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Hi, just registered!

Just so you'll know:


[L. nullus none + fides faith.]
Of no faith; also, not trusting to faith for salvation; -- opposed to solifidian. Feltham.
n. An unbeliever. B. Jonson.

I usually go by Unbeliever in forums, but that was already taken, boo hoo.:nightcraw:
Feathers in Hair said:
Tell us about yourself! :)

Well, if you insist!

I'm from the deep South, was raised there. I was adopted when I was 3, and those folks got divorced when I was 10. Neither wanted me, so I was put in a boys' camp in East Texas for a couple of years (I got to skip the 5th grade because of that!), then a foster home for 4 years, and then a couple of years in an orphanage in Dallas, at which time I got in trouble with the law, but they let me join the Navy. I've been moving around a lot since then, but now that I'm 50, I want to try to stay in one place for a while. I never went to the same school more than a year, so I was the perpetual "new kid on the block". I played football, and was a very fast sprinter, but I couldn't go to the track meets because they were held on Saterdays, and I had to work for the foster parents, on their ranch. I got to where I hated cows!

I was raised, more or less, in a Christian environment (Southern Baptist), and got "born again" when I was about 14, I think. I read the Bible (cover to cover), plus a lot of other books (thousands!), and eventually, in my late 20s, lost all belief in the supernatural, life-after-death, and gods, especially the Christian God. Ockam's Razor was the straw that broke the back of my faith, and I've been much happier ever since.

Now I'm homeless, by choice, because I can just no longer buy into this consumer society we've built. I have time to do the reading that I so dearly love, and I can peruse the internet to my heart's content at the local library. I have no bosses, pay no taxes (except the occassional sales tax), and I seldom have to do any paperwork, which I loath. I try to live as much as possible without money, because I loathe it even more than paperwork.

I'm a social liberal, a fiscal conservative, and I listen to talk radio a lot, mostly Air America, but I don't know what's happening with them, since they're having money troubles. I get a station call the Quake, KQKE. I really dig Mike malloy and Rachel Maddow ("Has anybody ever heard of Rachel Maddow?"). On Sunday mornings I like to listen to Bernie Ward's program, God Talk, on KGO, though I often disagree with him.

I've posted mostly at the Ethical Atheist board, but I post at several others, as well. And now I'm looking forward to posting here!

OK, I'm sure that's more than you really wanted to know, so I'll shut up now.

:foot: :run:
Godlike said:
Hi, welcome to the forums. :)

Hey, Godlike, I'm just curious, but which [G]od are you like, being's how there are so many of them?

PS - Dang, they won't let me post a link to godchecker.com! Oh well.:shrug: I'll just have to get my 15 posts out of the way as soon as I can.

Thanks for all the nice welcomes! :fsm: May His Noodly Appendages wrap you in comfort!


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hi Nullifidian,

Welcome to Religious Forums!

I like to march to a different beat!
, I guess you mean that you have beliefs of your own, that don't 'fit into a slot'; is that so?

I hope you get to like it here, and if there is anything with which you need help, please don't hesitate to ask.:)


Active Member
Nice to meet you and welcome. It takes guts to cut yourself off like that. I'm a very free spirit myself but being a single father I have to think about my son first. I'll look forward to your posts. Have fun :D
michel said:
By , I guess you mean that you have beliefs of your own, that don't 'fit into a slot'; is that so?

Indeed it is! I don't like labels, but they do have a certain utility when communicating with people. I find that I don't quite fit properly in any of the labels I could go by, though I'm close enough to some, e.g. "atheist", to go ahead and call myself by them.
Mavrikmind said:
Nice to meet you and welcome. It takes guts to cut yourself off like that. I'm a very free spirit myself but being a single father I have to think about my son first. I'll look forward to your posts. Have fun :D

I'm single, with no kids or any other family, so I only need to worry about myself, and I'm not very demanding, my needs are few and simple. I can certainly see how anyone with a family to support would be hardly able to live the way I do.
I had thought about registering under the username Eupraxsopher, but that seemed a bit too pretentious, and also damned hard to spell!
