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Homosexuality Is Of God !



Homosexuality is not a new lifestyle that sprang up on modern times. It has its roots since the beginning of human civilization. The first book of the Holy Bible itself mentions about two great cities full of people who practiced homosexuality. Later in the second part of the Bible [Romans;1;19-32]It is explained why people are turned into homosexuals. This part states that homosexuality is a situation in which some people are fallen into as a result of not obeying God.The Bible says,” though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or show gratitude.” Instead “they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man, birds, animals, and reptiles. Therefore God delivered them over in the cravings of their hearts to sexual impurity, so that their bodies were degraded among themselvesRomans;1:19-34.From this it becomes clear that homosexuality is not something biological or natural as some think but it is a curse from God that comes upon Godless people and their descendants .At the core homosexuality is of spiritual in nature.

Like all other abominable sins –idolatry,adultery,murder and so on homosexuality is contrary to God’s law.In the past there was no remedy for this sin.Only wrath and destruction followed.God rained fire and brimstone from heavin and destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah which practiced homosexuality. [See Genesis;19]But now there is hope because God is merciful and it is a time of jGod’s favor toward the mankind..He sent his Son as the Savior of the world to save sinners.The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death.”God loves sinners but hates sin.Lord Jesus said,” I did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”Luke;5:32 If anyone turns to him and repent God is willing to forgive and able to change that person inside out. ”If the Son sets you free you are free indeed.”John;8:36.

Homosexuality is not something that God approves. It is not a life style that sprang up in the modern times. It was there from the beginning. In the first book of the Bible itself we read about two cities which people practiced homosexuality. Later God sent judgment and destroyed those two cities.Later in the New Testament it is explained why people are turned into homosexuals. It says that homosexuality is a situation people are fallen into as a result of not obeying God.It says ,“although they knew God they neither glorified him as God nor gave him thanks to him” instead they changed the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like birds animals and reptiles and so on. Worshiping them.Therefore God also gave them over to shameful lusts”[Romans;1:19-32]From this it becomes clear that homosexuality is not something biological or natural as many think but it is spiritual at the core.It is a curse from God that comes on people and their descendants for not glorifying God.In the past only wrath and destruction followed for this depravity. But now it is a time of God’s favor so he is willing to forgive.God loves sinners and hates sin.Jesus said,”I did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”Luke;5:32 and He said, ,” The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." Luke;19:10. ” Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” John;8:36 .Those who come to God through Jesus Christ he is able save and to change inside out.
A bit misleading in title. I was looking for an argument in favor of homosexuality instead of one against.

I agree that homosexuality is not condoned in the New Testament. Although, I do understand its biological in many cases. It is also by decision in others. The biological cases I view similar to heterosexual behavior: just because a person is biologically a certain way (sex addicts, homosexuals, overly sexual, sexually driven, etc) doesnt mean they should act on biology. If we argue biology makes something ok, we would be condoning infanticide, fratricide, cannablism, and other biologically based behavior we see in the animals around us.

God demands we change to be as He wants us to be. This change is demanded in every facet of a person's life.

One failing of society now is associating a stand against homosexuality with hate. That is wrong. A person can dislike what a person does and still care about a person. We do it with family and friends all the time. I have known several homosexuals, and although i dont agree with their lifestyle, i still respect them for who they are. No one has the right to condemn another person, only God has that right. However, we do have a right to stand against a person's behavior that is deviant from God's commands.


Well-Known Member
From this it becomes clear that homosexuality is not something biological or natural as some think but it is a curse from God that comes upon Godless people and their descendants .At the core homosexuality is of spiritual in nature.
So what about homosexual animals? They are reasonably common. Do you think animals even have souls for there to be spiritual problems in? If so, I hope you are a vegitarian.


World Leader Pretend
JerryL said:
So what about homosexual animals? They are reasonably common. Do you think animals even have souls for there to be spiritual problems in? If so, I hope you are a vegitarian.[/size][/font]

Not common.... but they do exist. Also, Christians don't believe animals have souls. so... no problem.


JerryL said:
So what about homosexual animals? They are reasonably common. Do you think animals even have souls for there to be spiritual problems in? If so, I hope you are a vegitarian.[/size][/font]
Ya,well animals are just stupid.You can't say that simply because a male dog tries to mate with another male dog that the dog has a spiritual problem.That's a little weird in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Ya,well animals are just stupid.You can't say that simply because a male dog tries to mate with another male dog that the dog has a spiritual problem.That's a little weird in my opinion.
It's not just the odd mating. There are many noteable exampled of animals choosing only partners of the same sex.

So if homosexuality is a spiritual problem, and animals have no souls (and therefore no spiritual problems) and some animals are homosexual...

This seems to be a paradox. How can you rationally assert that homosexuality is spiritual and that there are non-spirited homosexuals?


JerryL said:
How can you rationally assert that homosexuality is spiritual and that there are non-spirited homosexuals?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember stating that homosexuality was a spiritual problem.


Well-Known Member
gtrsgrls said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember stating that homosexuality was a spiritual problem.
Correct me if I am wrong, but you responded to my response to a comment that it was a spiritual problem.

The thought that it was a spiritual problem was what I was addressing when you chimed in.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
This is an example of misinterprating the Bible once again. When we look back at ancient Myths of Greece and Rome, we relize that many of the stories where just the way a primitve people explained natural phenomenon. It is my belief that many of the Bibles stories are the same thing. Is it not possible that the author of the passage that called homosexuality a "cuse from God" called it that because he had no other explanation? It is easy to see how one might think that thousands of years ago, since homosexuality doesn't result in an offspring. An intreasting fact to be considered is that for some beliefs, homosexuality is considered completely normal. In some Gnostic faiths the Creator, called Rex Mundi ( God of the Old Teastament, tranlates to king of the world) is evil in nature, and tries to keep our "divine spark" trapped inside his creation (the planet) through our reproduction. I can go into more detail if someone would like.


