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A yogi at the acme of any yoga - raja yoga, karma yoga, jnana yoga or bhakti yoga - would have reached the acme of all yogas. One's temperament at the beginning chooses for one the path one takes - if one is sentimental, one takes to bhakti yoga, if one is an activist, it is karma yoga, if one is rather studious, it is jnana yoga and if one is of the experimenting type one takes to the occultist raja yoga path.
After duly studying all these paths, I became a materialist! I guess I am not sentimental, an activist, studious or the expermimenting type. Perhaps, Idiot would be apt ?
What is fulfilling to be a HIndu? The first thing that comes to mind is all the great prasadam (without being condescending or mocking). Depending on your circumstances, you may have access to some wonderful delicacies. Prasadam is food offered to God. Since God does not actually eat any of it it, we end up eating it all!
Besides that, the other cool thing about Hindus (with exceptions), is a relatively more accomodating nature for other beliefs as compared to Semitic religions. There is not much of religious persecution to be found in India as compared to other parts of the world.