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Horrorble! Her Life and Psyche Revealed!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
This interview of "Horrorble" will prove to be a gut-wrenching roller coaster ride into the very depths of her life and psyche -- an interview that will unmask her very deepest desires, her most fervent life goals, her skills, her talents, her passions, and her love of cheeses!

Rated R -- no one under the mental age of 18 may view this material.

Let's start with the first round of trenchant, insightful, probing questions:

(1) Is it true you wear clothing most of the time when outdoors during the winter months, and is that your secret shame?

(2) Given a choice between the color blue and a mild concussion, which music group and/or performing artist would you most like to eat supper with?

(3) Why haven't you celebrated your 30th Birthday yet, and is it because you're a hopeless procrastinator?

(4) What are the top two reasons you accept invites to parties? In order of importance to you, please.

(5) Is there any reason other than loathsome good sense that has prevented you from sending me the nude pics of you that I've repeatedly had the decency to beg you for?

(6) Where is "up" at this time in your life? Has the role it's played in your happiness increased or decreased over the years?

(7) In what three ways have you most benefited from attending an all girl's school while growing up?

(8) What several things do you most enjoy about living in London?

(9) How did you come up with your username? What does it mean to you?

(10) Has an intrinsic sense of decency ever prevented you from having your way with a tasty cheese, and why not? What are your favorite cheeses?

(11) When did you become a vegetarian, and why did you become a vegetarian? Also, please answer the same questions about your veganism.

(12) What role has Andrea Dworkin played in your life?

(13) You've said that you were raised in a Jehovah's Witness environment. Could you elaborate on that a bit, and perhaps explain to your audience exactly how that upbringing has influenced your thoughts on lunar exploration?

(14) Besides that Sunstone guy, who are four of your twelve favorite posters on RF? And why do you like each?

(15) Can you describe for us your ideal date, along with the palm tree it came from?

(16) Your artwork strikes me as naive, powerful, and perhaps even disturbing. Assuming that's a fair description of it, shouldn't you be doing more of it?

(17) You are a strikingly gorgeous woman with an unique style. Given that, what are your favorite animals, and what do you like most about each?

(18) When viewing films and movies, do you often feel a pressing desire to go sky diving, and if you did, would you find that strange? Why or why not?

(19) What is one of the defining moments of your life, and how has it influenced you?

(20) How did you find RF and what are the top two reasons you've regretted your stay here?

After you've answered those probing questions, we'll go a follow up round, eh?
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Well-Known Member
(1) Is it true you wear clothing most of the time when outdoors during the winter months, and is that your secret shame?

It is true :facepalm: though it's not my secret shame, I can't wait for summer so I can dress like a skank.

(2) Given a choice between the color blue and a mild concussion, which music group and/or performing artist would you most like to eat supper with?
It's a toss up between Anna Varney, Diamanda Galas, Lucas Lanthier and Ma Rainey.
But Varney may be too shy and cryptic, Galas too intelligent for me, Lanthier could probably suggest good reading material, and Rainey could tell me some interesting stories about her lesbian orgies, but she's dead.

(3) Why haven't you celebrated your 30th Birthday yet, and is it because you're a hopeless procrastinator?
a) I'm not 30 yet b) I am a hopeless procrastinator and c) I don't celebrate my birthday.

(4) What are the top two reasons you accept invites to parties? In order of importance to you, please.
Cake (oh wait that counts as food doesn't it?)
An excuse to dress up.

(5) Is there any reason other than loathsome good sense that has prevented you from sending me the nude pics of you that I've repeatedly had the decency to beg you for?
I fear that if I send you nude pics of me you would be so enthralled you wouldn't want to turn away from your computer screen, you would not eat, you would not sleep, and you'd become so discontent with life because you couldn't touch me that you'll start contemplating suicide.
Long story short, it's for your own good.

I need to start work soon, so will answer the rest later.
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Well-Known Member
(6) Where is "up" at this time in your life? Has the role it's played in your happiness increased or decreased over the years?
Up is no where to be seen right now, it's so far up I can not reach it and that has decreased my happiness over the years.

(7) In what three ways have you most benefited from attending an all girl's school while growing up?

1) I didn't feel in competition with other girls for male approval
2) I got to see a lot of boobs
3) boys are stupid and smell

(8) What several things do you most enjoy about living in London?
The free museums, the diversity and multiculturalism, there is always something to do in London if you have the money and are not boring like me.

(9) How did you come up with your username? What does it mean to you?
I thought of it when I was about 15, I was a sad goth, I am still am in a lot of ways, so I wanted a name that reflected that, and I still use it because I can't be bothered to think of anything else.

(10) Has an intrinsic sense of decency ever prevented you from having your way with a tasty cheese, and why not? What are your favorite cheeses?
No. I always have my way with a thick chunk of cheese, no shame.
Goat cheese is one of my favourites but I love them all and rarely remember names the morning after.

(11) When did you become a vegetarian, and why did you become a vegetarian? Also, please answer the same questions about your veganism.
I became a vegetarian about a year and a half ago roughly, and was a pescetarian from 10 years old. I've always had above average affection for other species and I came to the realisation I didn't want to eat them when I saw a stuffed hare. I asked my mum if I could be a vegetarian and she said I had to eat fish.

