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Homosexuality observed in Animals: Not so Unnatural After All


Agnostic Theist
Ah I see sniper, and you're calling gay people uncivilized.
I don't agree with Sniper, but he does bring up a good point. In nature, we do see some animals doing things that would not be natural for humans to do.

That is a reason why your OP really fails. That, and in order for an effective argument to be created, you would have to show that animals have sexual orientation similar to humans. When a dog engages in homosexual sex, is that based on an attraction to the same sex? Or would that dog be just as happy to engage in heterosexual sex as well?

The best argument that homosexuality is natural is that we see it occurring naturally in humans. You didn't necessarily choose to be gay (I do subscribe to the idea that nature and nurture play a role). You weren't forced to be gay. And I'm sure it wasn't something you just decided to do one day. For you, it was natural. And thus, that is a better argument for homosexuality being natural.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
No he doesn't bring up a good point falling blood, because this is just like when people compare gay people to pedophiles. Most people know this comparison is dumb. Saying animals eat their dung and children as a way to say homosexuality being present in animals doesn't prove it's natural fails.
Like humans, there are good and evil (positive and negative) animals. So giving that reason, to me at least doesn't matter.

But my personal opinion is my soul doesn't tell me it's dark, but definitely not for me, generally for the reproductive act of creation.

Paul Solomon says if a soul wishes to express general love through a homosexual relationship then it's positive.
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I don't agree with Sniper, but he does bring up a good point. In nature, we do see some animals doing things that would not be natural for humans to do.

That is a reason why your OP really fails. That, and in order for an effective argument to be created, you would have to show that animals have sexual orientation similar to humans. When a dog engages in homosexual sex, is that based on an attraction to the same sex? Or would that dog be just as happy to engage in heterosexual sex as well?

The best argument that homosexuality is natural is that we see it occurring naturally in humans. You didn't necessarily choose to be gay (I do subscribe to the idea that nature and nurture play a role). You weren't forced to be gay. And I'm sure it wasn't something you just decided to do one day. For you, it was natural. And thus, that is a better argument for homosexuality being natural.

The OP is not talking about sex. It is talking about pair bonding.


Like humans, there are good and evil (positive and negative) animals. So giving that reason, to me at least doesn't matter.

But my personal opinion is my soul doesn't tell me it's dark, but definitely not for me, generally for the reproductive act of creation.

Paul Solomon says if a soul wishes to express general love through a homosexual relationship then it's positive.

Tis true! Penguins can be evil!


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
My thoughts? This shows absolutely nothing. Great, some animals show homosexual tendency; however, I think that is even overstepping the lines. Some animals have homosexual sex is basically all that can be said.
And humans are animals, and it shows it normally happens.
Not really. I have no problem with homosexuality, but the idea that animals do it means it is natural means little.
Some believe though that other animals simply do not do it, and it is a human choice. It does mean something because it is hard evidence against there claims.

You can't win because they've already made up their minds since it's not based on logic, it's about what their ancient book (supposedly) tells them to believe.
Some non-religious people oppose homosexuality as well.


its also natural for animals to eat dung and their dead born.

Its a wonder why one species 'humans', considered to be the highest form of species among all the creation, able to think, reason and modify their actions would choose insects and species of the lower order as an example to justify their actions. e.g Some snakes even eat their own offsprings when they're hungry, lions kill their own kind for their dominance over the lion herd.

Thinking of it , the way I see the world around me, humans have pretty much resorted to the way animals live, eat ,kill and do things. The lawlessness and immorality has grown like an ugly monster looking to justify its existence. A human existence must mean much more than just basic physical functions, and that substantiates the thought why Prophets and messengers were sent as a role model of perfection, since humans have a great tendency to follow what 'they' think/feel suits them the best , no matter how deceptive/misleading/destructive that is, IMO.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
So Starsoul care to give me an example of how homosexuality is destructive while you're on your soap box about your prophets and messengers?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Thinking of it , the way I see the world around me, humans have pretty much resorted to the way animals live, eat ,kill and do things.
What do you expect? We are animals after all.



Its a wonder why one species 'humans', considered to be the highest form of species among all the creation, able to think, reason and modify their actions would choose insects and species of the lower order as an example to justify their actions. e.g Some snakes even eat their own offsprings when they're hungry, lions kill their own kind for their dominance over the lion herd.

Thinking of it , the way I see the world around me, humans have pretty much resorted to the way animals live, eat ,kill and do things. The lawlessness and immorality has grown like an ugly monster looking to justify its existence. A human existence must mean much more than just basic physical functions, and that substantiates the thought why Prophets and messengers were sent as a role model of perfection, since humans have a great tendency to follow what 'they' think/feel suits them the best , no matter how deceptive/misleading/destructive that is, IMO.

Easy there, tiger. The evidence that homosexuality is widespread in nature is offered ONLY in direct rebuttal to knuckle-dragger claims that homosexuality is not natural.

Nobody has argued that we should act like animals except theists, with their "homosexuality is unnatural" BS.


So Starsoul care to give me an example of how homosexuality is destructive while you're on your soap box about your prophets and messengers?
considering that i'm on a religious soapbox and you aren't on the 'animal dung/ insect homosexuals', do you really want me to post the destructive effects of homosexuality?

I would, but knowing where you're coming from, i know what to expect , so should i really go for it and not expect the same old insolence?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
considering that i'm on a religious soapbox and you aren't on the 'animal dung/ insect homosexuals', do you really want me to post the destructive effects of homosexuality?

I would, but knowing where you're coming from, i know what to expect , so should i really go for it and not expect the same old insolence?

We both know there's nothing really destructive about homosexuality. Of course, you don't have to answer me. Serve yourself.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
We could always use the Islamic answer to the gay question eh Starsoul? :rolleyes:

Because that'd really solve the problem...


No, i understand how it can be destructive, but you would ridicule/refuse to acknowledge that it is infact destructive.( why would you want to, it is what you desire to be and , like any other being, you'd hate 'Anything' that would get between you and your desire, no matter what)

Only few have the courage to distance themselves from their tempestuous desires, and those few seek something bigger than the satiation/pleasure that such desires offer.
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We could always use the Islamic answer to the gay question eh Starsoul?

Because that'd really solve the problem...
I didnt drag islam into this discussion, or do you want to turn it into one?( i gather its hard not to obsess over islam for esp. gay and athiestic people. wonder why since they don't conform to any religions, why do they obsess over them so much :shrug:)