I was watching Black Panther the other night. Black Panther is one of Marvel's Avengers. It's set in a fictitious country in eastern Africa, somewhere near Kenya. One of the neighboring tribes has a simian theme. The tribal king is called "Great Gorilla", the mountain pass to their kingdom has an ape's head as the gateway. At one point during a tribal assembly, either the king or his advisor (happened too fast to catch who it was) yelled "glory to Hanuman!" That's what made me take notice. It seems the "ape god" is their patron. This was about the only western-made movie I can think of that makes a reference to a Hindu god, in the context of a kingdom with a patron god. My take away lesson was that the kingdom and its ancestors were somehow influenced by Hinduism. I thought it was pretty cool.
Ok, so you had to be there.
Ok, so you had to be there.