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Hold it right there Mr. Former President

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Trump was judged by biased Democrats, who have a history of intimidation and cheating. What Trump was accused of had no tangible victims. The same statue had been used over 100 times in NY, but this was the first time it was used in a case where no victim came forward to start the process. The state decided, in a subjective way that benefits Biden, this was a crime, even without a victim.

What you should be saying, is nobody should vote for the Party of Banana Republic and election interference, unless you wish to get rid of Democracy and set up the National Banana Republic of Biden. The consequence of this NYC political stunt will be business flight from the corrupt state of NY, since those same thugs will get you next, to make up for compounding lost tax revenue due to business flight. If they get way, with a $1/2 Billion Trump shakedown, for a subjective victimless crime, who is next? Business will need to leave, bribe or fight.

Part of the settlement for this victimless crime, is Trump can not get loans anywhere in NY for at least three years. Does anyone see the irony? If this was indeed a caee of a con artist fraudulently getting loans from banks; victims, why create a bank prohibition? Common sense would say, that the banks would now self police more with Trump, rather than get burnt. If this was a Banana Republic move, then you would need to address the banks, since many will decide this victimless crime was a Banana Republic hit. It ai more of a warming to the NYC banks to play ball or be shaken down.

Early in the trial, the Prosecution had the head of a major bank that did business with Trump, testify. What he said was when they grant loans, they do not just blindly accept applications for the loans; here is the money. They accept the application, and then they have their own review process which digs into the weeds. One cannot just lie on a loan application and expect it to pass with flying colors. There are check and balances in place that will yellow and red flag; let the buyer (bank) beware. They are not a Democrat taking a bride from just anyone.

The CEO of the Bank that had done business with Trump, also said when reviewing loan applications, there are often non tangible factors on the applications, like brand, business reputation, and past and present economic factors, and even innovations, that you cannot set a solid value, in terms of a tangible asset. For example, a small business with a new drug, that has yet to hit market, but has no value on paper, may still be estimated to have a future value of $XXX. This is also reviewed by the bank and if those non tangible values pass the investigative committee, for potential trade value, the loan will go through. It is similar to once 5 cent baseball card worth now $10,000 to collectors.

In Trump's case, there was no victim fling this suit, such as bank full of blind people or investors who did not do their homework. This case was a planned political move timed for the Primary season. This was put into play after Trump announced he would run against Biden. If he decided not to run, Plan NYC would have be left in the closet. They still need his tax revenue for NYC.

The State of Georgia had their own scam running, which even went forward on schedule, in spite of the misuse of funds, that had been approved by the DNC; spend the bribe. They did not expect to win, but they did expect to tie up Trump, away from the campaign trail, while providing fodder for their fake news propaganda cycle. But that backfired. This is why we need Trump to win the Presidency and go after the crooks in the DNC, since good people, from both Parties, are afraid of that corrupt Mafia and their donor enablers.

The Democrats are already campaigning about Trump, going to do misuse Government, like they are now doing; misdirect scam to cover what they are now doing. Trump will do have to do it, to balance out the justice, for all the victims of these crooks. This is righteous. Trump needs to break the Swamp, so the good people from both sides are not afraid to do what is right and needed for the country.
When you make claims you need to be able to support them. Trump lied when he applied for his loans. That was shown in the trial. Show us which bank investigated him, and still gave him a loan after they found out that he had lied.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Where the hell are you shopping?:eek:
In the People's Republic of NY.

This is NYC.....

This is NYS two years ago with nothing coming down...

This is 2024 two years later with no end in sight.....


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
In the People's Republic of NY.

This is NYC.....

This is NYS two years ago with nothing coming down...

This is 2024 two years later with no end in sight.....

You have told us that you do not shop there. Those people were also looking for outrageously high prices. That is not "inflation". Meanwhile I showed that in the part of New York that you live in that prices are nothing like that at all.

You are not fooling anyone any longer with this nonsense. Are you even fooling yourself?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You have told us that you do not shop there. Those people were also looking for outrageously high prices. That is not "inflation". Meanwhile I showed that in the part of New York that you live in that prices are nothing like that at all.

You are not fooling anyone any longer with this nonsense. Are you even fooling yourself?
Pay attention.

One is NYC the other is NYS.

I already stated that New York City influences the rest of the state and that includes prices.

