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Homosexuality Is Of God !


Lord of the Badgers
spacemonkey said:
I was under the assumption "gnostic" refered to a sect of Chrisianity. Gnostic comes from the greek word "gnosis" meaning knowledge (also one of the ship names in the Matrix trilogy along with "Logos" or "word"). I wasn't aware there where other religous sects that refer to themselves as "Gnostics".
Well, technically Gnosticism is a school of theological thought that can be applied to any religious mythology you care to think of.
There are existing non-Christian Gnostics, they're called the Mandeans. Also a large non-Chrisitian group now extinct were the Sethians. The Manichaens had strong Gnostic themes in their literature, as did several Hermetic documents. There is even an Islamic Gnostic scripture called The Mother of Books.
Gnostic history and culture is very rich and varied, as well as incredibly confusing if you don't look at it in the right way :)


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Speaking of the Matrix, I belive the Gnosicism is the central religous belief being expressed in the film, not just the Orthodox Christian refrences people see in it. The Deus Ex Machina (God from the Machine) that Neo confronts represents Rex Mundi, a creation of matter but no soul. The Deus Ex Machina has created a world to imprisson mankind, much the same way the Gnostics feel that Rex Mundi imprissoned our divine souls on this world. Neo must battle himself in the form of Smith, which to me represents how Jesus is used to convert people to the ways of Rex Mundi (simply put, Neo = Gnostic Jesus ; Smith = Catholic Jesus) and in the end, not everyone is able to be AWAKENED to KNOWLEDGE that the Matrix is not the real world.

BTW I'm a BIG fan of the Matrix trilogy :)


JerryL said:
So what about homosexual animals? They are reasonably common. Do you think animals even have souls for there to be spiritual problems in? If so, I hope you are a vegitarian.[/size][/font]
There is savage killing among animals.That means humans can do the same?
Yes, The New Testament speaks against homosexuality.
" as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."Jude;1:7
Moreover animals don't have to give an account of their actions to God the Creator.


Well-Known Member
There is savage killing among animals.That means humans can do the same?
Since humans do it all the time, obviously the answer is "yes, humans can do the same".

Perhaps you mean "should we do the same"? That's a broad question, but is unrelated to what I have been discussing. I didn't ask if homosexuality was "OK", I asked how it could be a "spiritual problem" if non-spiritual animals have it.

Yes, The New Testament speaks against homosexuality.
" as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."Jude;1:7
That's pretty vague. You would do better to cite Paul's condemnation of "effeminates".

Moreover animals don't have to give an account of their actions to God the Creator.
Also not the question... though I'll assume that you therefore believe that animals do not have souls, and that homosexuality is not "spiritual".


Darkdale said:
Also, Christians don't believe animals have souls. so... no problem.

Three terms were used for the soul in the OT:

Nephesh - to refer to the animal and vegetative nature.

Nuah - to the ethical principle

Neshamah - purely spiritual intelligence

Catholic theology is line with this thinking.



World Leader Pretend
Victor said:

Three terms were used for the soul in the OT:

Nephesh - to refer to the animal and vegetative nature.

Nuah - to the ethical principle

Neshamah - purely spiritual intelligence

Catholic theology is line with this thinking.


:) I stand corrected. I do remember something to that extent; I revise my statement to say that Christians do not believe that animals have the same kind of soul as humans do.


Darkdale said:
:) I stand corrected. I do remember something to that extent; I revise my statement to say that Christians do not believe that animals have the same kind of soul as humans do.
We are here to learn and grow. I'm sure you won't skip a beat to correct me as well. :)



Pneumatic Spiritualist
bhakthi said:
There is savage killing among animals.That means humans can do the same?
Yes, The New Testament speaks against homosexuality.
" as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."Jude;1:7
Moreover animals don't have to give an account of their actions to God the Creator.
For one thing, animals kill each other for food/survival only. They do not commit wholesale slaughter of other animals because the belive in differant things. If there is savage killing among any species on this planet it would be HUMANS and no other. Also, I belive the real reason behind the destruction of these cities was inhospitable treatment of guests, a much more grievous transgression for ancient Judaic people than hmosexuality.


