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Homosexuality - Choice or Not?

Homosexuality - Choice or not?

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How about your prove your viewpoints? How do you come to your opinions? Just because you say so?

I say it's definitely not true that you can choose whom you're sexually attracted to....you either are attracted to someone or you're not. Attraction can happen immediately and sometimes it happens after getting to know a person. But, I can assure you there have been many men that I could never be attracted to no matter how hard I try. Now, until you prove me wrong, I say I'm right! :)

i already proved my point and presented my logic to you. you think my logic is flawed, yet you have no way to prove that my logic is flawed, that i am wrong. bring me proof, bring me evidence.


Veteran Member
i already proved my point and presented my logic to you. you think my logic is flawed, yet you have no way to prove that my logic is flawed, that i am wrong. bring me proof, bring me evidence.

What logic?

All you have is you opinions. Opinions of a heterosexual male whose never been attracted to the same sex.


Veteran Member
you experienced exatly what i've been saying, you CHOSE to be the way you are, all you are doing is proving that fact.

I did not choose to be attracted to women anymore then you do did.

Did you choose to be attracted to women your whole entire life? When did that choice come into effect, when did you decide I'd rather be attracted to women then men? You didn't.

It's not a choice.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
the prove my "opinions" wrong, you can't even do that. all you can do is sit and spin.
Okay... let's go back to some of your claims from the start of the thread, then.

Your first bit of evidence that attraction is not chosen is right here in this thread. You have statements from several people saying that they do not have the power to choose who they are attracted to. At the very least, this indicates that your claim, though it may be true for you, is not universally true.

Because, look at physical anatomy, Women and Men are different in thier structure, they are designed by nature to do a certian function together(procreation). why would it be natural to go against nature?
To claim "design", you must first establish intent, but I'm willing to set that point aside, because I don't think we'll get very far with it.

That aside, there are plenty of examples of behaviour where we deviate from what is "natural": we are born with a certain hair colour, and many people dye it... even to unnatural colours; our species has a history of being omnivores, but some choose to be vegetarian; we are born with the natural ability to walk upright, but many people choose to use automobiles to get around... it seems that what is "natural" isn't generally considered to be a criterion for whether something is good or bad. Why do you think it should be in this case?

a man and a man cannot make new life
just as a woman and a woman cannot make new life
While trivially true, I don't think this statement says anything for whether or not sexual attraction is a choice.

Number 2 i was using those things as a comparasin of urges and choice. all urges depend on choice to be put into action, Nomatter what.
Yes, but it seems you're claiming that urges are voluntary as well.

Number 3 The babies could very possibly come from single mothers, but the creation of that babie require and MAN+WOMAN to create, even in the case of artificial insemination, parts came from a MALE , and were placed into a FEMALE to create said baby.
Artificial insemination has nothing to do with attraction, and is therefore irrelevant to your main claim.

Number 4 Marriage has been around since the dawn of time. wiether you want to go the creation, or the evolution route. If Adam was gay, we wouldn't be here. If cavemen were gay, we wouldn't be here.
If one caveman in ten were gay, there'd be no problem at all in getting here. Anyhow, it's irrelevant to whether sexual attraction is a choice.

if youw ant to go down that road fine, Yes, there are homosexual acts in the animal kingdom, (male dogs humping other male dogs ect... which are acts of dominance) how does that pertain to Humans? even so, it's the dog's choice to hump the other dog.
It may be the dog's choice to "hump", but it's not the dog's choice to have the desire to hump in the first place.

from what you've been told. ever notice how a "feeling"
is a matter of choice or opinion?
A question, not a statement of opinion, but no, I haven't noticed that.

not a choice, sure put it up here,

cause nomatter what science says i'm right on this followign statement :

It's is always a choice to make any action. to follow through with an urge, it is always a choice. It's a choice to be Hetrosexual. It's always a choice. choices are made every day. Nobody twists your arm into being straight or gay.
Actions are choices. Feelings, urges and attractions are not. Choice only comes into play when we decide whether to act on those feelings.


I did not choose to be attracted to women anymore then you do did.

Did you choose to be attracted to women your whole entire life? When did that choice come into effect, when did you decide I'd rather be attracted to women then men? You didn't.

It's not a choice.

yes, it is a choice.

you can either accept it or be in denial about it cause you don't want to loose your precious crutch.

my own personal life has alot to do with religion and this is not the thread to be posting it in.


To claim "design", you must first establish intent, but I'm willing to set that point aside, because I don't think we'll get very far with it.

we wont get very far with it indeed because you can't argue that point.


Actions are choices. Feelings, urges and attractions are not. Choice only comes into play when we decide whether to act on those feelings.

peopel have urges to do all sorts of things, even to kill, rape, abuse, even nice things like, giving someone a hug, or kissing them.

peopel always have control over thier minds, it's the media that wasnt you to think you don't have control over your own mind so that they can sell you anything or they can say antyhing to help you stand up on a crutch.

i could go into depth on religion here again, but i wont. that's for another topic.


Veteran Member
your crutch of "i was born this way, boo hoo to me" stand on your own two feet and take responsibility for your own choices in life. there's nothing wrong with that.

Pardon me?

I know I was born this way, and I do take responsibility for my own choices. I've taken the responsibility of not acting my attraction to women. I've taken the responsibility to realize there is nothing I can do about it, but be strong; and I've taken the responsibility to remember that people like you really don't understand what we feel.


Pardon me?

I know I was born this way, and I do take responsibility for my own choices. I've taken the responsibility of not acting my attraction to women. I've taken the responsibility to realize there is nothing I can do about it, but be strong; and I've taken the responsibility to remember that people like you really don't understand what we feel.

you're still choosing to be attracted to members of the same sex. it's no different.


Veteran Member
you're still choosing to be attracted to members of the same sex. it's no different.

No I'm not. When did you choose to be attracted to women, please answer that question before we go any farther. Name the time in your life when you decided, "Gee whiz, I'm deciding to be attracted to women."

Then, let's talk.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
we wont get very far with it indeed because you can't argue that point.
No, it's because for you to establish that people were designed the way you say they were, you'd have to:

- prove that God, as an intelligent creator, exists in general;
- prove that your version of God is right and all competing versions (or at least all versions that have implications that disagree with your claim) are wrong; and,
- prove that you are properly interpreting God's intentions and are not, for example, being misled by the Devil.

Since the philosophers are stuck on the first point, I don't think there's much point in pursuing this line of debate.

peopel have urges to do all sorts of things, even to kill, rape, abuse, even nice things like, giving someone a hug, or kissing them.

peopel always have control over thier minds, it's the media that wasnt you to think you don't have control over your own mind so that they can sell you anything or they can say antyhing to help you stand up on a crutch.

Actually, I've found the opposite: in the one cult experience that I had first-hand, they were very emphatic about the idea that everything that happens is your own responsibility and that everything in your head is under your control. That way, when their crappy teachings didn't work, the gullible folks would blame themselves rather than the people who were taking advantage of them.

your crutch of "i was born this way, boo hoo to me" stand on your own two feet and take responsibility for your own choices in life. there's nothing wrong with that.
So then you won't hide behind the Book of Mormon and the Bible for why you're acting this way, hmm? ;)
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