Hi mball,
You are factually incorrect. Obama signed his stimulus bill into law on Febuary 17, 2009.
Stimulus: How to measure success - Feb. 17, 2009
What do you think that disproves? Are you really going to argue that the stimulus bill was all Obama's doing and that Bush had nothing to do with it? Really? Just Google "Bush Stimulus". It's not hard. I already said that Obama was the one in office when it was finally put through and signed.
Keep talking. The more you guys talk about healthcare the more Americans dislike your plans.
No, the more agencies like Faux News spread lies about healthcare the more Americans dislike the plans. That's why if you sat down and talked to most Americans using facts and reality, they'd be on board.
The Wall Sreet Journal is. But I shouldn't expect much from some who cannot tell the difference between the bailout and Obama's stimulus.
You're really going to continue to argue that those are two different things? If so, you really are hopeless and this is a waste of time.
The federal government has huge ownership stakes in GM and AIG. Ask your liberal friends. They probably know more than you.
I'm sorry, my response should have been more like "I'm still waiting for a reliable source to support your original claim".
Let's go back.
Your claim: "The government shouldn't be owning banks, the loan industry, car companies and the health insurance industry. We are seeing that failing before are very eyes."
The government only has any control over certain companies because they kept asking the government for money so they wouldn't go bankrupt. If they knew how to do business well, there would be no need for them to get money from the government and the government would have no interest in them.
Some companies were failing. If they didn't get help from the government, they would have gone bankrupt. They were going bankrupt due to many of their own practices, not because of outside forces. Instead of just giving them money so they could continue their failing operations, the government decided that there were certain conditions they would need to meet to get the money. That's not unreasonable.
And those businesses were failing before the government had any control over them at all. They were failing, which is why the government has any control now.
So, maybe those companies shouldn't be owned at all by the government, but then again, all they have to do is survive without the government's money and they wouldn't be controlled at all by the government.