him to sympathetic ears. You should feel much better and not feel guilty to God.

By the way. Not studying is a cardinal sin. So study hard. ;)


You mentioned that your bf left you because of him going to church. That is just so wrong imo. If he found out he is living a life of sin, and you and he were living together including sex (obviously), you are already married in the eyes of God. Thus for him to leave, instead of telling you that you two needed to marry, and giving you the chance to show your colors - does not earn him any kudos with God or Christ.
Thanks but we haven't been living together. And you're right, it won't give him kudos.


After reading I think the obvious might be missed. He is incredibly religious, he hears words from God. He was told you weren't right for him. Perhaps God wants him on the path of the prophets, perhaps God wants him single to do his work. It is not negative to you but a different path God has for him. From the bible God tends to talk to people he wants to do something special. God may talk with you someday if you follow a path that leads you to God the choice is yours but it may not bring you a boyfriend.
Perhaps you're right, but keep in mind that maybe his interpretation of the message he received from the pastor may be wrong. He's also not over the top religious, knowing him on a personal level.


People mature at different rates. I recommend just waiting until you're a bit older before getting into serious relationships, since people's personalities tend to change a lot when they are still young. Even if you're stable and mature for your age, others might not be. Your ex seems to be a good example of this.

Well, whatever you choose, good luck. :)
Alright I'll try :sweatsmile:

If you are 14 and your boyfriend is also a teenager,

He is just placing his guilt of dumping you onto God (even if unconsciously). So, just get together with your best friends, hear some Taylor Swift songs and vent against him to sympathetic ears. You should feel much better and not feel guilty to God.

By the way. Not studying is a cardinal sin. So study hard. ;)
Thanks, I'll study hard :tongueout:


Thanks for the replies and good advice guys! I was also wondering if I could get your opinion on what the message could mean too. If you're too lazy to look back up at it it was
"Don't do anything you're ashamed of"