Well-Known Member
spacemonkey said:
For one thing, animals kill each other for food/survival only.
You obviously don't own a cat.

They do not commit wholesale slaughter of other animals because the belive in differant things.
No, but they will simply because they are different (EG Ants)

If there is savage killing among any species on this planet it would be HUMANS and no other.
You've also never watched a Hyena pack hunt.

Also, I belive the real reason behind the destruction of these cities was inhospitable treatment of guests, a much more grievous transgression for ancient Judaic people than hmosexuality.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
JerryL said:
You obviously don't own a cat.

No, but they will simply because they are different (EG Ants)

You've also never watched a Hyena pack hunt.

OK, I'll concede the point on cats, they are nothing but killing machines. If you examine the reason that domesticated cats kill things though, you will realize that it is because they were bred by HUMANS to do so. Pest control was the princaple reason for the domestication of cats, and if they do not consume what they kill then they usually bring the kill to their human master for praise. As for the Hyena, you say for yourself it is a HUNT. While it may appear savage to us, they are only doing what they have to in order to survive. Humans are still the only species that kill each other because we don't agree.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
So what about homosexual animals? They are reasonably common. Do you think animals even have souls for there to be spiritual problems in? If so, I hope you are a vegitarian
There is savage killing among animals.That means humans can do the same?
Yes, The New Testament speaks against homosexuality.
" as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."Jude;1:7
Moreover animals don't have to give an account of their actions to God the Creator.
For one thing, animals kill each other for food/survival only. They do not commit wholesale slaughter of other animals because the belive in differant things. If there is savage killing among any species on this planet it would be HUMANS and no other. Also, I belive the real reason behind the destruction of these cities was inhospitable treatment of guests, a much more grievous transgression for ancient Judaic people than hmosexuality.

This is how we got to where we are. As you can see it is still on topic.


Well-Known Member
Since the "savage killing" is a straw-man argument to begin with (I never said "there's homosexuality in nature, so it's OK"), it is an off-topic tangent. Suffice it to say, I disagree with the comment that only humans kill savagely, and am happy to support my position, but will not do so on this thread.


I know some lesbians that go to a family church. It doesn't seem to bother them that they are openly sinning. I have mixed feelings about gays that go to church like they aren't doing anything wrong.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
whatever said:
I know some lesbians that go to a family church. It doesn't seem to bother them that they are openly sinning. I have mixed feelings about gays that go to church like they aren't doing anything wrong.
At my church they wouldn't be doing anything wrong and are welcome to come and be who they are.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
whatever said:
I know some lesbians that go to a family church. It doesn't seem to bother them that they are openly sinning. I have mixed feelings about gays that go to church like they aren't doing anything wrong.
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
I think there was this guy who said this one time....


Well-Known Member
spacemonkey said:
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
I think there was this guy who said this one time....
Yea, that idea didn't catch on very well did it? Didn't they kill him? Would have been pretty ironic to stone him to death ;)


Well-Known Member
JerryL said:
Yea, that idea didn't catch on very well did it? Didn't they kill him? Would have been pretty ironic to stone him to death ;)
That's gold, Jerry!!! Gold!!!! I almost fell off my couch.



Well-Known Member
whatever said:
I know some lesbians that go to a family church. It doesn't seem to bother them that they are openly sinning. I have mixed feelings about gays that go to church like they aren't doing anything wrong.
people do alsorts of things that are not inline with Gods ways ,but when they come to an accurate knowledge of the bible , they stop doing those things, just as the early christians did .as ,1 corinthians 6;9-11tells us
What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom. And yet that is what some of YOU were. But YOU have been washed clean, but YOU have been sanctified, but YOU have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God...................so most people have to change there personality to be in line with God ,so you are right to think as you do .the bible tells us (that is what some of them were ).so they can change their thinking ,if they want to of course.
