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Homosexuality is "Contrary to Natural Law"?


Cult Survivor/Fundamentalist Pentecostal Apostate
Your article does not describe homosexuality;
'..the same-sex mating habits of Octopoteuthis deletron, a deep-sea squid that indiscriminately shoots sperm packets onto both male and female squids'

Obviously it is impaired. That aside, it is not an instance.
Yours is the statement of ignorance.

You cherry-picked the parts that you wanted and left the rest. Mine is not a statement of ignorance; rather, yours is a statement of "confirmation bias". Here is a simple paragraph from the article which you did not give your honest attention or analysis:

Some animals, when given a choice, show a preference for the same sex, and researchers have even ascribed a same-sex sexual orientation to members of certain species. Read on for some fascinating examples.

10 Animals That Practice Homosexuality - Listverse
Yale Scientific Magazine – Do Animals Exhibit Homosexuality?

Currently, homosexual behavior has been documented in over 450 different animal species worldwide. For instance, observations indicate that Humboldt, King, Gentoo, and Adélie penguins of the same sex engage in “mating rituals like entwining their necks and vocalizing to one another.” In addition, male giraffes have also been observed engaging in homosexual behavior by rubbing their necks against each others’ bodies while ignoring the females. Yet another example is lizards of the genus Teiidae, which can copulate with both male and female mates.

Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You do not pay much attention to human speech and it's meanings.

They do not display exclusive homosexual behavior.
The humans have word for this; bisexual.
So it's ok to be gay, just as long as you occasionally sleep with someone of the opposite sex?
And how does homosexuality suddenly turn into bisexuality? Many animals have been observed having homosexual sex, thus it exist in nature.


It is an obvious impairment and error scientifically speaking.

Is it really? Perhaps it gives us an evolutionary advantage in being able to be sexually satisfied from a wider variety of partners thus raising our happiness, health and increasing the likelihood that we reproduce. Who knows.

Or it could be that you aren't an anthropologist, sociologist, psychologist, etc. And are making up "obvious impairments" and "errors."

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It is an obvious impairment and error scientifically speaking.
What sort of schooling and training do you have to make such a statement? In my schooling, which has included lots of history, psychology, anthropology and a bit of sociology, I can say there is nothing erroneous, scientifically speaking, about those statements. Psychologically, it causes mental distress for homosexuals and bisexuals to live in denial. Historically and anthropologically, homosexuality, in human cultures, is commonly not really made that big of a deal of, and these cultures obsess over it far less than we do, to the point of not even seeing sexuality as hetero vs. homo. Even gender is hardly viewed as a binary and rigid "male vs female" as many cultures have/have had a few or even several different gender identities. Biologically, bisexuality has many advantages that overlap into psychological, physical and social benefits. Ecologically, homosexuals who never reproduce, as are heterosexuals who never reproduce, are a godsend that we desperately need more of if we want our species and planet to survive.
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The Adept

You cherry-picked the parts that you wanted and left the rest. Mine is not a statement of ignorance; rather, yours is a statement of "confirmation bias". Here is a simple paragraph from the article which you did not give your honest attention or analysis:

Some animals, when given a choice, show a preference for the same sex, and researchers have even ascribed a same-sex sexual orientation to members of certain species. Read on for some fascinating examples.

10 Animals That Practice Homosexuality - Listverse
Yale Scientific Magazine – Do Animals Exhibit Homosexuality?

Currently, homosexual behavior has been documented in over 450 different animal species worldwide. For instance, observations indicate that Humboldt, King, Gentoo, and Adélie penguins of the same sex engage in “mating rituals like entwining their necks and vocalizing to one another.” In addition, male giraffes have also been observed engaging in homosexual behavior by rubbing their necks against each others’ bodies while ignoring the females. Yet another example is lizards of the genus Teiidae, which can copulate with both male and female mates.

Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate

You cannot understand what is there. None of it is homosexual sex in the paragraph you give. Is there a problem?
Friendship is not sexual intercourse, btw.
In some Islamic cultures males even kiss; but there is no sex. Is Saudi Arabia and Iran homosexual sex nations in your redefinition?

As for the others;
Allround typical statements of inversion, self introductions and suspiciously politically uniform. Is there no dissent? I am appauled at the lack of understanding of natural sciences.

The Adept

And how does homosexuality suddenly turn into bisexuality? ...

This is a statement of inversion.
The real question would be how does bisexuality suddenly get turned into homosexuality?

Are you politically unaware and oblivious?

Do you understand the term LGBT?
Or do I need to explain it to you?

please tell me you are all americans only.

The Adept


If you are even interested; they are not a natural species but are produced though heterosexual hybridization. And they are happy to be bisexual when they find males.

'...is very rare in vertebrates. Those species without males are now known to originate through hybridization, or interspecific breeding.