(12) What role has Andrea Dworkin played in your life?
She is my hero. Life started to make more sense when I read her work. She influenced my transition from some masochistic tendencies and made me more compassionate towards women in general. I admire her courage the most.
(13) You've said that you were raised in a Jehovah's Witness environment. Could you elaborate on that a bit, and perhaps explain to your audience exactly how that upbringing has influenced your thoughts on lunar exploration?
Sure, my mother was married to someone raised as a JW which is how she became interested in the organisation. She had me outside of wedlock with another JW man. She never got baptised herself but raised us with that belief system in mind. I also had a step dad for 6 years who was a weak JW. So I never went to field service (knocking on doors) but I also never went to any other place of worship beside the Kingdom Hall.
I did have several bible studies with a JW sister when I was a child. We studied "my book of bible stories" which is a watchtower publication for children and has a lovely image of a woman sitting on a rock clutching her baby about to be drowned in the flood.
It limited my mind so much I didn't even think about lunar exploration.

(14) Besides that Sunstone guy, who are four of your twelve favorite posters on RF? And why do you like each?
I don't like to make people feel good about themselves so I'll pass.
(15) Can you describe for us your ideal date, along with the palm tree it came from?
I like them in cakes and with double cream, I don't think about what palm tree it comes from.

(16) Your artwork strikes me as naive, powerful, and perhaps even disturbing. Assuming that's a fair description of it, shouldn't you be doing more of it?
Yes you're right I should be and your description is pretty accurate.

(17) You are a strikingly gorgeous woman with an unique style. Given that, what are your favorite animals, and what do you like most about each?
Thank you. I like wild cats I just find them awe inspiring. And gorillas, I like their way of life.

(18) When viewing films and movies, do you often feel a pressing desire to go sky diving, and if you did, would you find that strange? Why or why not?
I feel like I'm in the twilight zone for some strange reason.

(19) What is one of the defining moments of your life, and how has it influenced you?
When I first read Dworkin, made me more unpopular, but you probably want to know something else, too bad I've lived a boring life.

(20) How did you find RF and what are the top two reasons you've regretted your stay here?
I remember typing in something to do with Judaism in google (don't ask me what because I can't remember) then I found the forum and joined. I regret the fact I am addicted and now everyone has to be put up with me. Sorry.

After you've answered those probing questions, we'll go a follow up round, eh?
If you really are that bored with life, sure.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Round Two!

(1) What didn't you, Why didn't you, and How has it affected your life to date?

(2) If you were interviewing yourself, what question would you ask (that hasn't already been asked), and how would you answer it?

(3) What positive traits would you expect an adult of our species to possess?

(4) Is there a method to your madness? And if so, what is it?

(5) What are two of your favorite artists and what do you like about each?

(6) What are four very bad reasons to get married?

(7) Considering the many meanings we humans give life, what do you think of Greek Salads, and why?

(8) You sometimes have described yourself as "boring". Does that mean you're not going to tie dye your hair anytime soon?

(9) If the last thing you ever saw on earth were 72 people rapidly somersaulting towards you down a London street, would you regret never having sent me those nude pics of yourself that I've been begging you for?

(10) What is your secret super-power?

(11) What's the most famous way of taking a bath or shower?

(12) Of all the jobs in the world, which are the ones you're best suited for, and why?

(13) Is it appropriate for a couple to French kiss in public?

(14) How would you define, "Thripper"?

Possibly more questions to follow.


Well-Known Member
(1) What didn't you, Why didn't you, and How has it affected your life to date?

I know! I know! Too personal to say how it has affected my life.

(2) If you were interviewing yourself, what question would you ask (that hasn't already been asked), and how would you answer it?

Probably something really personal and inappropriate. Then I would tell myself "No no no, that's way too personal."

(3) What positive traits would you expect an adult of our species to possess?
I'm afraid I don't expect much from people.

(4) Is there a method to your madness? And if so, what is it?
Be on the extreme side of things it makes more of an impact.

(5) What are two of your favorite artists and what do you like about each?
Let me think about this a bit more and I'll get back to you.

(6) What are four very bad reasons to get married?
I think if you have any doubts at all don't get married, at least I will try to follow this rule.
Everyone is different but for me, I would not get married for financial security. Or just because the other person wants to get married or other people expect us to get married. I wouldn't get married just because it seems like the next step in a relationship. And I wouldn't get married just because I was pregnant.

(7) Considering the many meanings we humans give life, what do you think of Greek Salads, and why?
For the love of kittens!!! Only because I'm vegetarian doesn't mean I only eat salads Phil!
(8) You sometimes have described yourself as "boring". Does that mean you're not going to tie dye your hair anytime soon?
Yes it does, I may end up tie dying my hair in the future but not any time soon.

(9) If the last thing you ever saw on earth were 72 people rapidly somersaulting towards you down a London street, would you regret never having sent me those nude pics of yourself that I've been begging you for?
Nothing can ever happen to me that would make me regret it and that's because I care about you so much. If I sent you nudes you would become so enraptured with me, you would involve yourself in criminal activities like smuggling drugs in order to raise money to move to London. And what will become of you if you got caught? I can't do that to you babe.

(10) What is your secret super-power?
I have the ability to sleep for long periods of time.

(11) What's the most famous way of taking a bath or shower?
I can only guess it would include candles and essential oils and poorly written soft porn like 50 shades of grey.

(12) Of all the jobs in the world, which are the ones you're best suited for, and why?
A job where I could scribble something on a piece of paper and say "make this" I think they are called designers. I've been told I have ideas.

(13) Is it appropriate for a couple to French kiss in public?
No, but should I care?

(14) How would you define, "Thripper"?
A blunt knife.


Well-Known Member
(5) What are two of your favorite artists and what do you like about each?

OK this is such a difficult question to answer. A lot of the time I don't remember names or sometimes I may like one piece by an artist and not like much else. But I'll give you two anyway. Louise Bourgeois, probably because much of her art is in relation to her strained relationship with her father. And an artist in relation to RF Angelbert Metoyer, I like his method which is mostly just documenting his visions.


Active Member
~;> as they say
The sun of heaven,
methought, was loth to set,
But stayed, and made the western welkin blush


unto all always