I do know what I see on the store shelves and in restaurants.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yes. I'm immensely enjoying low inflation with 30 dollars for a medium size pepperoni and cheese pizza, 12 can sodas for 10 bucks, 50 to 70 dollars for a small ham, 10 dollars for a small watermelon, and 13 bucks for a single jar of Nescafe coffee.
Evidence? Some of those might be true in LA and San Francisco, but I'm definitely not paying anywhere close to that here. And I'm willing to bet NYS is like California in this regard (a tiny part of the state skyrocketing average prices).

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Pay attention.

One is NYC the other is NYS.

I already stated that New York City influences the rest of the state and that includes prices.

I do know what I see on the store shelves and in restaurants.
That is a poor excuse because the prices in NYC would have been higher than in NYS before the inflation wave hit too.

You have to know better than this.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
7 dollar pizza is non existent in the People's Republic of New York.

Bugger off with your 30 buck mediums. From that article:
A large cheese pizza in the Big Apple will cost you $28.60 on average,....
That's about what it would be here for one of the better amd pricerier pizza joints around here. But there's also much cheaper options.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Bugger off with your 30 buck mediums. From that article:
A large cheese pizza in the Big Apple will cost you $28.60 on average,....
That's about what it would be here for one of the better amd pricerier pizza joints around here. But there's also much cheaper options.
Count in tax. Pay attention.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
Yes. I'm immensely enjoying low inflation with 30 dollars for a medium size pepperoni and cheese pizza, 12 can sodas for 10 bucks, 50 to 70 dollars for a small ham, 10 dollars for a small watermelon, and 13 bucks for a single jar of Nescafe coffee.

I don't believe you. I live in a pricey blue state and prices aren't like that. While some high end restaurants can reach 30$ and up, you get what you pay for. Certainly no 30$ pepperoni pizza and no 50$ small hams

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Count in tax. Pay attention.,
No, you claimed a medium is 30 bucks, that says a large is just under that as an average price. I just checked, the closest Mountain Mikes to LA (in Norwalk) sells a large cheese and 1 topping for $26.99. It's the same price in Oakland.
No, this isn't the super high dollar restaurants amd surly there is more expensive, but this place doesn't do cheap like Little Ceasars or Dominoes and the rest and even well to do people view it as expensive.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I don't believe you. I live in a pricey blue state and prices aren't like that. While some high end restaurants can reach 30$ and up, you get what you pay for. Certainly no 30$ pepperoni pizza and no 50$ small hams
$53.42. Full celebration ham and they're not very big.


The point I'm trying to make is grocery prices are Sky High well past what they used to be in a few short years.

I know prices vary from local to locale but the bottom line is there is no good economy for the common person who lives paycheck to paycheck.

Ill agree the economy is good when these people can actually start to afford things again. Not before with all the liars who say the economy is good when it actually isn't for a lot of people.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
No, you claimed a medium is 30 bucks, that says a large is just under that as an average price. I just checked, the closest Mountain Mikes to LA (in Norwalk) sells a large cheese and 1 topping for $26.99. It's the same price in Oakland.
No, this isn't the super high dollar restaurants amd surly there is more expensive, but this place doesn't do cheap like Little Ceasars or Dominoes and the rest and even well to do people view it as expensive.
Your arguing with 3 dollar differences in price?

Ok. Still insane pricing considering it used to be about 20 bucks which is still insane.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
$53.42. Full celebration ham.


The prices on the things you linked range from like four bucks for the whole thing to 15$ a pound. The average price for whole hams I see there is 25$

The point I'm trying to make is grocery prices are Sky High well past what they used to be in a few short years.

Not where I live. The prices have changed little since 2016 minus gas going up then back down

I know prices vary from local to locale but the bottom line is there is no good economy for the common person who lives paycheck to paycheck.

Cost of living is a problem that sucks for the average person, but this is a problem that goes back decades

The economy is good when these people can actually afford things. Not before.

No, the economy is good when companies are able to make profits. What you are talking about is cost of living. That's an altogether separate issue. The only thing that helps that is higher wages

Thankfully where I live the high cost of living is offset by higher paying jobs and better opportunities for higher wages due to access to better education and certification needed for those higher paying jobs

I wish things were more affordable like they used to be, but unfortunately this is the way things are and have been for a long long time. These problems can't be placed at the feet of Biden or Trump solely. They have deep roots

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Your arguing with 3 dollar differences in price?

Ok. Still insane pricing considering it used to be about 20 bucks which is still insane.
We're also arguing over size. Your claim was a medium cost that much but nowhere is that showing to be true.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Give us the measurements. We as humans "notice" things all the time, but it's actually nothing more than our biases and expectations filtering our world for us.
It's quite interesting and yes , pizza size has gotten smaller since the 70s.