Occasionally, a mating between a female of one species and a male of another produces a parthenogen, a female that is able to produce viable eggs that are genetically identical to her own cells. The lizards that hatch from these eggs are thus also parthenogens that can again produce identical eggs, resulting in an asexual, clonal population. Parthenogenetic species resulting from a single hybridization are diploid (that is, they have two sets of chromosomes just as sexual species do), but sometimes these females mate with other males,* producing offspring which are triploid...'

'There are no known cases of naturally occurring mammalian parthenogenesis in the wild.'

*Why not call them bizards then?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You cannot understand what is there. None of it is homosexual sex in the paragraph you give. Is there a problem?
Friendship is not sexual intercourse, btw.
In some Islamic cultures males even kiss; but there is no sex. Is Saudi Arabia and Iran homosexual sex nations in your redefinition?

As for the others;
Allround typical statements of inversion, self introductions and suspiciously politically uniform. Is there no dissent? I am appauled at the lack of understanding of natural sciences.
You are the one who is inverting and changing terms around. You also have yet to demonstrate that you yourself have any sort of training or education in any sort of science, natural or social. That is a wild accusation to make when a number of forum members here do indeed have a solid background in areas you are accusing them of knowing nothing of.

The real question would be how does bisexuality suddenly get turned into homosexuality?

I wasn't aware it had. This thread was about homosexuality, and bisexuality was thrown into the discussion like a life preserve being tossed to a drowning person.

Do you understand the term LGBT?
Or do I need to explain it to you?

Do please explain, because apparently this BT woman, who has a background in many areas that deal in some way or another with the GLBT community, doesn't know what she is talking about.


Well-Known Member
Homosexuality does not exist in nature.
I think this is wrong, it does exist in nature. But for the sake of the argument, if it didnt... would that really matter? And if we are the only animal that does it, does that imply its against our nature or that our nature has the unique aspect of homosexuality?

This is all hypothetical. If I have understood things correctly, homosexuality is observed in other animals.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
If you are even interested; they are not a natural species but are produced though heterosexual hybridization. And they are happy to be bisexual when they find males.

'...is very rare in vertebrates. Those species without males are now known to originate through hybridization, or interspecific breeding.

Occasionally, a mating between a female of one species and a male of another produces a parthenogen, a female that is able to produce viable eggs that are genetically identical to her own cells. The lizards that hatch from these eggs are thus also parthenogens that can again produce identical eggs, resulting in an asexual, clonal population. Parthenogenetic species resulting from a single hybridization are diploid (that is, they have two sets of chromosomes just as sexual species do), but sometimes these females mate with other males,* producing offspring which are triploid...'

'There are no known cases of naturally occurring mammalian parthenogenesis in the wild.'

*Why not call them bizards then?

Are the producesrs of such hybridization (presumably not coming from the wild) not natural?


- viole

The Adept

You are the one who is inverting and changing terms around. You also have yet to demonstrate that you yourself have any sort of training or education in any sort of science, natural or social. That is a wild accusation to make when a number of forum members here do indeed have a solid background in areas you are accusing them of knowing nothing of.

I wasn't aware it had. This thread was about homosexuality, and bisexuality was thrown into the discussion like a life preserve being tossed to a drowning person.

Do please explain, because apparently this BT woman, who has a background in many areas that deal in some way or another with the GLBT community, doesn't know what she is talking about.

It would seem not.
LGBT is not the same as LG T
or GLBT as you prefer is not the same as GL T.
Are you missing something? Do you understand the difference?

Congratulations on the war against Bisexuals. Is that not bigotry?

I have not changed the terms and meaning of Gay or Bisexual; your inversion has done so.

The Adept

I think this is wrong, it does exist in nature. But for the sake of the argument, if it didnt... would that really matter? And if we are the only animal that does it, does that imply its against our nature or that our nature has the unique aspect of homosexuality?

This is all hypothetical. If I have understood things correctly, homosexuality is observed in other animals.

Politically you have understood what was required of your indoctrination.

Scientifically you do not understand.
If you understood things correctly, bisexuality is observed in a minority of other animals; usually in captivity like humans.

You have sacrificed scientific objectivity and biology upon the black altar for anti-science and anti-biology political ideology.

Do you object to those who sacrifice anti-science ideology on the black altar for science?


Well-Known Member
Politically you have understood what was required of your indoctrination.

Scientifically you do not understand.
If you understood things correctly, bisexuality is observed in a minority of other animals; usually in captivity like humans.

You have sacrificed scientific objectivity and biology upon the black altar for anti-science and anti-biology political ideology.

Do you object to those who sacrifice anti-science ideology on the black altar for science?
You didnt answer my questions :p.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Doesn't natural law dictate that a population without control, like predators, will expand until the environment collapses? Google Australian rabbit problem.

I once heard the theory that homosexuality is God's way of saying "enough with the be fruitful and multiply already... do I have to tell you everything?"