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Hinduism is the most generous religion


New Member
I do beleive that Hinduism is the most generous religion of the universe.All other religions include convertism.It teaches to love humanity without thinking about your personal interests.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
deepali said:
I do beleive that Hinduism is the most generous religion of the universe.All other religions include convertism.It teaches to love humanity without thinking about your personal interests.

Hi Deepali,

Welcome to Religious forums!

By default, since you have made this post in a "Discuss Individual Religions" section, normally, only Hindu members would be able to post in reply.

As this seems to be an introduction from you, as a new member, would you like me to move this thread to "Are you new to Religious Forums.com?" ?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Welcome Deepali.

I'm curious why you consider Hinduism the most generous religion. Do you mean generous in a monetary sense, as in giving charitable gifts?
You mention, I think, Hinduism's lack of proselytizing, but this is hardly unique to Hinduism.
As far as advocating a selfless love of humanity, I think this is a teaching common to many, if not most religions.


Flaming Queer
deepali said:
I do beleive that Hinduism is the most generous religion of the universe.All other religions include convertism.It teaches to love humanity without thinking about your personal interests.

if i may inquire, do you know about my religion? i do not convert people :D


New Member
Seyorni said:
Welcome Deepali.

I'm curious why you consider Hinduism the most generous religion. Do you mean generous in a monetary sense, as in giving charitable gifts?
You mention, I think, Hinduism's lack of proselytizing, but this is hardly unique to Hinduism.
As far as advocating a selfless love of humanity, I think this is a teaching common to many, if not most religions.
hi seyroni
thnx 4 ur reply.I respect all the religions.But in comparison to other religions,hinduism is never imposed to others forcibly or by any other means.You can see and compare the Bhagwad Geeta with other holy books.It is stated very clearly that all religions and all the people are same for God.But all other religions prove their superiority.In Hinduism the life of an ant and a human are considered to be same.Every one has to pay for his or her each and every deed.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Tashe Dalek and welcome to RF! :)

I have nothing but respect for the wellspring of Hinduism, the wellspring that my beliefs sprang from.

The example of respecting all faiths and belief systems is what your faith gave birth to in my faith. So, thank you for this. :)



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Active proselytizing seems to me primarily a feature of Christianity and Islam, Deepali-ji
Buddhists, Baha'is, Taoists, Shintoists, Jews, Parsis, Wiccans, & al never pressure anyone to join their faiths.

I've found that there are honourable and compassionate people amongst all religious traditions.

"But it does not matter what deity a devotee chooses to worship. If he has faith, I make his faith unwavering. Endowed by the faith I give him, he worships that deity, and gets from It everything he prays for. In reality, I alone am the giver."
Gita. VII: 21-22.


at times, generalizing anything to any one group or religion becomes a bit difficult. do you mean to say Deepali that a majority of individuals with Hindu belief, are ............ etc.
deepali said:
I do beleive that Hinduism is the most generous religion of the universe.All other religions include convertism.It teaches to love humanity without thinking about your personal interests.
:eek:m: Welcome beloved to religiousforums.com i'm hindu as well of the bhakti-faith are you?, and do you follow my beloved sri-krishna across the ocean of samsara to the shore of goloka were peacefulness and ananda reside (pure bliss).:flower2:


Active Member
deepali said:
I do beleive that Hinduism is the most generous religion of the universe.All other religions include convertism.It teaches to love humanity without thinking about your personal interests.

Is it true that one cannot convert to Hinduism, one must be born Hindu?


The Devil's Advocate
bigvindaloo said:
Is it true that one cannot convert to Hinduism, one must be born Hindu?
A friend of mine who is Hindu (Brahmin) told me that it is possible to convert - that one has to consult a trained astrologer to determine which caste one was born under. I was tempted just to see what caste I am. (Of course he also told me that all non-Hindus are Dalits but I think he was joking there. :rolleyes:)

And I've had a couple of Hindu friends tell me that I am a Hindu as long as I accept the Vedas. Somehow I find it hard to believe that it's really as easy as that. I prefer the astrologer/caste theory. I guess I don't believe it's "real" unless there is some work/ritual involved. Even in Islam where it's very easy to convert one still has to recite the Shahadah with intention.


The Devil's Advocate
Seyorni said:
Active proselytizing seems to me primarily a feature of Christianity and Islam, Deepali-ji
Buddhists, Baha'is, Taoists, Shintoists, Jews, Parsis, Wiccans, & al never pressure anyone to join their faiths.

I've found that there are honourable and compassionate people amongst all religious traditions.

"But it does not matter what deity a devotee chooses to worship. If he has faith, I make his faith unwavering. Endowed by the faith I give him, he worships that deity, and gets from It everything he prays for. In reality, I alone am the giver."
Gita. VII: 21-22.
I realize that "Hinduism" is a name used to refer to a wide variety of belief systems based on the Vedas. Recognizing that, I will ask this question anyway:

Asside from the Hare Krishnas, are there branches of Hinduism that believe Hinduism to be superior to other religious traditions? All I ever hear or have read from the Vedas seems to support a truly pluralistic view of religion. But I know that even in other non-proselytizing faiths such as Judaism or Buddhism there is some notion that their religion is superior to others. (I do not mean by this that Jews/Buddhists believe that they are better than others; I simply mean that within their scriptures there are some passages that make a claim of special privilege.) And we know this is true for Christianity and Islam. Is there really no trace of this in Hinduism?

Just curious.
bigvindaloo said:
Is it true that one cannot convert to Hinduism, one must be born Hindu?
:eek:m: No that is not true beloved, in the days of old that was indeed true, but the times have changed in this age of kali-yuga shri-krsna caitanya thru his delivery of the maha-mantra made it possible for all to receive God-realization.:flower2:


The Devil's Advocate
Moses the God Archetype* said:
:eek:m: No that is not true beloved, in the days of old that was indeed true, but the times have changed in this age of kali-yuga shri-krsna caitanya thru his delivery of the maha-mantra made it possible for all to receive God-realization.:flower2:
I mean no offense honestly, but if I were to convert to Hinduism, I would not be a bhakti-ite. My path would be jnana-yoga.
lilithu said:
I mean no offense honestly, but if I were to convert to Hinduism, I would not be a bhakti-ite. My path would be jnana-yoga.
:eek:m: Oh lilithu i do not take offense, we all have our own path to travel in understanding God, mines is bhakti-yoga yours is jnana-yoga........as long as you realize that they both lead to the same destination all is well.:flower2:


The Devil's Advocate
Moses the God Archetype* said:
:eek:m: Oh lilithu i do not take offense, we all have our own path to travel in understanding God, mines is bhakti-yoga yours is jnana-yoga........as long as you realize that they both lead to the same destination all is well.:flower2:
Yes, I believe that. :) May I ask why you are "Moses"? And why you identified yourself as a non-theist? Just curious.
lilithu said:
Yes, I believe that. :) May I ask why you are "Moses"? And why you identified yourself as a non-theist? Just curious.
:eek:m: My name is moses because it was given to me at birth........non-theist hmmm i really don't know accept that i choose that because it put me in a group where i could discuss with others my beliefs on God, i will look into that thankyou.:flower2:
lilithu said:
Yes, I believe that. :) May I ask why you are "Moses"? And why you identified yourself as a non-theist? Just curious.
:eek:m: Because moses was the name giving to me at birth.......thankyou for pointing that out to me for i did not reconize it there.:flower2: