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Resident Lycanthrope
That ancient Jewish laws forbid homosexuality.
Nothing involving Deity, acceptance, or anything besides historical fact.
So do modern Christians not consider the Old Testament to be valid? Don't get me wrong. I am not trying to debate here. As a former Christian I used to try to follow the Old and New Testaments even when they conflicted.


So do modern Christians not consider the Old Testament to be valid? Don't get me wrong. I am not trying to debate here. As a former Christian I used to try to follow the Old and New Testaments even when they conflicted.
Modern Christians who are intelligent about their faith have learned to be skeptical about the bible, and realize the people writing it may have unintentionally added their own opinions in rather than the truth of Deity, this problem is only amplified when you realize who's translation the current english bibles are based on. Further, there are many many parts of the Leviticus book no longer followed by modern Christians, as it is essentially a book of historical Jewish laws.


Seems this thread dried up, but as a gay church-going Pagan, here are my thoughts.

From what I've read and know, the traditional Craft groups are more likely to be homophobic. This relates to the "dogma" of duality... day-night, male-female, that kind of duality... I think it's usually called something else, and my mind is tired and not working... nonetheless, I don't agree with this idea, anyway. Apparently heterosexism has also been an issue in Asatru, and other Pagan religions. I can't understand why Wiccans or Pagans, who are themselves a persecuted minority, would turn around and judge members of another minority. It's just stupid.

As for Christians, I'd say most are against homosexuality, usually quoting the Bible, but then again, scholars argue that most of those passages, when taken in context and explicated, have nothing to do with homosexuality as we understand it today (loving same-sex relationships), but with prostitution, idolatry, and/or rape. A growing number of Christians are realizing that there's no rational basis for the Church's age-old homophobia, one of them being author Anne Rice, who publicly chastized Christianity a couple months ago.

A number of church bodies, such as the Anglican Communion (which includes the Episcopal Church), the United Church of Christ, ELCA Lutherans, Quakers, and a few others, are overall very accepting of LGBT persons. The Metropolitan Community Church was begun by a gay pastor. And there are the Unitarians, who love everyone. :)

I think a lot of the ignorance and fear may result from not knowing or coming into contact with gay people. Some straight guys seem to think that all gay men desperately want to get them in bed, and this causes discomfort. Maybe they're not comfortable with their own sexuality and don't want it challenged. I don't know.... It seems in America anyway, gay men challenge the gender status quo... the whole macho/jock/athlete/manly/belching/tough guy image of what it means to be a man. it scares the crap out of some people.


I may add, and you may already know, that the Celtic Pagans/Druids had no problem with same-sex relationships. The Native Americans had the "berdache" or "winkte," a guy who basically lived as a woman and had a male partner, and was revered by the people.