Apparently Hinduism's Gods fall into 3 categories: Aditya, Rudra and Vasu.
So who and what are they ? What is the difference between them ?
There is no standard scheme. Number and names differ, but generally 33 were accepted (These were Indo-European / Indo-Aryan Gods). Although the number of Vedic deities is more than 33 as mentioned in
Rigvedic deities - Wikipedia. Ushas (Dawns - 30), Ribhus (3 - Deities of season), etc.
Adityas: Initially there were seven and a half (That is the numbers of months sun was visible in the original home of Indo-Europeans in the Arctic circle). One Aditya was born unformed (Martanda), the legend says that the Gods made humans out of Martanda, therefore, they are born and die. As the tribe moved South (probably due to ice-age), the number of Adityas increased to 10 and later 12.
Vasus (those who stay - derived from 'vasa', live; material deities): Eight – Dyauṣ "Sky", Pṛthivī "Earth", Vāyu "Wind", Agni "Fire", Nakṣatra "Stars", Varuṇa "Water", Sūrya "Sun", Chandra "Moon".
Rudras / Marutas (Lords of thunderstorms): Generally seven with their father, Rudra.
Ashwini Kumaras: 2 and Vishwakarman.
Knowledgeable members could add to this information. Thanks.
But after the assimilation of Indo-Aryans with the indigenous, things changed. Rudra became Associated with Shiva, Vishnu became associated with eight Indigenous deities. Prajapati became Brahma. Many Gods lost their luster, including the chief Aryan deity, Indra. Goddesses became the forms of Mother Goddess Durga.
Village folk continued to worship their local deities, and still do, their number goes into thousands.