Show me Jesus' birth certificate, with his foot prints on it like mine has and his ID with his photo and thumbprint, or similar items and then you'll have something to talk about. As it now stands the best you can do is point to tenebrous items that speak of Jesus indirectly in the third person and that are without provenance save the claim that they are hand copies made a century after the origins of the originals that were themselves written a generation or two after the events.
If you are a solipsist, please let me know, and I'll place you gently on IGNORE.
Solipsism is the belief that it doesn't make sense to think that anything exists other than the solipsist himself Since solipsist do not claim to be personally convinced that deities exist, they are, essentially functional atheists. If you are, in fact, a solipsist, you have revealed yourself as an internet troll of the worst ilk, and should be IGNORED.