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He's Gay!?! Ex-wife Says Omar Mateen was Gay


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
He doesn't follow Islam, so in short Islam has nothing to do with it.
IOW the murderer isn't religious to blame religion for it.
So you gave yourself the authority to decide against all evidence that he is no Muslim?



Wonder Woman
He doesn't follow Islam, so in short Islam has nothing to do with it.
IOW the murderer isn't religious to blame religion for it.
HE claimed to follow Islam. HE went to mosque and prayers. HE claimed association with the Islamic State. Islam had plenty to do with it. You can't just wash your religion's hands of this. Look, without something telling him it was wrong to be any other sexual orientation other than heterosexual there would be no reason for him to develop a hate of other orientations. Including his own. You don't wake up and think, hey, I don't like having brown eyes, brown eyes are wrong, brown eyes are sick and anyone with brown eyes is evil and should die and then go on a killing rampage. Something has to influence you into believing such strange things. Islam did that for this man. It may not be what you get out of Islam, it may not be what every Muslim gets out of it, but then, not every Muslim is gay. There are some though and you can just bet that they feel conflicted through and through. This man obviously did and yes, Islam had a part in that.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
But he was a gay himself and living his own way of life in a free way, then why he killed some gays, of course not
because of religion, so what was the reason?
By saying this, you suggest a severe lack of basic understanding of the relationship between homosexuality and religious rejection of same.

Homosexuals raised in homophobic families, particularly those motivated by religious conviction, very often end up trapped in deep denial and anguish, exactly because they are repressed so fiercely. They can't avoid who they are, and they can't give up on the acceptance of family and the (only?) religion they know, so they become very troubled indeed, not rarely developing dangerous forms of self-hatred.


yawn <ignore> yawn
That is true, and you are not the first to complain about that.

But why is that relevant in this situation? There may well be a good reason, but it eluded me this far.

Because bi people want to feel oppressed like all the cool kids are.
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Well-Known Member
But he lived in the US and born in the US, he met gays and enjoyed his time as a gay


why he should suddenly rebel.against his friends?

Maybe he couldn't reconcile his gay life with his religious life.

There is another answer of course...the guy was clearly unstable overall. There are plenty of gay people who are made to feel badly about themselves by religion...not all of them fly off the handle and start shooting people.

Does that happen in the US? i think gays are free even to marry, right

In some states gay marriage is allowed, not it others. But make no mistake there is PLENTY of anti-gay sentiment here. Only about half of religious Americans support gay marriage.

This is why I'm not trying to blame Islam...Christianity is every bit as bad when it comes to demeaning gay people.

This is a guess and assumption.

Yes, but an educated guess based on many other stories. Sadly, the pressure and disapproval religion and family put on gay people often makes them do bad things, to themselves or to others.



Freedom Of Mind
HE claimed to follow Islam. HE went to mosque and prayers. HE claimed association with the Islamic State. Islam had plenty to do with it. You can't just wash your religion's hands of this. Look, without something telling him it was wrong to be any other sexual orientation other than heterosexual there would be no reason for him to develop a hate of other orientations. Including his own. You don't wake up and think, hey, I don't like having brown eyes, brown eyes are wrong, brown eyes are sick and anyone with brown eyes is evil and should die and then go on a killing rampage. Something has to influence you into believing such strange things. Islam did that for this man. It may not be what you get out of Islam, it may not be what every Muslim gets out of it, but then, not every Muslim is gay. There are some though and you can just bet that they feel conflicted through and through. This man obviously did and yes, Islam had a part in that.

Actually Islam isn't much concern about homosexuals, no verses in the quran about homosexuals except for the tribe of Lot.
their men were looking after boys to have sex with and God let them to went extinct, nothing about gays in the quran except
the story of Lot which was kind of a history.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
So let's assume this man was indeed a homosexual. I wonder if he hated Islam's stance on homosexuality so much that he faked the ISIS affiliation to make it look like they were behind it, and then carry out the horrific act of killing what represented what he hated being (homosexuals).

Using that theory, one could argue that Islamic doctrine was responsible for his dual personality, as it were, and sets the perfect stage for a mass murder--all in the name of who we all fear... ISIS. It accomplished exactly what he would have wanted, which is the attention drawn back to Islamic radicalization, and not the on him directly as an individual sociopath.

He was also on a suicide mission; he knew he would not live through the massacre. Why else would he call 911 himself? Again, he can't commit suicide, it's indoctrinated. Let the police shoot him instead.

It's truly the only connection I can make that has any sense to it.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
That is true, and you are not the first to complain about that.

But why is that relevant in this situation? There may well be a good reason, but it eluded me this far.
Because being in a heterosexual marriage with a woman while apparently trying to hook up with guys doesn't mean you're automatically gay. Sexual orientation isn't a strict binary. It's just worth throwing out there, as a reminder. Bisexual erasure is a thing.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Internalised homophobia?

"Although it is not common, it's not unheard of for people to be violent to other people who are LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) as part of overcompensating for something that they are struggling with themselves," says Genevieve Weber, who has specialised in counselling people affected by internalised homophobia and now teaches counselling at Hofstra University in New York.


Veteran Member
He's Gay!
how insulting is that for gays, he was a jerk full of hate, if there is such thing as a hell he will be there.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Because being in a heterosexual marriage with a woman while apparently trying to hook up with guys doesn't mean you're automatically gay.
As opposed to bisexual, you mean? Sure, you are definitely right there. And it might easily be a significant clarification to make while trying to retrace his traits, conflicts and actions.

I wonder if Omar Matten understood that. Given his behavior, I wonder if he even acknowledged the existence of bisexuality. It feels far more likely that he perceived it a demonic influence or something similarly preposterous.

Also, the distinction between bisexuality and homosexuality isn't always made, nor is it always and necessarily unfair that it is not. It will depend on, among other things, how much time and attention is being given for us to be understood. Unfortunately. that is very much a significant factor here.
Sexual orientation isn't a strict binary.
Quite right.
It's just worth throwing out there, as a reminder. Bisexual erasure is a thing.
It sure is. Still, is it even time to bring it up, given how grossly misrepresented the situation is?

It seems to me that the people who most need to be reminded that Matten might be a bisexual are simply not ready to accept that homosexuality is not a behavioral disease, let alone that bisexuality should be accepted with serenity and as not entirely the same as homosexuality.

I suppose we have to decide whether it is worth the risk of it becoming a distraction in what is already a heated discussion on the relative contributions of sexuality, gun control and religious repression and fanaticism on the tragedy.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
He's Gay!
how insulting is that for gays, he was a jerk full of hate, if there is such thing as a hell he will be there.
It is only insulting because people are so quick to blame and despite homosexuality.

Objectively, the odds that he was either homosexual or bisexual are very high indeed. Of course, no position in the LGBT spectrum is characterized by a willingness to become a mass murderer seeking suicide-by-cop.


Premium Member
From where did you get this important information?

Its all over the news. And now his wife may be arrested for assisting him in his plotting, casing possible targets (two different LGBT night clubs and Disney World) and such. If so she could be facing over 100 criminal charges, possibly treason.
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Freedom Of Mind
Its all over the news. And now his wife may be arrested for assisting him in his plotting, casing possible targets (two different LGBT night clubs and Disney World) and such. If so she could be facing over 100 criminal charges, possibly treason.

Which news says that he turned to the islamic fundamentalism and what are the evidences?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
This is not happened everyday , a gay kill gays become they are gays .