Lord of the Badgers
Rex Mundi, that's not one i come across often. I prefer Yaldaboath, sounds cooler, or Samael - for he is blind.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
spacemonkey said:
This is an example of misinterprating the Bible once again. When we look back at ancient Myths of Greece and Rome, we relize that many of the stories where just the way a primitve people explained natural phenomenon. It is my belief that many of the Bibles stories are the same thing. Is it not possible that the author of the passage that called homosexuality a "cuse from God" called it that because he had no other explanation? It is easy to see how one might think that thousands of years ago, since homosexuality doesn't result in an offspring. An intreasting fact to be considered is that for some beliefs, homosexuality is considered completely normal. In some Gnostic faiths the Creator, called Rex Mundi ( God of the Old Teastament, tranlates to king of the world) is evil in nature, and tries to keep our "divine spark" trapped inside his creation (the planet) through our reproduction. I can go into more detail if someone would like.
Hi Spacemonkey,

Since I see this is your first post on this forum, I thought it would be a good time to welcome you here.

I can go into more detail if someone would like.
It would be interesting if you would.

Bhakthi said:
From this it becomes clear that homosexuality is not something biological or natural as some think but it is a curse from God that comes upon Godless people and their descendants .At the core homosexuality is of spiritual in nature.
In the most innofensive way I can say it, that is bigoted balderdash ;
At the core homosexuality is of spiritual in nature
Ah, So God makes people Homosexual so that he can punish them ?.........yes, I see now.

Searcher of light said:
I agree that homosexuality is not condoned in the New Testament. Although, I do understand its biological in many cases. It is also by decision in others
It is also by decision in others......really ? can you supply anything to back up your opinion.
Jerry L said:
There are many noteable exampled of animals choosing only partners of the same sex.
Good on you Jerry!


Pneumatic Spiritualist
mr.guy said:
Please do.
Wikipedia offers some great reading on the topic, so to save my poor fingers please check out this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnostic#Theology_and_Cosmology

According to the Gnostic belief, the Creator intended to keep humanity unware in order to keep them trapped on his creation. I always thought it was odd when I was a child that Adam and Eve were evicted from Eden for eating the fruit of KNOWLEDGE (Gnosis in greek).

The Cathars, a sect of Gnosics that prospered around the turn of the 1st Millenium AD, practiced both homosexuality and birth control, as they felt that sex was a way to directly commune with the true Gods of peace and love. It was their belief that the creator chose sexual reproduction for just that reason, so that communion with those powers would lead to further imprisonment on this world.

Let me also add that Gnostis feel that Jesus is not the son of Rex Mundi, but as an Avatar of the Pleroma, a guide sent here to help escape the Demiurge's prison.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
spacemonkey said:
Wikipedia offers some great reading on the topic, so to save my poor fingers please check out this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnostic#Theology_and_Cosmology

According to the Gnostic belief, the Creator intended to keep humanity unware in order to keep them trapped on his creation. I always thought it was odd when I was a child that Adam and Eve were evicted from Eden for eating the fruit of KNOWLEDGE (Gnosis in greek).

The Cathars, a sect of Gnosics that prospered around the turn of the 1st Millenium AD, practiced both homosexuality and birth control, as they felt that sex was a way to directly commune with the true Gods of peace and love. It was their belief that the creator chose sexual reproduction for just that reason, so that communion with those powers would lead to further imprisonment on this world.

Let me also add that Gnostis feel that Jesus is not the son of Rex Mundi, but as an Avatar of the Pleroma, a guide sent here to help escape the Demiurge's prison.
Wow ! You'll have to forgive my lack of knowledge about gnosticism; one aspect caught my eye, though - the mention of arcana, which also has a place in the Kabbalah, in the study of the Tarot;
Occult interpretations of the Tarot cards divide the deck into two parts:


Lord of the Badgers
spacemonkey said:
Let me also add that Gnostis feel that Jesus is not the son of Rex Mundi, but as an Avatar of the Pleroma, a guide sent here to help escape the Demiurge's prison.
Well, the Christian Gnostics anyway, the Valentinians and Cathars etc.

michel said:
Wow ! You'll have to forgive my lack of knowledge about gnosticism; one aspect caught my eye...
Mich! I am shocked, after all my months of spouting Gnostic myth i thought you would have absorbed it like a sponge. ;)


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Another note on the Cathars, they were wiped out by the Catholic church for their "heretical" beliefs in the Albigensian Crusade, the only crusade that involved Europeans killing fellow Europeans.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Halcyon said:
Well, the Christian Gnostics anyway, the Valentinians and Cathars etc.

Mich! I am shocked, after all my months of spouting Gnostic myth i thought you would have absorbed it like a sponge. ;)
I'm very ssssorry, I'll pppay better attention in future........honest........:eek:


Lord of the Badgers
michel said:
I'm very ssssorry, I'll pppay better attention in future........honest........:eek:
:D , consider yourself taken off my hit list old friend (and by hit i mean of course with some kind of potato based hitting device)


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Well, the Christian Gnostics anyway, the Valentinians and Cathars etc.
I was under the assumption "gnostic" refered to a sect of Chrisianity. Gnostic comes from the greek word "gnosis" meaning knowledge (also one of the ship names in the Matrix trilogy along with "Logos" or "word"). I wasn't aware there where other religous sects that refer to themselves as "Gnostics".