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New Member
this is my first post, i have joined this forum because religion baffles me. Im 18 and now that im an adult i should have more adult conversations. soooo to my question to the forumererers ......

why do you need to prove gods existence to me? if god is as powerful as i am lead to believe, why is there any doubt, why is this forum even here?

Also it is my opinion that you cant take anyones word for anything, noone, you have to experience it to truly believe in it.

have fun...


Veteran Member
NZboy said:
this is my first post, i have joined this forum because religion baffles me. Im 18 and now that im an adult i should have more adult conversations. soooo to my question to the forumererers ......

why do you need to prove gods existence to me? if god is as powerful as i am lead to believe, why is there any doubt, why is this forum even here?

Also it is my opinion that you cant take anyones word for anything, noone, you have to experience it to truly believe in it.

have fun...
This forum is here to discuss religion/beliefs/practices/faiths/etc, how it applies to our daily lives, and other such things. We aren't trying to prove God's/gods/goddesss existence to you, we are just discussing our faiths.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
NZboy said:
this is my first post, i have joined this forum because religion baffles me. Im 18 and now that im an adult i should have more adult conversations. soooo to my question to the forumererers ......

why do you need to prove gods existence to me? if god is as powerful as i am lead to believe, why is there any doubt, why is this forum even here?

Also it is my opinion that you cant take anyones word for anything, noone, you have to experience it to truly believe in it.

have fun...
why do you need to prove gods existence to me?
I don't.

Also it is my opinion that you cant take anyones word for anything, noone, you have to experience it to truly believe in it.
I would go along with that; second hand experience is worth very little, compared to first hand experience.

if god is as powerful as i am lead to believe, why is there any doubt, why is this forum even here?
I thought you believe that you can't take anyone's word for anything ?........so why do
you say " i am lead to believe that god is powerful ?

why is this forum even here?
"To provide a civil and decent environment where people of diverse beliefs can learn about, discuss, and debate religion.";)


Hey NZ


I don't think you'll find very much "proving" that God exists here, mostly because that is impossible. People will offer all sorts of evidences that help them. Take them for what they're worth, you may find something that helps you as well.

As to why there is any doubt - I have one word for you - Faith

I believe that we are here to learn and grow, and that is best accomplished when the teacher steps back a bit and lets us figure things out on our own.


New Member
thanks for the good answer, i guess this question came out of people trying to prove different aspects of the bible, and if you prove the bible then techinally shouldnt that prove there is a god?

also something that my friend told me that i found quite funny, "god, i have proven that you existed, i since i have proven that you existed then therefore you dont exist, and *poof* god disappears" i just wanted to share that


New Member
"I thought you believe that you can't take anyone's word for anything ?........so why do
you say " i am lead to believe that god is powerful ?"

people tell me that he is, i read it, but i have to say that in order to say my question, that does not mean im taking their word, if i did take their word then i would be a christian, which im not.

also i haev a question if christians dont need to prove gods existence to me then would they prefer i go to hell. i hear alot that they are not trying to prove god exists to me then why try and get me to go to church etc.


New Member
o one more thing, not this forum specifically, but the fact the people are arguing about it.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Well, this forum is a lot more than trying to decide the existence of god, so it would probably still be here, whether or not a diety was proven to or not to exist.

Also, there's a multitude of religions that believe in a god that do not hold the Bible as a holy text. I think that the compulsion to try to prove (or disprove) a god comes from those approaches to paths where people feel the compelling need to convert. (And that can include atheism.)

It sounds like your friend might have been quoting Douglas Adams. ;)


Well-Known Member
also something that my friend told me that i found quite funny, "god, i have proven that you existed, i since i have proven that you existed then therefore you dont exist, and *poof* god disappears" i just wanted to share that
He's plagerizing (poorly) Douglas Adams.


New Member
now that i think about it, it does sound like somethings adams would say, sorry that it was poor that was word for word what my friend told me, do you happen to know how Adams said it?

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit

Now it is such a bizarrely improbably coincidence that anything so mindbogglingly useful [the Babel fish] could have evolved by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.
The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."
"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.


Active Member
Interesting, you seem more than willing to state your friends thoughts, look forward to knowing yours, in the appropriate forum of course.


New Member
o ya the babel fish, thanks alot for the qoute, i havnt read that in ages, and i havnt seen the film remake of it yet. has anyone seen it? is it worth it?


Mischevious One
Hi, NZboy. Welcome to Religious Forums. We're happy to have you with us an hope you enjoy your stay. :jiggy: