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Holy books


Well-Known Member
shytot said:
Again I don't wish to offend, but asking me to 'research other religions beyond christianity and Islam' is a little silly, I don't believe in any religion, it's like me asking you to 'find out what Santa's reindeers like to eat', totally meaningless, unless you believe in Santa.
I think ALL religions are the same, like languages,they come from different parts of the world, and like languages, they sound and are written differently, but they all do the same thing in the end, and you know what that is.
And the most important thing of all is that MY religion is the TRUE religion, I have been blessed
by being born in the right place to the right parents, had I been born in Salt Lake city, I could have been raised a Morman, or South America, a Catholic, or Iraq, a Muslim, I was certainly fortunate to be born a ???
Whatever I say I will be classed as an outsider, if you are unfortunate enough not to have been brought up in a religion, ( I think I was lucky) and just can not get your head around one, or find one that suits you, you are somehow seen as missing something,
To believe in a God for me, is as silly as me asking you to believe in the man in the moon, it is completely irrational, can anyone understand where I am coming from?
Did you come to ridicule the foolish? Don't you think that picking on us demented believers by one so strong and enlightened, is unfair even for a shytot atheist?
Have you no where else to go to feel superior? Did you read my first post on this thread?


You're right Ronald, but it is not me who is enlightened, it is everyone who has a religion, I am
in the dark, happy, but in the dark, different religions can not come together,(unless it's in a common cause) so we must go our separate ways, it takes all kinds,
I was told there are more religious fanatics in America, than in the whole of the middle east,
but there will be a few less when the soldiers fighting in Iraq come home, ask them if they still
believe in a God, it's one thing to live in a nice community and go to your church, synagog or mosque surrounded by friends, it's another thing to see life as it really is, it somehow opens your eyes to what the world is all about, it must be wonderful to be able to see only what you want to see.
Anyway, you will be thankful to know, this is my last post, the Devils Advocate is out of here.
May your God go with you.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
So I'm guessing that all of the missionaries and all the religious people who go over and help all the dying people in the third world countries become athiests? Mother Theresa definitely did not become an athiest. The "real" world only made her faith stronger.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
shytot said:
Anyway, you will be thankful to know, this is my last post, the Devils Advocate is out of here.
May your God go with you.
There's no need for you to go, shytot. We have an Atheist and a Non-Theist forum, where you can talk with others who believe like you do. This is a big forum, and designed to give everyone who wishes to remain respectful, a place.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Deut. 32.8 said:
If that includes antisemitism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, or a plethora of other ideas founded upon unmitigated ignorance, count me out. There is a fairly large list of ideas which I do not respect and which, I would argue, do not warrant respect.

Since this is on the front page, I would have thought it would be known, but here you go : We do NOT tolerate blatant hateful remarks. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and everyone must respect them. Antisemitism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and whatever else that you can think of that is based on ignorance and hatred, would be considered hateful and is not tolerated. If you feel any posts cross this line, please use the report button on the top right of every post to alert the staff to a potential problem. Thanks.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
shytot said:
And Maize I am not angry at Christianity, or any other religion, if I am angry at anything, it is the way we can not accept the way things are, and people are afraid to die, so religion was invented.
What is "the way things are"? We all have our different ideas about that, and yes, one function of religion is to that question, but that is not religion's only function. My offer still stands to discuss this you further in private, if you wish. I do think you have some misconceptions about religion in general and I think it is very wrong to lump all religions in together.

but religion has reared it's head with the Muslims telling the world to converts to their religion or else,
I see no evidence of this. Have you ever talked with a real Muslim face to face?


Well-Known Member
shytot said:
You're right Ronald, but it is not me who is enlightened, it is everyone who has a religion, I am
in the dark, happy, but in the dark, different religions can not come together,(unless it's in a common cause) so we must go our separate ways, it takes all kinds,
I was told there are more religious fanatics in America, than in the whole of the middle east,
but there will be a few less when the soldiers fighting in Iraq come home, ask them if they still
believe in a God, it's one thing to live in a nice community and go to your church, synagog or mosque surrounded by friends, it's another thing to see life as it really is, it somehow opens your eyes to what the world is all about, it must be wonderful to be able to see only what you want to see.
Anyway, you will be thankful to know, this is my last post, the Devils Advocate is out of here.
May your God go with you.
A humble shytot is welcome!


Prince of Dorkness!
shytot said:
Engyo, is being a Buddist the answer? I expect it is for you.
for you, being a Buddist is the only way to go.
Yes, that's so..... I would never try to claim that Buddhism is an all-encompassing answer for everyone. It requires far too much work and self-honesty for many people, and the certainties it offers are not comforting ones. That said, it is available for anyone who chooses to enter the Path; but it must be the individual's choice.

I wish you fortune on your journey, and may you find whatever it is you seek, and may you also have the fortune to recognize it when you find it.


I see no evidence of this. Have you ever talked with a real Muslim face to face?
Come meet me. Board the next flight to Lebanon and see what a nice, blown up country we live in, with 17 sects. Very interesting, it seems they all hate each other. Sigh.


Well-Known Member
shytot said:
A holy book is a list of rules designed to keep people in line.
You're now thinking I am being cynical, let's look at the facts, every holy book from every corner of the world is a list of 'do's' and 'dont's', all per ported to be handed down from on high,
they then go on to tell the reader what they will get if they abide by the rules, and what will
happen if they dont, it is made easier to abide by the rules than go against them,
so if everyone around you is following the rules, keep your mouth shut, or they will kick
you out of the group, as a non-believer,
you will then need to set out a list of rules that YOU believe is the right way, this is the way all the different branches of the same religion are formed, every society need's rules to function properly, without rules you have chaos, which is the way we are going now, with everyone doing 'their own thing'.
The "Bible" is kind of an owner's manual for your soul. I personally feel that they all should say the same thing as our souls are not different.