jewscout said:
some are...but it has not always been my experience that it is a universally practiced custom...i wouldn't be surprised to find that heterosexual couples have anal sex more often...
so what if the homosexual male couple only participate in oral sex and no anal??:sarcastic
If they practiced oral sex only, I must revert to my previous qualification in post #10 concerning female homosexuality.
At this point, then, I can share with everyone two thoughts. First, my argument against male homosexuality is based largely upon the harmful nature of anal sex, and I am consistent in my application of this principle: I see anal sex as destructive in any circumstance because of its destructive nature. Second, I have long held as a Christian that the nature of sexual perversians must be
That is, on our own as humans we can't really figure out what is a perversian and what is intended. We can see by nature that only heteros can produce children (this is now changing with and only by new reproductive technologies) and families which are stable can produce the best affect upon society (Plato's
poletia), but a clear arugment for these points is quickly loosing ground in our pagan society. Because I think that the nature of sex is
revealed, we cannot achieve full knowledge of sexual ethics with regards to homosexuality (fortunately we can argue against rape, polygamy, and child abuse still by reason) by reason or by experience. Therefore, people should be free to express themselves sexually (even though they may be nuts in doing so) as long as no harm to society is provable.
However, as a Christian, I beleive that God revealed sexual ethics to us, these ethics compliment so far what we know scientifically and pschologically. If a gay gene is found, then we simply will have to approach it theologically like we already apporach alcoholism: a genetic tendacy is present, but it has been revealed to us as sin. If anyone wants to continue in any sin, their freedom should be honored as long as several criteria are met (stuff like standards of harm, honoring of human dignity - murder should not be legal, etc).